The following
is a summary of Stephen Hawking's talk as printed by The Bulletin of the University of Toronto.
/ Taufik Rusdi
On April
29, 1980, I gave my inaugural lecture as the Lucasian Professor of mathematics at Cambridge.
My title was, Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics? I described the progress
we had already made in the last hundred years in understanding the universe and asked what the chances were that we would
find a complete unified theory of everything by the end of the century. Well, the end of the century is almost here. Although
we have come a long way, particularly in the last three years, it doesn’t look as if we are going to quite make it.
/R ; # " Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?... natural sciences ? ....
social sciences? ... science? ... development of human intelligent? .... development of the universe? ; And science said that the development of the universe and
human intelligent are synchronize ! We will see how the process of the development
of the universe ; According to Friedmann, the development of the universe follows
the development graph of that .... Mass density is equal to the critical value. The universe expand at a steady speed, just
fast enough to avoid re collapse. The speed at which the galaxies are moving
apart get smaller and smaller, although it never quite reaches zero; Ω =1 ;
A remarkable
feature of the first kind of Friedmann model is that in it the universe is not infinite
in space, but neither does space have any boundary. We shall see when one combines general relativity with the uncertainty
principle of quantum mechanics, it is possible for both space and time to be finite without any edges or boundaries. 5)
The initial
rate of expansion also would have had to be chosen very precisely for the rate of expansion still to be so close to the critical
rate needed to avoid re collapse. This means that the initial state of the universe must have been very carefully chosen indeed
if the hot big bang model was correct right back to the beginning of time. It
would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just
this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us".
6) ( By the way - say, it is for the first time scientist/ Hawking involve “God” in science; that “inflation” , the beginning of the creation of the universe, also of human being, at the time of t→
0+ , that one is the paradigm of which only Gods knows - human being not !)
We do not know
how many matter in this universe. As long as our investigation result in that matters found in the universe is not sufficient
enough to halt the universe expansion. That is why the universe will probably
expand forever. But if there is an extra dark of matter in nature which we have not yet detected, the universe is going to
re-collapse. But it would be the end of the universe and the end of time itself. There is not any way in continue-ing the
big crunch into a new big bang. But it is certain that if though the universe shrinkage, it will not crash down during 10
thousand million years ahead, since it has already been expanding for at least that long. 7) (But all we can really be sure
that the life span of the universe is 20 billion years; and Hawking does not agree with the oscillating universe ; the writer). Hence at the end of XXth century , at the half of the ages of the universe, look at the picture of Friedmann beside ,
say that the development of the universe ( synchronized with the development of human intelligent ) have saturated/
complete , have almost 90 % of its development and until the big crunch will only just
increase 2-3% ; Perhaps whoever will agree that the end in sight of theoretical
physics is just right now , at the half of the ages of the universe , at the end of
this XX century - which we may name as " ending epoch", ...... isn't it - scientist could have explained how God constructed the universe ? At this time , natural sciences have been complete;
# Theory of
HDA, Human Dynamical Analogies inform that the mathematical formulae of the behavioral
objectives of human being is equal
to, DA - Dynamical Analogies, the mathematical formulae of( electrical circuit)
natural science; And now social science
becoming much higher in level than natural science, because it is backed
up/ supported by ad-Din / Qur`an !
In my 1980
lecture I described how we had broken down the problem of finding a theory of everything into a number of more manageable
parts. First of all we had divided the description of the universe around us
into two parts. One part is a set of local laws that tell us how each region
of the universe evolves in time, if we know its initial state, and how it is affected by other regions. The other part is
a set of what are called boundary conditions. These specify what happens at the edge of space and time. They determine how
the universe begins and, maybe, how it ends.
; # We had broken down the problem of finding a theory of everything into a number of more manageable parts / chapters, systematically
; The ontology of TOE seem anthropic -ally attained & the epistemology of TOE systemized by making theories - such as below :
Chapter 1.Laws
& 2. God , then the sub chapters
; 1.1. Ten big Theories & 1.2.
Standard Measures ;
Sub sub chapters
; 1.1.1. Natural Sciences Theory & 1.1.2. Social Sciences Theory ; Sub sub sub chapters ; Quantum Cosmology Theory
: How is the Universe Constructed? & Unified Theory , and in social
sciences The HDA Theory; unified of natural & social sciences , and
Sciences & Religions are unified - compatible;
Sub sub sub
sub chapters ,→ →→ → a key for solutions
Sub sub sub
sub chapters ,→ →→ → test, verification
Sub sub sub
sub chapters ,→ →→ → emerging of God in science
The axiology
, is for the development of life.
Putting the
“sura / verse” = ( sura number / verse number) at every description of the
chapters ; sub ; sub sub; sub sub sub; sub sub sub sub chapters means one could attain the compatibility of science & religion ; As written below but in Arabic/ Indonesian
language; Just look up the sura / verse in the english Holy Koran - or just delay it!
# TOE;
1. LAW
Ten big Theories
Natural Sciences Theories
Quantum Cosmology Theory : How is the Universe Constructed? Boundary Condition ( a key for solution)
Tunnel, pre-Big Bang, No Boundary & Oscillating Universe (have to be
tested) Paradigm of Inflation; God’s condition/Mind
of making the Universe (emerging of God in science)
Unified Theories
Planck Energy ,where the 4 forces unified ; The mass, energy, gravitation
.... all are coming out from TheVacuum/ God
Geneva Test; George Smoot’s test. Quantum Fluctuation = the Vacuum/ God’s
Social Sciences Theories
The HDA Theory; unified of natural & social sciences
in their (electrical circuit theory & science that deal with man) properties
& the number of their variables (= a key for solution) Kandel’s Test is the pin point test/ verifications Spiritual Intelligence = Energy of the
Mind of God Sciences & Religions are unified
- compatible;,
Descriptions & Behavioral Objectives in Religions / Al Kitab explained/ equalized with science’s
Putting the “sura/verse” at every Scientific/ knowledge Definitions,
Descriptions (=compatibility)
The marginal, △t → 0 processes (Emerging of God Paradigm which is
certain/ determinant); God knows but you are not; it means Religion beyond Science - but in another sicon ( situation & condition)
- science having the capability in
explaining and predicting - means- Science beyond Religion ; they are azwajan/ complementary
pairs !
Standard Measures : The laws of science contain many fundamental numbers (standard
measures) , the remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been
very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life. .. One can take these either
as evidence of a devine purpose in Creation and the choice of the laws
of science or as support for
the strong anthropic principle.
2. GOD
Vacuum; having no dimension of space-time; zero energy & could transfer ∞ energy
The Mind of God, also called The Big Mind ; Laws/ Theories are construction of Mind.
The Axiology
of TOE : We have to fulfill, the Laws & the Standard Measure = the right
“Life & to live” =
implementation of World Peace - Welfare for all = individual attaining of the energy of 3 x 10 18 joules (seems analogous to 20 thousand thousand million dollars -
if hi = 100 ; HDA ) = responsibility of our existence
# Al ilm `ala Kulli Syai / TSS; TOE;
1. Al hukmu
/ Qur`an wa Sunnah / Hukum ; LAWS
1.1. Ayat - (3/19)+(2/213) = definisi sain ; the definition of science
‘Ilmu -‘ilmu ‘alam Tafakkaruu fi kholqi samawat wal ard (3 /191), Robbana kholaqta hadha maa batila (= haq/betul mutlak) (14 /48) selesai jagat raya lalu KUbuat yang baru sepertinya;
(71 /15 ) Ada 7 (=banyak)
langit bertahap tahap... (2/213) Tunjukkan faktanya/ bayinnahnya!
(18 /51) AKU tak mengangkat saksi kepada manusia dalam penciptaan univers ;(112/1-2) Allah/ the Vacuum asal sumber
dari semuanya; (18/39) Quwwata billah; (2 /147) Haq min Rabbika ;(2/216) AKU tahu - kau tidak ! Maiyatullah/ bersama Tuhan / HOLINESS
Gravitation -(36/38-39) syamsu tajri li mustaqorillaha; Electromagnetic forces-
(24/35) Allahu nuur ..... ; Forsa nuklir
kuat yang melekatkan kuark kuark ( /
) ; Forsa nuklir lemah penyebab
peluruhan Uranium ( / ) Alahussomad (112/2) Haq min Rabbika (2/147)
Syari`at Ayatina fii Anfushihim (41/53)
(8/22) yang terjelek yaitu yang hi-nya rendah (2/159) ... kebenaran jika ada ayatnya harus didakwahkan
(Azas Anthropic)
(29/69) ...Yang bersungguh sungguh/ jihad akan diberikan jalanNYA
Dia/ Imam Mahdi / kita orang abad XX , pewaris seluruh ilmu & menguasai
segenap pengetahuan = TSS (24/55) ... KUperkuat Din mu / dijelaskan ilmiah & ada dananya
Azas Anthropic , kebenaran yang ada ayatnya harus di dakwahkan (2/159)
TSS, sains / hukum telah komplit namun ada paradigma kebesaran Tuhan yang manusia
tak tahu – (36 /82) Inna ma amruhu
idha arada syaian an yaquulalahu kun fayaquun;(18/51)AKU tak menghadirkan manusia
untuk menyaksikan penciptaan univers
1.2. Mizan , ( 24 /55) anzalna Kitab wal mizan
; Jadi ada Hukum & Ukuran Standar/ mizan yang dibuat begitu determinant, sempurna
yang memungkinkan untuk berkembangnya kehidupan - rahmatan lil `alamiin
2. Tauhit;
Allah ahad
Allah Wujud .... Qidam, Baqo’
The Mind of God / `aqlullah / asmaul husna
Axiology :
(51 /56 ) Wa maa kholaqta jin wal insan illa liya’ buduun/ Manusia diciptakan agar mengabdi , yaitu memenuhi hukum dan mizanNYA; ( /
) Wa maa arsalnaka illa rahmatan lil`alamiin/ tiada lain agar terjadi Dunia Damai - rahmatan lil `alamiin !
R ; # .....
Seventy years ago, if Eddington is to be believed, only two peoples understood the general theory of relativity. ... If a complete unified theory was discovered, ...... We
would then be able to have some understanding of the laws that govern the universe and are responsible for our existence.
# Even if we do discover a complete unified theory, it would not mean that we would be able to predict events
in general, for two reason. The first is the limitation that the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics sets on our powers
of prediction. ... In practice, however, this first limitation is less restrictive than the second one. It arises from the
fact that we could not solve the equations of the theory exactly, except in a very simple situations. We already know the
laws that govern the behavior of matter under all but the most extreme conditions. In particular, we know the basic laws that
underlie all of chemistry and biology. Yet we have certainly not reduced these subjects to the status of solved problems;
we have, as yet, had little success in predicting human behavior from mathematical equations! So even if we do find a complete
set of basic laws, there will still be in the years ahead the intellectually challenging task of developing better approximation
methods, so that we can make useful predictions of the probable outcomes in complicated and realistic situations. A complete,
consistent, unified theory is only the first step; our goal is a complete understanding of the events around us, and of our
own existence.
Because of
that we have found the HDA, that Hawking never heard of it before, then in reality in TOE, we would then all be able to have
understanding, not only, the laws that govern the universe, chemistry & biology, but also, the laws that govern humanity
and Religion; And not only we have to develop the better approximation methods, but challenging us a task of collecting the standard measure/ mizan of nature and social,
that in TOE they are really emerging theoretically, showing themselves → so that we can make useful predictions
of the probable outcomes in complicated and realistic situations.
to Hawking’s inspiration above, that our goal is , first, a complete understanding
of the events around us , or, these time. According to Aristotle, Toynbee, Qur`an, Ronggowarsito ... F.Capra/ Schiller , Prigogine
... etc; ... the odious inequality that has hitherto been a distinguishing mark of civilization .... .....our society as a
whole finds itself in a similar crisis. We can read about its numerous manifestations every day in the news papers. We have
high inflation and unemployment, we have an energy crisis, a crisis in health care, pollution and other environmental disasters,
a rising wave of violence and crime, and so on. The basic thesis of my message is that these are all different facets of one
and the same crisis, and that this crisis is essentially a crisis of perception ....
Really critically stressed crises occurred, WTC crashed into the ABYSS and Terrorist Bomb in Bali ...
Tsunami in Aceh , ... Jogyakarta ... 20832 earth quake happened only in one year .... 826 million peoples suffer from starving
... aggressor to Afghanistan , Iraq,
Palestine without a clear reason ...
who won the 1977 Noble Prize for a theory that describes transformation,- the role of stress and `perturbations' that can
thrust us into a new, high order : " We are at a very exciting moment in history, perhaps a turning point." ; It is possible that we too are expressing a collective need, preparing for an evolutionary
leap? Physicist John Platt has proposed that humankind is now experiencing an evolutionary shockfront and `may emerge very
quickly into co-ordinated forms such as it has never known before .... implicit in the biological material all along, as surely
as the butterfly is implicit in the cartepillar.'
theory resolves the fundamental riddle of how living things has been running uphill in a universe that is supposed to be running
down. And the theory is immediately relevant to every day life - to people. It offers a scientific model of transformation
at every level. It explains the critical role of stress in transformation - and the impetus towards transformation inherent
in nature!
When the puzzles
and paradoxes cry out for resolution, a paradigm is due. Fortunately, a deep and powerful new explanation for rapid evolution
- biological, cultural, personal - is emerging.
And now
at the "Ending Process" human kind would transform into "ideal man" .... welfare for all ... rakhmatan lil `alamiin .....
world peace.
We have the
task to succeed those difficult enterprise; If we do not succeed , man will destroy himself by his halfway cleverness.
Probably, certainly
mathematical formula of the HDA for predicting human behavior, would become the
spear head for emerging of the complete theory or world upgrade transformation of Prigogine’s which would occurred in the near future ........ let’s together noting aphorism of Bertrand Russell , & Toynbee below ;
Not only will
men of science have to grapple with science that deal with man - but, and this is a far more difficult matter - they will
have to persuade the world to listen to what they have discovered. If they can not succeed in these difficult enterprise,
man will destroy himself by his halfway cleverness. I am told that, if he were out of the way, the future would lie with rats.
I hope they will find it a pleasant world, but I am glad I shall no be there." (Bertrand Russell)
Toynbee: "
... And it has surely come to stay with us as long, at any rate, as our new invention of applying mechanical power to technology;
for this sudden vast enhancement of man's ability to make non human nature (=DA, modern science & computer technology)
produce what man requires from her has (HDA to solve our “Life & to live”/ social crisis) for the first time
in history, made the ideal welfare for all a practical objectives instead of a mere utopian dream ...” ....... He said
again that every century has a special distinguishing mark such as XIIIth century’s Renaissance; Cartesian for XVth
century; Newtonian for XVIIth ; Einstenian for XIXth then for our ages XXth century is the age of welfare for all, rahmatanlil`alamiin ........ these mean we, every one, that
born at XXth century are responsible in upgrading - implementing - transforming
those ideal welfare for all into a fact resulting in .... World in Peace; Once again , the responsibility is only upon us
- not for peoples of the next centuries!
R ; #
Rehearsing as a refreshing ; "How is the Universe constructed ?" After we look around at all the time more or less, since
Aristotle 2500 years ago, all of the great SCIENTIST, chronologically, all over the world .. Ptolemeus, Kepler, ... Einstein,
Bohr, Schrὁdinger, Carl Sagan, John Wheeler, Paul Davis, Weinberg ... Baiqunni, Karlina .... they all can not
explaining it , except Hawking, but he was confused, as he explicitly states,
" ..... these
answers may seem as obvious to us as the earth orbiting the sun or perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of tortoises." 2) →
The universe has a beginning proved by Penzias & Wilson's measurement of the facts of the echo or big bang radiation,
in 1964, and now in 1992 by Cobe I. And No Boundary Proposal means - begin-less begin and endless end of the universe seem
have been verified by Cobe II. Paradox, means, these are ridiculous results !
But these of
the facts of the real world and the imaginary world are true, really exist at its time ! (really Absolute Right, due to referring
to the Vacuum which is absolute, which have no dimension of space-time - which is covariant wrt. general coordinate transformation
- Einstein, the writer).
islakh: ( Really Hawking forgot his paradigm → The anthropic principle is a quasi-metaphysical notion which implies
that, if a particular universe does not take on fundamental constants of Nature, which allow for the existence of life and
the development of intelligence, there will never be anyone to report its properties3));
Formulae is the leading role in these issue; Mathematical Model (MM) of the universe has 2 boundary conditions / God desire;
1. Einstein
General Relativity.
2. No boundary
of the space - time.
Hawking forgot
with the quantum description of Bohr. If in room -1, situation-1, one can not
using its paradigm (in singularities) then we must change to the other room-2 → the law of the quantum cosmology. Then
we find of the two facts , anthropically - the way it is, the real world & the imaginary world/ the here-after as shown
at figure beside , those are the absolute truth due to they refer to the vacuum / THE REALITY that are absolute in its space-time.
We found that
nature contains many fundamental numbers (=standard measure as ISO). These standard numbers have been very finely adjusted
to make possible the development of life. We found also the meaning of the relativity
and the absolute thing, anthropically. With the last thing we could found and define THE GOD scientifically.
upgrading of these above, on base of the anthropic principle and Bertrand Russell aphorism, must be shared to Stephen Hawking;
These would be merely influencing political and social destiny of human being, complex idea of opinion with practical implications
that has never been before.
R ; # Yet if
there really is a complete unifiedtheory ,(1) It would also presumably determine our actions. → That Hawking & Taufik
making this manuscript ; constructing manageable parts / chapters, systematically
, so that the wholeness approach could be made and easily comprehendsible to
every one.
(2) And so
the theory itself would determine the outcome of our search for it ! →
for then we would know the mind of God.1) .. due to that we could explain the question “Why is it that we and the universe exist?”
(3) We might
expect that the reasoning abilities that natural selection has given us (analog Kuhn’s that the condition out of science
will help) would be valid also in our search for a complete unified theory ,
and so would not lead us to the wrong conclusions → We would be given a second chance to start our life again to start
the world afresh ; Why not ? For the next due to our HDA , one would know the rule for “Life and to live” scientifically
Once we understand
the whole we can go to part, if we start from parts we will never understand to whole, that is why now we will deal with the
parts → sub, sub sub , sub sub sub chapters below :
Dealing with
1.1.1. Natural Science Theory ;
the early 1960s the forces that were known to physics were classified into four categories that seemed to be separate and
independent of each other. The first of the four categories was the gravitational
force. The second of the four categories into which the forces were divided is
the electromagnetic force, which is carried by a particle called the photon.
The attractions
and repulsions between the particles in two large bodies will cancel each out almost exactly, unlike the gravitational forces
between the particles, which will all be attractive. That is why one falls towards the Earth, and not towards a television
set. On the other hand, on the scale of molecules and atoms, with only a relatively small number of particles, electromagnetic
forces dominate gravitational forces utterly. On the even smaller scale of the nucleus of an atom, a trillionth of a centimetre, the third and fourth categories, the weak and strong nuclear forces, dominate
other forces.
and electromagnetism are described by what are called field theories, in which there are a set of numbers at each point of
space and time that determine the gravitational or electromagnetic forces. When I began research in 1962, it was generally
believed that the weak and strong nuclear forces could not be described by a field theory. But reports of the death of field
theory proved to be an exaggeration. A new type of field theory was put forward by Chen Ning Yang and Robert Mills. In 1967
Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg showed that a theory of this type could not only describe the weak nuclear forces but could
also unify them with the electromagnetic force. I remember this field theory being treated with great scorn by most particle
physicists. However, it agreed so well with experiments that the 1979 Nobel
Prize was
awarded to Salam, Weinberg and Glashow, who had proposed similar unified theories. The Nobel committee took quite a gamble
because the final confirmation of the theory didn’t come until 1983, with the discovery of the W and Z particles. (That
is to say, the W and Zed particles, for those of us who are British and don’t use an American speech synthesizer.)
The success
sparked a search for a single "grand unified" Yang-Mills theory that would describe all three kinds of force. Grand unified
theories are not very satisfactory. Indeed, their name is rather an exaggeration. They are not that grand as theories because
they contain about 40 numbers that cannot be predicted in advance but have to be adjusted to agree with experiments. One would
hope the ultimate theory of the universe is unique and does not contain any adjustable quantities. How would those values
have been chosen? But the most powerful objection to the grand unified theories was that they weren’t fully unified.
They didn’t include gravity and there wasn’t any obvious way of extending them so that they did. It may be that
there is no single fundamental theory. Instead there may be a collection of
different theories, each of which works well in certain situations. Different theories agree with each other where their regions
of validity overlap. Thus they can all be regarded as different aspects of the same theory. But there may be no single formulation
of the theory that can be applied in all situations.
physics may be like mapping the Earth. One can accurately represent a small region
of the Earth’s surface, as a map on a sheet of paper. But if one tries
to map a larger region, one gets
because of the curvature of the Earth. It is not possible to represent every point on the Earth’s surface on a single
map. Instead one uses a collection of maps, which agree in the regions
where they
Dealing with
; Unified Theories;
From the above
we could understand the definition , properties and characteristic of those 4
forces ; Particles of the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would
be unified with other forces -- there are predictions that can be tested at lower energies. Planck
Energy ,where the 4 forces unified ; The mass, energy, gravitation .... all are coming out from The vacuum / God : For now,
we would investigate ; Where do those 4 forces come from ?
Gravity : At
the moment of inflation where the Vacuum creating the matter of the universe
coming from the quantum fluctuation energy of the Vacuum, that is why producing the complementarity of the matter of positive
energy , E = mc2 that is the gravity of minus energy ; These 2 positive & negative energy are complementarity pairs -
means the summation = 0 ! Just remember that the energy of the universe & the Vacuum both are zero. Briefly one can say
that the minus energy or the gravity comes from the Vacuum.
: Light or the electromagnetic wave is a bundle of energy which is called photon (Einstein); All in this universe , including
light & gravity could be described by particle (Hawking) → coming from the Vacuum!
Weak Nuclear
Forces : The third category is called the weak nuclear force , which is responsible for radioactivity and which acts on all
matter particles of spin ½ , but not on particle of spin 0, 1, or 2, such as photons and graviton. .... .... That in addition
to the photon there were 3 other spin-1
particles ,known collectively as massive vector bosons , that carried the weak
force. These particle were called W+ (W plus), W- (W minus) and Z0 (Z naught), and each of which having the mass at about 100GeV [1GeV (giga electron volt) = one
billion electron volts]. Theory of Weinberg- Salam exhibits a property known as spontaneous symmetry breaking.
→ there were 3 other spin-1 particles ,known collectively as massive vector bosons
, that carried the weak force .... means the weak force /particle are coming from the Vacuum !
Strong nuclear
force : The fourth category is the strong nuclear force , which hold s the quarks together in the proton and neutron, and holds the proton and neutron, and holds the protons and neutron together in the nucleus of
an atom. It is believed that this force is carried by another spin-1 particle , called the gluon , which interacts only with
itself and with the quarks.... → In another words , that strong nuclear
force/ particle are coming from the Vacuum !
So , those
4 forces are coming from the Vacuum = the quantum fluctuation ! Geneva test ......
we must wait for it !
The progress
that has been made in unifying gravity with the other forces has been entirely theoretical. This has led to charges from people
like John Horgan that physics is dead because it has become just a mathematical game, not related to experiment. But I don’t
agree. Although we can’t produce particles of the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would be unified with other forces -- there are predictions that can be tested at lower energies. The Superconducting
Super Collider that was being built in Texas would have reached these energies but it was
cancelled when the U.S. went through a
fit of feeling poor. So we shall have to wait for the Large Hadron Collider that is being built in Geneva.
George Smoot
test ; Verification of that the universe , the big bang singularity , those 4
forces , all in this universe , including light & gravity , are coming out from the Vacuum / quantum fluctuations - in
other words - detected tiny temperature variations of the order of about one-hundred-thousandth of degree in the background
radiation. According to computer generated plots of the entire sky, the temperature
was minutely higher in the direction of the large galactic clusters and slightly
lower in the great cosmic voids.
But the big
news was still to come Cobe II used a sensitive differential microwave radiometer (DMR) which doesn’t measure the absolute
temperature of the radiation at a given point in the sky; rather, it measures the different in temperature between two points
. The Cobe I single antenna gives the answer : ‘ The temperature at a point A is 2.725 degree ‘. But the Cobe
II dual antenna differential radiometer gives the answer : ‘ The temperature different between point A and B is 0.002
degree ‘.
...... However
both the big bang singularity and quantum fluctuation could be proved if very accurate absolute and extremely sensitive differential
measurements were made of the cosmic background radiation. This was George Smoot’s
project - to look for evidence of ripples in space time of the 300 000 years old Universe . In April 1992 , after more than
2 years of data collecting and analysis , Smoot and his team make a dramatic announcement. The Cobe satellite had detected
tiny temperature variations of the order of about one-hundred-thousandth of degree in the background radiation.
to computer generated plots of the entire sky, the temperature was minutely higher
in the direction of the large galactic clusters and slightly lower in the great
cosmic voids.
COBE Hotspots:
The Oldest Structures Known Credit: DMR, COBE, NASA, Two-Year Sky Map Explanation: Above is a microwave image of the entire sky. The plane of our galaxy runs
horizontally through the center. This historic all-sky map is based on the first two years of data from NASA's COsmic Background
Explorer (COBE) satellite. After computer processing to remove contributions from nearby objects and the effects of the earth's
motion, the map shows temperature variations in the early Universe as red "spots". These spots are the oldest, most distant
structures known. As our Universe expanded and cooled, conglomerations of mass formed. The COBE images confirm that only a
million years after the big-bang - which occurred roughly 15 billion years ago - parts of the universe were visibly hotter
than other parts. By studying the size and distribution of the spots found with COBE and future missions, astronomers hope
to learn what matter and processes caused the spots to form - and hence determine the composition, density, and future of
our Universe. Quantum Fluctuation = the Vacuum’s / God’s
# Stephen Hawking. At one particular meeting with the English professor of quantum
physics, Freddy throw his disagreement concerning about the creation of the universe. According to Hawking, universe created spontaneously
by the effect of quantum fluctuation. But, according to Freddy, if there is quantum fluctuation , hence there is energy generating the fluctuation. '' I enquire, where do the coming of the energy if the universe formed spontaneously?'' .... The World scientist
kept quiet - no reply ....
R; Energy of
quantum fluctuation is coming out from the Vacuum (= the Shape/ Wujud of Allah / God)
By the way
Hawking ever questioning ; “Who created God ? .. R; Who created the Vacuum /God ? Of course none !
After the success
with the Cobe II , G. Smoot cries ..... “It ‘s like seeing God !”
THE SUPREME - TAUHID : Science; ......In former days our grand grand fathers
thought that the earth is flat but anthropic - we see the world the way it is
- the earth is round like a tennis ball
... out side it there is atmosphere ... or space ... ; The space, sky, heaven that contained 10 billions of stars is
our Galaxy Bimasakti/ Milky-way .... ee in the reality, it is like a disk, flat like a discus or CD - disk (= 2 dimension
- due to inflation or its mass is big and much - Einstein’s) and out side
it, is a space ( 3 dimension) ; ....
10 billions of galaxies, those CD disks in the sky are the universe and due to
paradigm of inflation , anthropic - we see the world the way it is - the universe
is flat like a CD disk too, but of course out side it is the Vacuum creating (the creator/
al khaliq, as all is depend/ coming out from the Vacuum , ashomadu/ Arab
lang.) the universe (which is created/ makhluk, Arab lang.)
Foto: 1. The
earth is like a ball ; 2. The Galaxy is flat like CD; 3. All galaxies are flat too like CD - CD floating in the space ; 4.
The universe is flat too like CD but floating not in the space except in the Vacuum
Religion ;
(7/7) - “......... wa ma kunna ghaibiin = I am not Gaib / Invisible !! “ In the small scale, say, in the space
around us, really the Vacuum is Gaib/ invisible (= the Vacuum & the space are united); Otherwise in the large scale the
Vacuum and the space are parted ( the flat universe is floating in the Vacuum).
Imam Bagir
: “ .... God shows up HIS appearance in order one could know his RABB “ ; .... There someone ask ; “ Is
it visible with our eyes ? “ .... the answer is “Yes !”
Science & Religion ; ( 112/ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4) - 1. God is one/ single= the Vacuum ; 2. Ashomadu = energy, mass, gravitation
.... all are coming out from the Vacuum/ God ; .
3. HE/ the Vacuum begets not, nor is HE begotten ; 4. None comparable to HIM / the Vacuum
# Science is
complementary pairs with Religion ; Einstein ...... And still Einstein persevered in his lonely combat against quantum theory. Increasingly he began to emphasize that quantum theory challenges another fundamental scientific
belief about reality. It implies that you may have to take virtually the whole universe (=GOD) into account when seeking the
true causes of a physical event. Einstein said you didn't have to. ...... But at these “Ending Epoch” , that the
end in sight of science is just right now , at the half of the ages of the universe , at the end of this XX century - ...... isn't
scientist could have explained how
God constructed the universe ? At this time , science have been complete; Then really occurred
emerging of God in science due to inflation paradigm ! (Hawking’s Boundary Condition)
While in Religion
, at the beginning one have to believe in God and His Ayat/ Laws and the standard measure / mizan without any reason ; RI
- Rational Intelligent has to be delayed ......... But at this ending epoch ,it is said that Religion/al Din is Aql/Mind -
means - religion must be explained by sciences (3/19 & 2/213) in order it ( Life & to live) is comprehendsible to
every ones.
We had broken
down the problem of finding a theory of everything into a number of more manageable parts / chapters, systematically ; So, we have to change it into its complementary pairs parts / chapters such as below;
# Al ilm `ala Kulli Syai / TSS / /TOE :
(1). Tauhit;(112/1,2,3,4)
1.God is one/single ; 2.All depend on HIM ; 3. HE begets not, nor is HE begotten 4.
None comparable to HIM
Allah Wujud .... Qidam, Baqo’; GOD have a Shape ..... The beginning and the ending; Having no dimension of space - time
- Beginless begin, Endless end; Dhohiru wa Batinu ..
The Mind of God / `aqlullah / asmaul husna ; The Big Mind is the Mind of God the first creation
of HIM and the universe is the second one.
(2). Al hukmu
/ Qur`an wa Sunnah / Hukum ;Laws:
(2.1). Mizan , ( 24 /55) anzalna Kitab wal mizan
; So there are Laws and Standard Measure/
mizan which are very finely ajusted , so determinant which allow for the existence of life and
the development of intelligence ..... rahmatanlil `alamiin . .... World Peace.
(2.2). Ayat - (3/19)+(2/213) = the definition of science involved there
Syari`at = social science
( Ayatina fii Anfushihim (41/53) ... the laws are also valid for humanity
(29/69) ...Who strive hard ... WE will most certainly guide them
( (2/159) ...Who conceal the truth - that We revealed after We made it clear in the Book / Qur`an for men - all shall curse them
(= Anthropic principles)
(8/22) The vilest of someone ,in Allah’s sight, are the deaf (h1,morality
is low) ,the dumb (h2, deed/ amal is low ) and who do not understand (h3, IQ, worldliness is in low level) → their
hi are low !
He/ Imam Mahdi / we that born at the age of XXth century, could become the legacy
of all sciences and dominating of all knowledge = TOE.
TOE, science / Laws have been complete but there is paradigm of the greatness
of God that we human do not understand – (36 /82) His command when He intends
anything, is only to say to it : Be , so it is; (18/51)I did not make them witness of the creation of the heavens and the earth , nor of the creation of their own souls; nor could I take
those who lead (others) astray for aiders
Azas Anthropic , the truth that We made clear in the al- Kitab must be shared (2/159)
(24/55) ... He will most certainly establish for them their religion .....
‘Ilmu -‘ilmu ‘alam
( Maiyatullah/ bersama Tuhan / HOLINESS
( Haq min Rabbika (2/147)
( Alahussomad (112/2)
Gravitation -(36/38-39) the sun runs on to a term appointed for it ..; Eletromagnetic forces- (24/35) Allahu nuur = God is light .....;
Strong nuclear forces that binding the quarks (
/ ) ; Weak nuclear forces
(3/191) .... those reasoning, reflecting, on the creation of the heavens and the earth - universe - Our Lord ! Thou has created this is absolutely right (= maa batil = not guilty = absolute
( (18/51) I did not make them witness of the creation of the universe , nor of the creation of them .....
(2/213) ... that it might judged between people in the Book in which differed
; and none but the very people who given it differed about it after clear arguments ( the Facts) had come to them,
revolting among themselves (3/19)
... in this verse, not the facts but the
knowledge that come !
(14/48) On the day when the earth shall be changed into a different earth , and
the heavens (as well) , and they shall come forth before Allah, the One,
the Supreme
As I said,
even if we find a complete unified theory, either in a single formulation, or as a series of overlapping theories, we will
have solved only half the problem. The unified theory will tell us how the universe evolves in time, given the initial state.
But the theory does not in itself specify the boundary conditions at the edge of space and time that determine the initial
state. This question is fundamental to cosmology. We can observe the present state of the universe and we can use the laws
of physics to calculate what it must have been at earlier times. But all that tells us is that the universe is as it is now
because it was as it was then. We cannot understand why the universe is the way it is unless cosmology becomes a science,
in the sense it can make predictions. And that requires a theory of the boundary conditions of the universe. Quantum
Cosmology Theory : How is the Universe Constructed? Boundary Condition ( a key for solution)
take a look at Schrôdinger equation , there are 2 boundary condition ; 1. V = .5 kx2 ; and 2 .V = Ze2/(4πεor) ; By the first boundary V = .5 kx2
resulting E =nhν , wave phenomenon ; By the second boundary V = Ze2/(4πεor)
, resulting p = h/ λ , particle having an energy
We cannot understand
why the universe is the way it is unless cosmology becomes a science, in the sense it can make predictions. And that requires
a theory of the boundary conditions of the universe ;
Formulae is the leading role in these issue; Mathematical Model (MM) of the universe has 2 boundary conditions / God desire;
1. Einstein
General Relativity.
2. No boundary
of the space - time.
The most general
physical properties of any system must be expressed in complementary pairs of variables, each of which can be better defined
only at the expense of the corresponding loss of the other definition. If the definition is not complete, then they are compatible
Hawking forgot
with the quantum description of Bohr. If in room -1, situation-1, one can not
using its paradigm (in singularities) then we must change to the other room-2 → the law of the quantum cosmology. Then
we find of the two facts , anthropically - the way it is, the real world & the imaginary world/ the here-after as shown
at figure beside , those are the absolute truth due to they refer to the vacuum / THE REALITY that are absolute in its space-time.
The first 20
billions is the real universe; The imaginary universe is the oscillating universe, which have no boundary either space or
time (= Hawking’s “no boundary”)
There have
been various suggestions for the initial conditions of the universe, such as
the tunneling hypothesis and the so-called pre-big bang scenario. But in my opinion by far the most elegant is what Jim Hartle
and I called the no-boundary proposal. This can be paraphrased as, the boundary condition of the universe is that it has no
boundary. In other words space and imaginary time together are curved back on themselves to form a closed surface like the
surface of the Earth but with more dimensions. The surface of the Earth has no
boundary, either. There are no reliable reports of someone falling over the edge of the world.
The no-boundary
condition and the other theories are just proposals for the boundary conditions of the universe. To test them we have to calculate
what predictions they make and compare them with the new observations that are coming in. At the moment, the observations
are not good enough to distinguish between these different kinds of maps. But new observations in the next few years may settle
the question. This is an exciting time in cosmology. My money is on the no boundary condition. It is such an elegant explanation,
I’m sure God would have chosen it.
Tunnel, pre-Big Bang, No Boundary & Oscillating Universe (have to be tested)
There have
been various suggestions for the initial conditions of the universe, such as
the tunneling hypothesis and the so-called pre-big bang scenario - No Boundary & Oscillating universe;
To test them
we have to calculate what predictions they make and compare them with the new observations that are coming in:
At this moment, our observations would be intense only at the real expanding universe having
life span of 20 billions of years ; Which is called The Real World !
Using Mathematical Model (MM) of the universe , that is , Einstein General Relativity; and
though we already know the laws that govern the behavior of matter under all
but the most extreme conditions → those are the prime mover of the inflation and the big crunch;
Using General
Relativity, Hawking & Penrose showed that the classical concept of time must have begun with a singularity at the Big
Bang and thus the universe existed at one time in a hot, dense state. In 1964 measurement of the facts of the echo or big
bang radiation by Penzias & Wilson. And now the detectors of Cobe I were looking at the remnant of the hot, dense state
of the early universe which we call the big bang and also traced out a near perfect thermal radiation curve for a back ground
temperature of 2,725̊ degrees C above absolute zero. 12) ....... Thus Universe have a beginning is scientifically
right !
to Friedmann, the development of the universe follows the development graph of
that .... mass density is equal to the critical value. The universe expand at a steady speed, just fast enough to avoid re collapse. The speed at which the galaxies are moving apart get smaller and smaller,
although it never quite reaches zero; Ω =1 ;
All those theoretical
above are fulfilled/ verified by Hubble’s expanding universe (1930) - Hubble
Telescope in the space - Cobe I - and WMAP Science Team , NASA
A rosary of the real worlds
The Real World
The Imaginary World
Inflating the
Credit: WMAP
Science Team, NASA
The Universe is expanding gradually now. But its initial expansion was almost impossibly rapid as it likely grew from quantum
scale fluctuations in a trillionth of a second. In fact, this cosmological scenario, known as Inflation, is now reported to
be further quantified by an analysis of three years of data from the WMAP spacecraft. WMAP's instruments detect the cosmic
microwave background radiation - the afterglow light from the early Universe. WMAP's amazing success in exploring the first
trillionth of a second and favoring specific inflationary scenarios lies in its ability to make unprecedented, precise measurements
of the properties of the microwave background. The subtle properties are distilled from conditions in the early Universe and
related to its first moments of existence. Schematically, this diagram traces the 13.7 billion year (plus a trillionth of
a second ...) history of the Universe from the quantum scale to the formation of stars, galaxies, planets, and WMAP.
The Imaginary
World ; Tunnel, pre-Big Bang, No Boundary & Oscillating Universe Boundary Condition hypotheses are all predicting The
Imaginary World of the figure above → these are the much number of The Real Worlds and never reaching infinity in numbers
but sitting around each other .... visualizing they are making a rosary / tasbih (Arab lang.) ; Hawking & Wienberg reject
the oscillating universe due to its energy would reaching infinity, but we know that the rosary is only much numbers of the
real world , that’s why the energy is finite (Paul Davies). And the real
world which is expanding and having a beginning had been verified by Hubble’s
expanding universe (1930) - Hubble Telescope in the sky - Cobe I - and WMAP Science Team , NASA;
Those individual of the rosary - the real world - are the same thing, that’s why the
oscillating - rosary of those real world is automatically verified too ! And
just imagine that the rosary - The Imaginary World - has it a boundary for its
space & time ? It has not !
Hawking ‘s ; “This is an exciting time in cosmology. My money is on the no boundary condition. It is such an elegant
explanation, I’m sure God would have chosen it”.
R: “Yes”
Those Tunnel
& pre big bang theories are hypotheses predicting process in producing
the same real world; Probably those 4 theories seem would be right! → Thus
they can all be regarded as different aspects of the same theory. Paradigm of Inflation; God’s condition/Mind of making the Universe (emerging
of God in science)
We already
know the laws that govern the behavior of matter under all but the most extreme conditions. ( = Inflating the Universe) ;The Universe is expanding gradually now. But its initial expansion was almost impossibly
rapid as it likely grew from quantum scale fluctuations in a trillionth of a second. In fact, this cosmological scenario,
known as Inflation ; The initial state of the universe must have been very carefully chosen indeed if the hot big bang model
was correct right back to the beginning of time. It would be very difficult to
explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act
of a God who intended to create beings like us.
The laws of
science contain many fundamental numbers (standard measures) , the remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem
to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life. .. One can take these either as evidence of a
devine purpose in Creation or the choice of the laws of science ; HIS purpose in creating the universe is very simple (oscillating
universe) that is ; “ After and after finishing the universe (it would
be the end of the universe and the end of time itself) - I make the same new one” ;
Look at Qur`an sura 14 - verse 48 !
We have, as
yet, had little success in predicting human behavior from mathematical equations! (Hawking) - Due to none knowing the HDA
theory but me; Though I have sharing it in the last 20 years, to Universities , LIPI, BPPT,
Robitah `Alam Islami Mecca, Pakistan, Asian Physics/ Faraday Meeting, England ....etc,
but no respond at all; Probably those aren’t the right time but now !
LAW IN THE BRAIN” is my presentation in the 200 years Faraday’s Birth Commemoration in 1991; The objectives of
the work is one of the verification of the HDA theory, that is, the agreement between the measurement result of the voltage
in the synapses of the neuron in the brain and the mathematical model of the HDA theory; One can take a look at its file (FARBRAINV1.PDF) in my publishment in the internet !
1.1.2. Social
Sciences Theories ; Social scientist is working only with inductive approach not deductive approach that’s why they
have, as yet, had little success!
(Einstein’s) . The
HDA Theory; unified of natural & social sciences; Human behavior and dynamical behavior of the nature to be united by the HDA theory; These was my little contribution
to the complete unified theory .
HDA theory,
Human Dynamical Analogies theory; With DA - Dynamical Analogies theory scientists unite those
Electrical- Mechanical - Physical behavior, due to their mathematical
models (MM) are the same ; while human and natural behaviors are united due to
that they have 5 variables and those 5 natural variables having the same characteristics with those 5 human variables
Rollo Handy,
1964: "The discovery of an analogy between human behavior and the behavior of some other system, (whether computer, solar
system, meteorological system etc.) make some inquirers quite convinced that a revolutionary step forward either has been
taken or is about to be taken; But as often happens, the initial enthusiasm may be followed by disillusionment (R. Handy,
Methodology of ...., 1964, p.46) .
long ago, thousands years before Christ since Greeks civilization, the philosopher and psychology have used those three division; the behavioral objectives
of cognitive, psychomotor & affective behaviors.
Psychomotor behavioral objective/ `H_2` has a basic meaning of discharging (energy) the sulton/
worldliness they have, could be expressed in many of behavioral objectives; social activity/ `h_21`, teaching the
truth/ `h_22`, Avoid vain talk/ `h_23`, To fulfill one promise/ `h_24` , Active in deed of charity/ `h_25`, industrious/ `h_26` , Avoid destruction/ `h_27`,
abstain from hypocrite/ `h_27`, Abstain from stolen items/ `h_29`, Abstain from prostitution/ `h_210` .........could be continued ...
Behavioral Objective/ `h_1`=`H_1 has a basic meaning of that individual is willing
to receives , responds any existence of challenges/ stimulus challenging one; with indicators we could find as: believe/ `h_11`
, Not emotional/ `h_12`, pray/ sholat/ `h_13` , Not egoist/ `h_14`, Love/ `h_15`, Avoid transgression/ `h_16`, Abstain from
proud/ `h_17`, Abstain from hypocrites/ `h_18`, Abstain from stolen items/ `h_19`, Abstain from prostitution/ `h_110` .......
Cognitive Behavioral
Objective has a basic meaning of that individual tend to opposes/ solves any challenges/ problems with worldliness/ sulthon
they have; worldliness/sulton divides into 5 sorts : science/ `S3_1`, Richness/ `S3_2`, Power/ `S3_3`, Friends/
`S3_4`, Healthy Body/ `S3_5`, and these item potentials under stood/calculated by the individual and puts it in the Brain
memory = cognitive potential.
in their (electrical circuit theory & science that deal with man) properties & the number of their variables (= a key for solution); Kandel’s Test is the pin point test/ verifications
.... VERIFICATION OF HDA: From observation research then discovered, that nature and human system having 5 variables and those
properties are precisely the same; Construction of Hypothesis; After deduction, is there any consequence of it? Then, come
the verification, Is the MM consistent with their measurement of the
"saw" voltage in the synapses?
With pin point,
or, exact and accurate verification then professor Baiqunni agrees and saying with his alluring eyes OK, all right, after
I, the writer, show those two "saw voltage" are in agreement!
" At the time
of the saw pulses of voltage in the neuron crosses the abscissa is the time of the one understand the answer of the problem
to be solved." The hardware of the mind is the brain, while the software
is the formulae of the R - C - L series with pulses of voltage at the input.
"Where is the
mind?" Probably, the verification of the HDA theory, that is, the behavior of the thought of the one understanding or not
understand that abstracted by the MM of HDA that match with its measurements ( measured in the synapses cleft of the neuron
by US scientist) is the answer where is the mind?; So, the manipulation of the mind is in the neurons of our brain !! 6) Spiritual Intelligence = Energy of the
Mind of God
On the problem
of “understand” - “mind” → our entire view depend on it :
neurobiolog Hubel (1979), before starting to write his SCIENTIFIC message about
"the Brain"; Questioning first about the definition or the meaning of the words "mind"
& "understand" :
Can the brain
understand the brain? Can it understand mind?
I think the difficulties with questions such as these are semantic. They are loaded with words such as "understand"
and "mind", useful words for many purposes but fuzzy at the edges and out of place when they are applied to questions such
as these, which they render either meaningless or unanswerable.
The problem
comes when we ask about understanding, because such a word carriers with it the implication of a sudden revelation or dawning,
the existence of a moment when we might be said to leave the darkness of the tunnel. It is not clear to me that there can
be such a moment, or that we will know when it comes.4
The Mind:
# The principle
of epistemology are at the differentiation between the knowledge through concept
or conceptualization and the knowledge through presentation. Accurately differentiation between the knowledge based on concept
in mind about something that not present in mind, with the knowledge on based of something present by itself in mind and which
its existence is not separated from the knowledge of it.
That is explained
more about emanation (= dwelling in human mind) in cosmology as correlated with the knowledge - God present.
In short →
"I"/ mind, is split-ted in two : 1. I per formative / performer. 2. I metaphysics,
correlated with the knowledge that "present".
: MIND : (Lat. mens) Mind is used in two principal senses : (a) The individual Mind is the Self or Subject which perceives,
remembers, imagines, feels, conceives, reasons, wills, etc. and which is functionally related to individual bodily organism.
(b) Mind, generically considered, is a metaphysical substance which pervades all individual minds and which is contrasted
with matter or material substance. - Ledger Wood
# Scientist,
Paul Davies concerning the Law (mind) , questioning, where do it come from, who create it? But it’s clear we can enlist its properties , those are; 1.
Universal, exist in anywhere & whenever, 2. Absolute, do not lean / refer to something
else, 3. Eternity, haven’t dimension either space or time, and 4. Authority, dealing with everything, even the God must bows. The law is the construction of Mind .
there is a route to knowledge (such as through mysticism or revelation) that bypass or transcends human reason.
S.Kuhn ;" ...... The same example would illustrate the way in which conditions outside the science (God) may influence the
range of alternatives available to the man who seeks to end a crisis by proposing one or another revolutionary reform. (1962)
By the HDA
it is very easy to know that there are 4 approach which one can understand:
Scientist always
using RI- Rational Intelligence approach then they could arguing and explaining
in scientific approach. After we could comprehend the meaning of "understand" from those figures above , then the meaning
of RI & EI from those saw - figures could be easily grasped:
One's Q →
Q = 1/R √ (L/C) or Q = 0,005 hx(h2 x h3)
does not understand→ Q=0,0045→ 0,005 x 3 √ ( 3 x 3 ) = 0,045 (n=22, there are 22 teeth)
(1) . RI :
Rational Intelligent → Q= 0,5→ 0,005 x10√( 10 x 10 ) = 0,5
(n=2, only 2 teeth.)
(2) . EI: Emotional
Intelligent → Q = 0,5→ 0,005 x 33√(3 x 3) = 0,5 , so though he is dull with h3 =3, then due to he has Q
= 0,5 so the saw voltage of 15 mV , would become zero quickly with 2 teeth in 1 second, that's he has understood well ! The
voltage of ERP (event related potentials) 8 mV in almost 1 second going down to zero , one can say he understand!
(3) . PI -
Psychomotor Intelligent : From the formulae Q =0,5 → 0,005 x 3 (370 x 3) = 0,5 it means that the dull &
emotional individual but dilligent in excerci sing of playing tennis/ soccer/
dance or the others, means that the psychomtor agent increasing drastically or the Q becomes, Q=0,5, this means, the individual
understand or professional in playing those they have learned hard.
(4) SI - Spiritual
Intelligent ; Emanation (= dwelling in human mind) - Huduri (Arab lang.)
The problem
of meditation would be - the coming of rewards - or, the answer of the problem, or, something coming from outside that really
present into our consciousness, "Hudhuri" → the Mind of God present! If
present, then all of the problems seem would be solved! Sciences & Religions are unified
- compatible;
Paul Davies
: ...... It is a fact of life that people hold beliefs , especially in the field of religion , which might be regarded as
irrational . That they are held irrationally doesn’t mean they are wrong .
Perhaps there
is a route to knowledge (such as through mysticism or revelation) that bypass or transcends human reason? As a scientist I would rather try to take human reasoning as far as it will go.
R ; Of course
there is a route that bypass human reason → By the HDA/ TOE it is very easy to know that there are 4 approach which one can understand ; And now, understand could
be attained not only by RI - Rational Intelligence but also by EI - Emotional Intelligence , PI - Psychomotor Intelligence
& SI - Spiritual Intelligence ; EI - Emotional Intelligence is a fact of
life that people hold beliefs - they know that their belief is the truth otherwise they
can not explaining by human reason but scientist; In short sura - verse is the truth but scientist have to explain it →
to verify those are rational and confirm with the fact. The Lopian of HDA show that believe and understand are synchronize
; see below !
(27/93) (22/4
6) .... Heart that could comprehend !
Go back to
the meaning of the complementary of eh1" / believe & eh3''/ understand ; Because of HDA’s eh3 formulae eh3''
= - eh1'' - eh2'', and due to eh2'' suppressed, divided by n that’s why
its curve becoming very low & seem unified with the X axis, eh3'' & eh1''
are symmetry to X axis ; The “saw” voltage curve above the X axis
is eh1'' = curve of “Believe” & the curve “Understand”
is below the X axis! These simple mathematical formulae explain that , so one
understand - so one believe or vice versa , due they are synchronize !,
Descriptions & Behavioral Objectives in Religions / Al Kitab explained/ equalized with science’s : HDA is the system approach , that’s why though the verification
is only at one situation & condition - just once, but these has proof the system of HDA
is confirmed haq - right.
In the Al Kitab
( included Tarot - Zabur -Injil - Qur`an/Sunnah) probably 95 % of it is the knowledge and the paradigm that deal with man
, the rest dealing with the nature.
Putting the “sura/ verse” at every Scientific/ knowledge Definitions,
Descriptions (=compatibility) :
All of my scientific writing always written its verses !(2/159) ...Who conceal the
truth - that We revealed after We made it clear in the Book / Qur`an for men - all shall curse
them (= Anthropic principles)
Einstein :
Religion without science is blind → scientist have to explain it → to verify those are rational and confirm with
the fact ; But up till now the knowledge and the paradigm that deal with man or social science
have, as yet, had little success - so how could scientist explaining it? But now with TOE/ HDA one having the capability
in explaining it scientifically ! Look up these examples ; A; B; C;
A : (2/11-12)
It is said to them , do not make mischief - they say ; We are the peace makers; surely they are the mischief makers - but
they do not understand !
Note; Formula Q = 0,005xh1 √(h2xh3)
hi = 5 or h1=h2= h3=5 → Q = 0,005 x 5 x √ (5x5) = 0,125
h1 = 2, h2
= 10, & h3 = 10 → Q = 0,005 x 2 √ (10x10) = 0,100
Their deed
perfect → h2 = 10, but no morality → h1 = 2 , that’s why - anthropically - they do not active in deed of
charity , but only making destruction but they don’t understand.
Look at these
figure (=”LOPIAN- HDA”) : curves with Q=0,1 is beneath the curves
with Q= 0,125 → destruction only !
☞ Note : Do men of XXth century know the meaning of that sura Baqarah verse 12 ? Paradox
; Surely those men are 100 % , in good deed but surely those men are 100 % in
bad deed ! And surely they have no morality, men with no value !
B: The Paradigm
“Withdraw & Return “ of Toynbee;
By Withdraw
means that one charging , searching the worldliness and Return is the activity
in discharging their worldliness, active in deed of charity (due to God’s desire) for the development of life ;
# Discharges
Worldliness =Return , the → progress is high =
3X1018 J.!
Charges Worldlness
=Withdraw, → the progress is very low, only 2-3 % of 3X1018 J.
According to
Toynbee from the whole observation of the history of humanity, only withdraw , searching of worldliness, is the only human
activity recorded in history ; while Return aren’t recorded at all, those only the prophet and the real leader that
done it. − Why? Only HDA could
resolve it !
Sura Qosos
- verse 77 ; Hubud Dunya/ Fond of worldliness - Hubud Akhirah / Fond of the hereafter
= Toynbee’s Withdraw and Return ; One has to execute those two in order
getting Heaven !
Whose only
withdraw means collecting money, science , position , power, friend - worldliness
only ( Q = 0,002 - 0,008) without morality & deed of charity (=taqwa = return) shown from the graph of the Lopian of HDA
above is only attained 2-3 % of the standard measure of energy one could attained
(= 3 x 1018 joules )
And whose Return
= taqwa = high morality and always doing deed of charity (Q=0,5) would attained 95% of those big energy 3 x 1018 joules by now, during individual life (as big as
an earth full of gold/ Qur`an) !
C: Let’s
compare ;
# Understand
could be attained by 4 activities EI - SI - RI - PI
# (2/260) By
Four Birds /Activity - God givest life to the dead genesis, generation.
# Mulla Shadra
- 4 ways to perfect life.
# World Upgrade/
Islah Enterprise are constructed from 4 Councils → Theologian - Scientist
- Preachers - Definition / Description Council / Majlis
(=Indonesian & Arab lang.)
# Imam Ja’far
: Upgraded men will be knowing God - God’s deed - God’s desire - what making to reject those .
Then consider
this Table of Four Birds -Activities , probably seem those in the same quadrant are having the same properties & description
in quanta approach − different aspect of the same theory.
Table of Four Birds - Activities
BIRDS I (2/260)
JA’FAR;’s: Knowing God
JA’FAR’S; Knowing God’s deed .
; Knowing God’s desire
JA’FAR’S; Knowing what making to reject those
The marginal, △t → 0 processes (Emerging of God Paradigm which is
certain/ determinant); God knows but you are not; it means Religion beyond Science
- but in another sicon ( situation & condition) - science having the capability in explaining and predicting - means-
Science beyond Religion ; they are azwajan/ complementary pairs !
Einstein ;
Science without Religion is lame → In partial approach or low level of science , OK science can go alone without Religion
; But at the ending epoch, wholeness approach/ Holiness, where scientist meet
with the paradigm of inflation (- a process in a blink of eyes, △t →0 -)
and standard measures that seem
to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life - One can take these either as evidence
of a devine purpose in Creation or the choice
of the laws of science ; especially the law of social science (after explained by the HDA) which is written in the
al-Kitab ; Without referring to those al-Kitab really science is lame ; Those arrogant
scientist , atheist are only man with no value ; are only attained 2-8%
of standard measure /progress 3x1018 joules.
1.2. Standard
Measures : The laws of science contain many fundamental numbers (standard measures)
, the remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development
of life. .. One can take these either as evidence of a devine purpose in Creation and the choice of the laws of science or as support for the strong anthropic principle.
In the complete
unified theory all of those standard measure either in Natural Science or Social Science / Religion are emerging theoretically
, such as, shown in those three collection Standard Measure of Natural Science, HDA / humanity and the Qur`an & Sunnah
By believing
and applying those standard measure scientist / man can : (1) developing the better approximating method (= bil qisti -Arab
lang.). (2) making useful prediction of the probable outcome , then implementing the “Life & to live” performing
man behavior of getting hi = 100 (By the questionnaire methods we could measure
those hi of man − computerized measuring equipment will be constructed soon !) , resulting in getting reward of standard
of 3x1018 joules ( = Heaven for Christian & Islam)!
2. God .
K. Armstrong’s
History of God ; Telling the history of how human being understanding the existence of God; Questioning , is it still relevant
the definition of God in this modern
epoch ? The Arrogance God!
Einstein ;
If we ignore the cosmological constant lambda (which doesn't belong there anyway) and consider free space where the mass tensor
is zero, the equations can be written very simply .... Rik = 0 this is called the vacuum solution.
Hawking ; Where
did the universe come from ? How did the universe begin ? Mathematical calculations of Hawking involved 3 descriptions: "inflation"
, "quantum fluctuation" , and "anthropic principles" ; If one could understand these last concept, one should have a very
good picture of Stephen Hawking's universe.
Steps of ;
..... "anthropic principles" - we see the world the way it is - from "quantum fluctuation" of the Vacuum the matter of the
universe come from ; Beginning with "inflation" , the universe inflate from a point/ proton spontaneously into ten meter in
diameter becoming a flat circle not a 10 meter diameter of a ball .... expanding up till now , say, becoming a flat universe
- seem like a big CD disk floating in the Vacuum ;
In another
word we can say that the Vacuum that constructing the universe ; But God that
constructing the universe ....... By syllogism . That’s why The Vacuum is God !
2.1.The Vacuum;
having no dimension of space-time; zero energy & could transfer ∞ energy
2.2. The Mind
of God, also called The Big Mind ; Laws/ Theories are construction of Mind.
The Axiology
of TOE : We have to fulfill, the Laws & the Standard Measure = the right
“Life & to live” =
implementation of World Peace - Welfare for all = individual attaining of the energy of 3 x 10 18 joules (seems analgous to 20 thousand thousand million dollars -
if hi = 100 ; HDA ) = responsibility of our existence
The progress
that has been made in unifying gravity with the other forces has been entirely theoretical. This has led to charges from people
like John Horgan that physics is dead because it has become just a mathematical game, not related to experiment. But I don’t
agree. Although we can’t produce particles of the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would be unified with other forces -- there are predictions that can be tested at lower energies. The Superconducting
Super Collider that was being built in Texas would have reached these energies but it was
cancelled when the U.S. went through a
fit of feeling poor. So we shall have to wait for the Large Hadron Collider that is being
built in Geneva.
of the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would be unified with other
forces -- there are predictions that can be tested at lower energies; The consequence is that
we have to build the Collider in Texas then in Geneva to verify the unification of those 4 forces .
Excuse me if
I may of opinion, I think it is superfluous , because by the hypotheses of that those 4 forces/ particles are coming out
from the quantum fluctuation of
the Vacuum , means automatically George Smoot’s Cobe II proof that every thing that coming out at the beginning of the
universe in a shape of particles of the Planck energy are detected now as generated
plots of the entire sky, the temperature was minutely higher in the direction of
the large galactic clusters and slightly lower in the great cosmic voids.
At the time
of inflation ( then Big Bang) when the Universe was of infinitesimal size,
all matter and energy was homogeneous, since everything was connected to everything else. As inflation took place, the homogeneity
that existed at the early instant was spread across the much larger Universe, which continued to expand. Thus, when matter
and radiation de-coupled about 300,000 years later, the Universe was still amazingly uniform. This historic all-sky map is
based on the first two years of data from NASA's COsmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite, the map shows temperature variations
in the early Universe as red "spots". These spots are the oldest, most distant structures known. As our Universe expanded
and cooled, conglomerations of mass formed. The COBE images confirm that only a million years after the big-bang - which occurred
roughly 15 billion years ago - parts of the universe were visibly hotter than other parts.
But in
my opinion by far the most elegant is what Jim Hartle and I called the no-boundary proposal. This can be paraphrased as, the
boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary; But new observations in the next few years may settle the question.
This is an exciting time in cosmology.
The consequence is that we have to wait for the next few years
of new observations !
If we hold the boundary condition of “the oscillating universe” ; Mathematical Model (MM) of the universe has 2 boundary conditions / God desire;
1. Einstein
General Relativity. → resulting in the real world , which have a beginning and expanding!
2. No boundary
of the space - time → imaginary world , which have no beginning !
The real world
, which have a beginning and expanding are verified by Cobe 1 ; Hubble in 1930
; Hubble telescope in the sky !
By logic the
imaginary world - the rosary of the real world - is begin-less begin & endless end and have no boundary either its space or its time!
Probably, those
2 Hawking theories ; unified of those 4 forces in the particle of the Planck energy and his no boundary proposal, have been
well verified → so anthropical-ly he has the right in honor of the Nobel pulitzer!
that the Geneva experiments confirm current theory, what are
the prospects for a complete unified theory? In 1980 I said I thought there was a 50-50 chance of us finding a complete unified
theory in the next 20 years. That is still my estimate, but the 20 years begins now. I will be back in another 20 years to
tell you if we made it.
R : I think
, he will be back by now in the year of 2007 !
Last but not
least ;
back to the question ; “Why we remember (=know, understand) the past not the future ?“
Remember is
to think of again those familiar (understood) problem/ experience; The future isn’t the familiar problem, that’s
why it seem no one think of it.
And now, understand
could be attained not only by RI - Rational Intelligence but also by EI - Emotional Intelligence , PI - Psychomotor Intelligence
& SI - Spiritual Intelligence , and in addition together with TOE/ HDA all
of us would having the capability ;
To know God
well - even one could see Him by eyes !
To know what God have done to us - making the universe & us
To know what
the desire of God - the development
of life ...Oscillating Universe of the rosary mode is His boundary condition in creating the universe .... that we have to fulfill His Laws & the standard measures
.... those for the prospect after these critically stressed were our responsibility!
To know what
we have to share with the others, these are, the prospect and prediction for
the near future.
In other words
, all of us will understand - to think of again and again = remember - the prospect
of the near future ;
That was if
the world have come to an end - say after a new explore or something like that , you know .....
We, human being, will be given a second chance to start our life again to start the World afresh ............ World Peace !
Stephen Hawking of the University of Cambridge
spoke to a sellout crowd at ConvocationHall April 27, 1998. The event was sponsored by the Global Knowledge Foundation.
Taufik Rusdi - the inventer/ discoverer of The HDA Theory; The response was sponsored by the World Islah Enterprise. (Islah = upgrade
resulting in Peace); February 17 , 2007.
Solo Indonesia.
Stephen Hawking
The following is a summary of Stephen Hawking's talk as printed by The
Bulletin of the University of Toronto.
On April 29, 1980, I gave my inaugural lecture as the Lucasian Professor of
at Cambridge. My title was, Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics? I
described the
progress we had already made in the last hundred years in understanding the
and asked what the chances were that we would find a complete unified theory
everything by the end of the century. Well, the end of the century is almost
Although we have come a long way, particularly in the last three years, it
doesn't look as
if we are going to quite make it.
RESPONSE /R ; # " Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?... natural
sciences ? .... social
sciences? ... science? ... development of human intelligent? .... development
of the universe? ; And
science said that the development of the universe and human intelligent are
synchronize ! We will see
how the process of the development of the universe ; According to Friedmann,
the development of the
universe follows the development graph of that .... Mass density is equal to
the critical value. The
universe expand at a steady speed, just fast enough to avoid re collapse. The
speed at which the galaxies
are moving apart get smaller and smaller, although it never quite reaches
zero; =1 ;
A remarkable feature of the first kind of Friedmann model is
that in it the universe is not infinite in space, but neither does
space have any boundary. We shall see when one combines
general relativity with the uncertainty principle of quantum
mechanics, it is possible for both space and time to be finite
without any edges or boundaries. 5)
The initial rate of expansion also would have had to be
chosen very precisely for the rate of expansion still to be so
close to the critical rate needed to avoid re collapse. This
means that the initial state of the universe must have been
very carefully chosen indeed if the hot big bang model was
correct right back to the beginning of time. It would be very
difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way,
except as the act of a God who
intended to create beings like us". 6) ( By the way - say, it is for the
first time scientist/ Hawking involve
"God" in science; that "inflation" , the beginning of the creation of the
at the time of t 0+ , that one is the paradigm of which only Gods knows -
human being not !)
We do not know how many matter in this universe. As long as our investigation
result in that matters
found in the universe is not sufficient enough to halt the universe
expansion. That is why the universe
will probably expand forever. But if there is an extra dark of matter in
nature which we have not yet
detected, the universe is going to re-collapse. But it would be the end of the
universe and the end of time
itself. There is not any way in continue-ing the big crunch into a new big
bang. But it is certain that if
though the universe shrinkage, it will not crash down during 10 thousand
million years ahead, since it
has already been expanding for at least that long. 7) (But all we can really
be sure that the life span of the
universe is 20 billion years; and Hawking does not agree with the oscillating
universe ; the writer).
Hence at the end of XXth century , at the half of the ages of the universe,
look at the picture of
Friedmann beside , say that the development of the universe ( synchronized
with the development of
human intelligent ) have saturated/ complete , have almost 90 % of its
development and until the big
crunch will only just increase 2-3% ; Perhaps whoever will agree that the
end in sight of theoretical
physics is just right now , at the half of the ages of the universe , at the
end of this XX century - which
we may name as " ending epoch", ...... isn't it - scientist could have
explained how God constructed the
universe ? At this time , natural sciences have been complete;
# Theory of HDA, Human Dynamical Analogies inform that the mathematical
formulae of the behavioral
objectives of human being is equal to, DA - Dynamical Analogies, the
mathematical formulae of(
electrical circuit) natural science; And now social science becoming much
higher in level than natural
science, because it is backed up/ supported by ad-Din / Qur`an !
In my 1980 lecture I described how we had broken down the problem of finding a
theory of everything
into a number of more manageable parts. First of all we had divided the
description of the universe
around us into two parts. One part is a set of local laws that tell us how
each region of the universe
evolves in time, if we know its initial state, and how it is affected by other
regions. The other part is a set
of what are called boundary conditions. These specify what happens at the edge
of space and time. They
determine how the universe begins and, maybe, how it ends.
RESPONSE /R ; # We had broken down the problem of finding a theory of
everything into a number of
more manageable parts / chapters, systematically ; The ontology of TOE seem
anthropic -ally attained &
the epistemology of TOE systemized by making theories - such as below :
Chapter 1.Laws & 2. God , then the sub chapters ; 1.1. Ten big Theories &
1.2. Standard Measures ;
Sub sub chapters ; 1.1.1. Natural Sciences Theory & 1.1.2. Social Sciences
Theory ; Sub sub sub
chapters ; Quantum Cosmology Theory : How is the Universe
Constructed? & Unified
Theory , and in social sciences The HDA Theory; unified of natural &
social sciences , and Sciences & Religions are unified - compatible;
Sub sub sub sub chapters , a
key for solutions
Sub sub sub sub chapters ,
test, verification
Sub sub sub sub chapters ,
emerging of God in science
The axiology , is for the development of life.
Putting the "sura / verse" = ( sura number / verse number) at every
description of the chapters ; sub ;
sub sub; sub sub sub; sub sub sub sub chapters means one could attain the
compatibility of science &
religion ; As written below but in Arabic/ Indonesian language; Just look
up the sura / verse in the
english Holy Koran - or just delay it!
# TOE;
1. Law
1.1. Ten big Theories
1.1.1. Natural Sciences Theories Quantum Cosmology Theory : How is the Universe
Constructed? Boundary Condition ( a key for solution) Tunnel, pre-Big Bang, No Boundary &
Oscillating Universe (have to be tested) Paradigm of Inflation; God's
condition/Mind of
making the Universe (emerging of God in science) Unified Theories Planck Energy ,where the 4 forces unified ;
The mass,
gravitation .... all are coming out from TheVacuum/ God Geneva Test; George Smoot's test. Quantum Fluctuation = the Vacuum/ God's
1.1.2. Social Sciences Theories The HDA Theory; unified of natural & social
sciences in their (electrical circuit
theory & science
that deal
with man) properties & the number of their
variables (=
a key for solution) Kandel's Test is the pin point test/
verifications Spiritual Intelligence = Energy of the
Mind of God Sciences & Religions are unified - compatible;, Descriptions & Behavioral
Objectives in
/ Al Kitab explained/ equalized with science's Putting the "sura/verse" at every
Scientific/ knowledge
Definitions, Descriptions (=compatibility) The marginal, t 0 processes (Emerging of
which is certain/ determinant); God knows but
you are
not; it means Religion beyond Science - but in
sicon ( situation & condition) - science having the
capability in explaining and predicting - means- Science
Religion ; they are azwajan/ complementary pairs !
> 1.2. Standard Measures : The laws of science contain many fundamental
(standard measures) , the remarkable fact is that the
values of these numbers seem to have
been very finely adjusted to make possible the development
of life. .. One can take these
either as evidence of a devine purpose in Creation and the
choice of the laws of science or
as support for the strong anthropic principle.
2. God
2.1.The Vacuum; having no dimension of space-time; zero energy & could
transfer energy
2.2. The Mind of God, also called The Big Mind ; Laws/ Theories are
construction of Mind.
The Axiology of TOE : We have to fulfill, the Laws & the Standard Measure =
the right "Life & to live"
= implementation of World Peace - Welfare for all = individual attaining of
the energy of 3 x 10 18
joules (seems analogous to 20 thousand thousand million dollars - if hi = 100
; HDA ) = responsibility
of our existence
# Al ilm `ala Kulli Syai / TSS; TOE;
1. Al hukmu / Qur`an wa Sunnah / Hukum ; Laws
1.1. Ayat - (3/19)+(2/213) = definisi sain ; the definition of science
1.1.1. Ilmu -ilmu alam Tafakkaruu fi kholqi samawat wal ard (3 /191),
Robbana kholaqta
hadha maa batila (=
haq/betul mutlak) (14 /48) selesai jagat raya lalu KUbuat
yang baru
sepertinya; (71 /15 ) Ada 7 (=banyak) langit bertahap tahap... (2/213) Tunjukkan faktanya/ bayinnahnya! (18 /51) AKU tak mengangkat saksi kepada
penciptaan univers ;(112/1-2) Allah/ the Vacuum asal
sumber dari
semuanya; (18/39) Quwwata billah; (2 /147) Haq
min Rabbika
;(2/216) AKU tahu - kau tidak ! Maiyatullah/ bersama Tuhan / HOLINESS Gravitation -(36/38-39) syamsu tajri li
mustaqorillaha ;
Electromagnetic forces- (24/35) Allahu nuur ..... ; Forsa
kuat yang melekatkan kuark kuark ( / ) ; Forsa nuklir
penyebab peluruhan Uranium ( / ) Alahussomad (112/2) Haq min Rabbika (2/147)
1.1.2. Syari`at Ayatina fii Anfushihim (41/53) (8/22) yang terjelek yaitu yang hi-nya
rendah (2/159) ... kebenaran jika ada ayatnya
didakwahkan (Azas Anthropic) (29/69) ...Yang bersungguh sungguh/ jihad
diberikan jalanNYA Dia/ Imam Mahdi / kita orang abad XX , pewaris
seluruh ilmu &
menguasai segenap pengetahuan = TSS (24/55) ... KUperkuat Din mu / dijelaskan
ilmiah & ada
dananya Azas Anthropic , kebenaran yang ada ayatnya
harus di
(2/159) TSS, sains / hukum telah komplit namun ada
Tuhan yang manusia tak tahu (36 /82) Inna
ma amruhu
idha arada syaian an yaquulalahu kun
fayaquun;(18/51)AKU tak menghadirkan manusia untuk
menyaksikan penciptaan univers
1.2. Mizan , ( 24 /55) anzalna Kitab wal mizan ; Jadi ada Hukum &
Ukuran Standar/
mizan yang dibuat begitu determinant, sempurna yang
memungkinkan untuk berkembangnya
kehidupan - rahmatan lil `alamiin
2. Tauhit; Allah ahad
2.1. Allah Wujud .... Qidam, Baqo'
2.2. The Mind of God / `aqlullah / asmaul husna
Axiology : (51 /56 ) Wa maa kholaqta jin wal insan illa liya' buduun/
Manusia diciptakan agar
mengabdi , yaitu memenuhi hukum dan mizanNYA; ( / ) Wa maa arsalnaka illa
rahmatan lil`alamiin/
tiada lain agar terjadi Dunia Damai - rahmatan lil `alamiin !
R ; # ..... Seventy years ago, if Eddington is to be believed, only two
peoples understood the general
theory of relativity. ... If a complete unified theory was discovered, ......
We would then be able to have
some understanding of the laws that govern the universe and are responsible
for our existence.
# Even if we do discover a complete unified theory, it would not mean that we
would be able to predict
events in general, for two reason. The first is the limitation that the
uncertainty principle of quantum
mechanics sets on our powers of prediction. ... In practice, however, this
first limitation is less restrictive
than the second one. It arises from the fact that we could not solve the
equations of the theory exactly,
except in a very simple situations. We already know the laws that govern the
behavior of matter under all
but the most extreme conditions. In particular, we know the basic laws that
underlie all of chemistry and
biology. Yet we have certainly not reduced these subjects to the status of
solved problems; we have, as
yet, had little success in predicting human behavior from mathematical
equations! So even if we do
find a complete set of basic laws, there will still be in the years ahead the
intellectually challenging task
of developing better approximation methods, so that we can make useful
predictions of the probable
outcomes in complicated and realistic situations. A complete, consistent,
unified theory is only the first
step; our goal is a complete understanding of the events around us, and of our
own existence.
Because of that we have found the HDA, that Hawking never heard of it before,
then in reality in TOE,
we would then all be able to have understanding, not only, the laws that
govern the universe, chemistry &
biology, but also, the laws that govern humanity and Religion; And not only we
have to develop the better
approximation methods, but challenging us a task of collecting the standard
measure/ mizan of nature
and social, that in TOE they are really emerging theoretically, showing
themselves so that we can
make useful predictions of the probable outcomes in complicated and realistic
According to Hawking's inspiration above, that our goal is , first, a
complete understanding of the
events around us , or, these time. According to Aristotle, Toynbee, Qur`an,
Ronggowarsito ... F.Capra/
Schiller , Prigogine ... etc; ... the odious inequality that has hitherto been
a distinguishing mark of
civilization .... .....our society as a whole finds itself in a similar
crisis. We can read about its numerous
manifestations every day in the news papers. We have high inflation and
unemployment, we have an
energy crisis, a crisis in health care, pollution and other environmental
disasters, a rising wave of
violence and crime, and so on. The basic thesis of my message is that these
are all different facets of one
and the same crisis, and that this crisis is essentially a crisis of
perception .... Really critically stressed
crises occurred, WTC crashed into the ABYSS and Terrorist Bomb in Bali ...
Tsunami in Aceh , ...
Jogyakarta ... 20832 earth quake happened only in one year .... 826 million
peoples suffer from starving
... aggressor to Afghanistan , Iraq, Palestine without a clear reason ...
Prigogine, who won the 1977 Noble Prize for a theory that describes
transformation,- the role of stress
and `perturbations' that can thrust us into a new, high order : " We are at a
very exciting moment in
history, perhaps a turning point." ; It is possible that we too are
expressing a collective need, preparing
for an evolutionary leap? Physicist John Platt has proposed that humankind is
now experiencing an
evolutionary shockfront and `may emerge very quickly into co-ordinated forms
such as it has never
known before .... implicit in the biological material all along, as surely as
the butterfly is implicit in the
Prigogine's theory resolves the fundamental riddle of how living things has
been running uphill in a
universe that is supposed to be running down. And the theory is immediately
relevant to every day life - to
people. It offers a scientific model of transformation at every level. It
explains the critical role of stress in
transformation - and the impetus towards transformation inherent in nature!
When the puzzles and paradoxes cry out for resolution, a paradigm is due.
Fortunately, a deep and
powerful new explanation for rapid evolution - biological, cultural, personal
- is emerging.
And now at the "Ending Process" human kind would transform into "ideal man"
.... welfare for all ...
rakhmatan lil `alamiin ..... world peace.
We have the task to succeed those difficult enterprise; If we do not succeed ,
man will destroy himself by
his halfway cleverness.
Probably, certainly mathematical formula of the HDA for predicting human
behavior, would become the
spear head for emerging of the complete theory or world upgrade transformation
of Prigogine's which
would occurred in the near future ........ let's together noting aphorism of
Bertrand Russell , & Toynbee
below ;
Not only will men of science have to grapple with science that deal with man -
but, and this is a far more
difficult matter - they will have to persuade the world to listen to what they
have discovered. If they can
not succeed in these difficult enterprise, man will destroy himself by his
halfway cleverness. I am told
that, if he were out of the way, the future would lie with rats. I hope they
will find it a pleasant world, but
I am glad I shall no be there." (Bertrand Russell)
Toynbee: " ... And it has surely come to stay with us as long, at any rate, as
our new invention of
applying mechanical power to technology; for this sudden vast enhancement of
man's ability to make
non human nature (=DA, modern science & computer technology) produce what man
requires from
her has (HDA to solve our "Life & to live"/ social crisis) for the first time
in history, made the ideal
welfare for all a practical objectives instead of a mere utopian dream ..."
....... He said again that every
century has a special distinguishing mark such as XIIIth century's
Renaissance; Cartesian for XVth
century; Newtonian for XVIIth ; Einstenian for XIXth then for our ages XXth
century is the age of welfare
for all, rahmatanlil`alamiin ........ these mean we, every one, that born at
XXth century are responsible
in upgrading - implementing - transforming those ideal welfare for all into a
fact resulting in .... World
in Peace; Once again , the responsibility is only upon us - not for peoples of
the next centuries!
R ; # Rehearsing as a refreshing ; "How is the Universe constructed ?" After
we look around at all the
time more or less, since Aristotle 2500 years ago, all of the great SCIENTIST,
chronologically, all over
the world .. Ptolemeu‚s, Kepler, ... Einstein, Bohr, Schrdinger, Carl Sagan,
John Wheeler, Paul Davis,
Weinberg ... Baiqunni, Karlina .... they all can not explaining it , except
Hawking, but he was confused,
as he explicitly states,
" ..... these answers may seem as obvious to us as the earth orbiting the sun
or perhaps as ridiculous as
a tower of tortoises." 2) The universe has a beginning proved by Penzias &
Wilson's measurement
of the facts of the echo or big bang radiation, in 1964, and now in 1992 by
Cobe I. And No Boundary
Proposal means - begin-less begin and endless end of the universe seem have
been verified by Cobe II.
Paradox, means, these are ridiculous results !
But these of the facts of the real world and the imaginary world are true,
really exist at its time ! (really
Absolute Right, due to referring to the Vacuum which is absolute, which have
no dimension of spacetime
- which is covariant wrt. general coordinate transformation - Einstein,
the writer).
Upgrading/ islakh: ( Really Hawking forgot his paradigm The anthropic
principle is a quasimetaphysical
notion which implies that, if a particular universe does not take
on fundamental constants
of Nature, which allow for the existence of life and the development of
intelligence, there will never be
anyone to report its properties3));
Schrdinger Formulae is the leading role in these issue; Mathematical Model
(MM) of the universe has 2
boundary conditions / God desire;
1. Einstein General Relativity.
2. No boundary of the space - time.
Hawking forgot with the quantum description of Bohr. If in room -1,
situation-1, one can not using its
paradigm (in singularities) then we must change to the other room-2 the law
of the quantum
cosmology. Then we find of the two facts , anthropically - the way it is, the
real world & the imaginary
world/ the here-after as shown at figure beside , those are the absolute truth
due to they refer to the
vacuum / THE REALITY that are absolute in its space-time.
We found that nature contains many fundamental numbers (=standard measure as
ISO). These standard
numbers have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of
life. We found also the
meaning of the relativity and the absolute thing, anthropically. With the last
thing we could found and
define THE GOD scientifically.
Aufgehoben, upgrading of these above, on base of the anthropic principle and
Bertrand Russell
aphorism, must be shared to Stephen Hawking; These would be merely influencing
political and social
destiny of human being, complex idea of opinion with practical implications
that has never been before.
R ; # Yet if there really is a complete unifiedtheory ,(1) It would also
presumably determine our actions.
That Hawking & Taufik making this manuscript ; constructing manageable parts
/ chapters,
systematically , so that the wholeness approach could be made and easily
comprehendsible to every one.
(2) And so the theory itself would determine the outcome of our search for it
! for then we would know
the mind of God.1) .. due to that we could explain the question "Why is it
that we and the universe exist?"
(3) We might expect that the reasoning abilities that natural selection has
given us (analog Kuhn's that
the condition out of science will help) would be valid also in our search for
a complete unified theory ,
and so would not lead us to the wrong conclusions We would be given a second
chance to start our life
again to start the world afresh ; Why not ? For the next due to our HDA , one
would know the rule for
"Life and to live" scientifically !
Once we understand the whole we can go to part, if we start from parts we will
never understand to
whole, that is why now we will deal with the parts sub, sub sub , sub sub sub
chapters below :
Dealing with 1.1.1. Natural Science Theory ;
In the early 1960s the forces that were known to physics were classified into
four categories that seemed
to be separate and independent of each other. The first of the four categories
was the gravitational force.
The second of the four categories into which the forces were divided is the
electromagnetic force, which
is carried by a particle called the photon.
The attractions and repulsions between the particles in two large bodies will
cancel each out almost
exactly, unlike the gravitational forces between the particles, which will all
be attractive. That is why one
falls towards the Earth, and not towards a television set. On the other hand,
on the scale of molecules and
atoms, with only a relatively small number of particles, electromagnetic
forces dominate gravitational
forces utterly. On the even smaller scale of the nucleus of an atom, a
trillionth of a centimetre, the third
and fourth categories, the weak and strong nuclear forces, dominate other
Gravity and electromagnetism are described by what are called field theories,
in which there are a set of
numbers at each point of space and time that determine the gravitational or
electromagnetic forces. When
I began research in 1962, it was generally believed that the weak and strong
nuclear forces could not be
described by a field theory. But reports of the death of field theory proved
to be an exaggeration. A new
type of field theory was put forward by Chen Ning Yang and Robert Mills. In
1967 Abdus Salam and
Steven Weinberg showed that a theory of this type could not only describe the
weak nuclear forces but
could also unify them with the electromagnetic force. I remember this field
theory being treated with
great scorn by most particle physicists. However, it agreed so well with
experiments that the 1979 Nobel
Prize was awarded to Salam, Weinberg and Glashow, who had proposed similar
unified theories. The
Nobel committee took quite a gamble because the final confirmation of the
theory didn't come until 1983,
with the discovery of the W and Z particles. (That is to say, the W and Zed
particles, for those of us who
are British and don't use an American speech synthesizer.)
The success sparked a search for a single "grand unified" Yang-Mills theory
that would describe all three
kinds of force. Grand unified theories are not very satisfactory. Indeed,
their name is rather an
exaggeration. They are not that grand as theories because they contain about
40 numbers that cannot be
predicted in advance but have to be adjusted to agree with experiments. One
would hope the ultimate
theory of the universe is unique and does not contain any adjustable
quantities. How would those values
have been chosen? But the most powerful objection to the grand unified
theories was that they weren't
fully unified. They didn't include gravity and there wasn't any obvious way of
extending them so that
they did. It may be that there is no single fundamental theory. Instead there
may be a collection of
apparently different theories, each of which works well in certain situations.
Different theories agree with
each other where their regions of validity overlap. Thus they can all be
regarded as different aspects of
the same theory. But there may be no single formulation of the theory that can
be applied in all situations.
Theoretical physics may be like mapping the Earth. One can accurately
represent a small region of the
Earth's surface, as a map on a sheet of paper. But if one tries to map a
larger region, one gets
distortions because of the curvature of the Earth. It is not possible to
represent every point on the Earth's
surface on a single map. Instead one uses a collection of maps, which agree in
the regions
where they overlap.
Dealing with ; Unified Theories;
From the above we could understand the definition , properties and
characteristic of those 4 forces ;
Particles of the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would be
unified with other forces -- there
are predictions that can be tested at lower energies. Planck Energy ,where the 4 forces unified ; The mass, energy,
gravitation .... all are coming out
from The vacuum / God : For now, we would investigate ; Where do those 4
forces come from ?
Gravity : At the moment of inflation where the Vacuum creating the matter of
the universe coming from
the quantum fluctuation energy of the Vacuum, that is why producing the
complementarity of the matter
of positive energy , E = mc2 that is the gravity of minus energy ; These 2
positive & negative energy are
complementarity pairs - means the summation = 0 ! Just remember that the
energy of the universe & the
Vacuum both are zero. Briefly one can say that the minus energy or the gravity
comes from the Vacuum.
Electromagnetism : Light or the electromagnetic wave is a bundle of energy
which is called photon
(Einstein); All in this universe , including light & gravity could be
described by particle (Hawking)
coming from the Vacuum!
Weak Nuclear Forces : The third category is called the weak nuclear force ,
which is responsible for
radioactivity and which acts on all matter particles of spin , but not on
particle of spin 0, 1, or 2, such
as photons and graviton. .... .... That in addition to the photon there were 3
other spin-1 particles ,known
collectively as massive vector bosons , that carried the weak force. These
particle were called W+ (W
plus), W- (W minus) and Z0 (Z naught), and each of which having the mass at
about 100GeV [1GeV
(giga electron volt) = one billion electron volts]. Theory of Weinberg- Salam
exhibits a property known
as spontaneous symmetry breaking.
there were 3 other spin-1 particles ,known collectively as massive vector
bosons , that carried the
weak force .... means the weak force /particle are coming from the Vacuum !
Strong nuclear force : The fourth category is the strong nuclear force , which
hold s the quarks together
in the proton and neutron, and holds the proton and neutron, and holds the
protons and neutron together
in the nucleus of an atom. It is believed that this force is carried by
another spin-1 particle , called the
gluon , which interacts only with itself and with the quarks.... In another
words , that strong nuclear
force/ particle are coming from the Vacuum !
So , those 4 forces are coming from the Vacuum = the quantum fluctuation ! Geneva test ...... we must wait for it !
The progress that has been made in unifying gravity with the other forces has
been entirely theoretical.
This has led to charges from people like John Horgan that physics is dead
because it has become just a
mathematical game, not related to experiment. But I don't agree. Although we
can't produce particles of
the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would be unified with other
forces -- there are
predictions that can be tested at lower energies. The Superconducting Super
Collider that was being built
in Texas would have reached these energies but it was cancelled when the U.S.
went through a fit of
feeling poor. So we shall have to wait for the Large Hadron Collider that is
being built in Geneva.
George Smoot test ; Verification of that the universe , the big bang
singularity , those 4 forces , all in this universe , including light &
gravity ,
are coming out from the Vacuum / quantum fluctuations - in other words -
detected tiny temperature variations of the order of about one-hundredthousandth
of degree in the background radiation. According to computer
generated plots of the entire sky, the temperature was minutely higher in
the direction of the large galactic clusters and slightly lower in the great
cosmic voids.
But the big news was still to come Cobe II used a sensitive differential
microwave radiometer (DMR) which doesn't measure the absolute temperature of
the radiation at a
given point in the sky; rather, it measures the different in temperature
between two points . The Cobe I
single antenna gives the answer : The temperature at a point A is 2.725
degree . But the Cobe II dual
antenna differential radiometer gives the answer : The temperature different
between point A and B is
0.002 degree .
...... However both the big bang singularity and quantum fluctuation could be
proved if very accurate
absolute and extremely sensitive differential measure‚ments were made of the
cosmic background
radiation. This was George Smoot's project - to look for evidence of ripples
in space time of the 300 000
years old Universe . In April 1992 , after more than 2 years of data
collecting and analysis , Smoot and
his team make a dramatic announcement. The Cobe satellite had detected tiny
temperature variations of
the order of about one-hundred-thousandth of degree in the background
According to computer generated plots of
the entire sky, the temperature was minutely higher
in the direction of the large galactic clusters and
slightly lower in the great cosmic voids.
COBE Hotspots: The Oldest Structures Known
Credit: DMR, COBE, NASA, Two-‚Year Sky Map
Explanation: Above is a microwave image of the
entire sky. The plane of our galaxy runs
horizontally through the center. This historic all-ƒ
sky map is based on the first two years of data from
NASA's COsmic Background Explorer (COBE)
satellite. After computer processing to remove
contributions from nearby objects and the effects of
the earth's motion, the map shows temperature variations in the early Universe
as red "spots". These
spots are the oldest, most distant structures known. As our Universe expanded
and cooled,
conglomerations of mass formed. The COBE images confirm that only a million
years after the big-bang
- which occurred roughly 15 billion years ago - parts of the universe were
visibly hotter than other parts.
By studying the size and distribution of the spots found with COBE and future
missions, astronomers
hope to learn what matter and processes caused the spots to form - and hence
determine the composition,
density, and future of our Universe. Quantum Fluctuation = the Vacuum's / God's Energy
> # Stephen Hawking. At one particular meeting with the English professor of
quantum physics, Freddy
throw his disagreement concerning about the creation of the universe.
According to Hawking, universe
created spontaneously by the effect of quantum fluctuation. But, according to
Freddy, if there is
quantum fluctuation , hence there is energy generating the fluctuation. '' I
enquire, where do the coming
of the energy if the universe formed spontaneously?'' .... The World
scientist kept quiet - no reply ....
R; Energy of quantum fluctuation is coming out from the Vacuum (= the Shape/
Wujud of Allah / God)
By the way Hawking ever questioning ; "Who created God ? .. R; Who created the
Vacuum /God ? Of
course none !
After the success with the Cobe II , G. Smoot cries ..... "It s like seeing
God !"
# THE ONE, THE SUPREME - TAUHID : Science; ......In former days our grand
grand fathers thought
that the earth is flat but anthropic - we see the world the way it is - the
earth is round like a tennis ball
... out side it there is atmosphere ... or space ... ; The space, sky, heaven
that contained 10 billions of
stars is our Galaxy Bimasakti/ Milky-way .... ee in the reality, it is like a
disk, flat like a discus or CD -
disk (= 2 dimension - due to inflation or its mass is big and much -
Einstein's) and out side it, is a space
( 3 dimension) ; .... 10 billions of galaxies, those CD disks in the sky are
the universe and due to
paradigm of inflation , anthropic - we see the world the way it is - the
universe is flat like a CD disk too,
but of course out side it is the Vacuum creating (the creator/ al khaliq, as
all is depend/ coming out
from the Vacuum , ashomadu/ Arab lang.) the universe (which is created/
makhluk, Arab lang.)
Foto: 1. The earth is like a ball ; 2. The Galaxy is flat like CD; 3. All
galaxies are flat too like CD - CD
floating in the space ; 4. The universe is flat too like CD but floating not
in the space except in the
Religion ; (7/7) - "......... wa ma kunna ghaibiin = I am not Gaib / Invisible
!! " In the small scale, say, in
the space around us, really the Vacuum is Gaib/ invisible (= the Vacuum & the
space are united);
Otherwise in the large scale the Vacuum and the space are parted ( the flat
universe is floating in the
Imam Bagir : " .... God shows up HIS appearance in order one could know his
RABB " ; .... There
someone ask ; " Is it visible with our eyes ? " .... the answer is "Yes !"
Compatibility Science & Religion ; ( 112/ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4) - 1. God is one/
single= the Vacuum ; 2.
Ashomadu = energy, mass, gravitation .... all are coming out from the Vacuum/
God ; . 3. HE/ the
Vacuum begets not, nor is HE begotten ; 4. None comparable to HIM / the
# Science is complementary pairs with Religion ; Einstein ...... And still
Einstein persevered in his lonely
combat against quantum theory. Increasingly he began to emphasize that
quantum theory challenges
another fundamental scientific belief about reality. It implies that you may
have to take virtually the
whole universe (=GOD) into account when seeking the true causes of a physical
event. Einstein said you
didn't have to. ...... But at these "Ending Epoch" , that the end in sight of
science is just right now , at the
half of the ages of the universe , at the end of this XX century - ......
isn't scientist could have explained
how God constructed the universe ? At this time , science have been complete;
Then really occurred
emerging of God in science due to inflation paradigm ! (Hawking's Boundary
While in Religion , at the beginning one have to believe in God and His Ayat/
Laws and the standard
measure / mizan without any reason ; RI - Rational Intelligent has to be
delayed ......... But at this ending
epoch ,it is said that Religion/al Din is Aql/Mind - means - religion must be
explained by sciences (3/19
& 2/213) in order it ( Life & to live) is comprehendsible to every ones.
We had broken down the problem of finding a theory of everything into a number
of more manageable
parts / chapters, systematically ; So, we have to change it into its
complementary pairs parts / chapters
such as below;
# Al ilm `ala Kulli Syai / TSS / /TOE :
(1). Tauhit;(112/1,2,3,4) 1.God is one/single ; 2.All depend on HIM ; 3. HE
begets not, nor is HE
begotten 4. None comparable to HIM
(1.1). Allah Wujud .... Qidam, Baqo'; GOD have a Shape ..... The
beginning and the ending;
Having no dimension of space - time - Beginless begin, Endless end; Dhohiru wa
Batinu ..
(1.2). The Mind of God / `aqlullah / asmaul husna ; The Big Mind is the
Mind of God the first
creation of HIM and the universe is the second one.
(2). Al hukmu / Qur`an wa Sunnah / Hukum ;Laws:
(2.1). Mizan , ( 24 /55) anzalna Kitab wal mizan ; So there are Laws
and Standard Measure/
mizan which are very finely ajusted , so determinant which
allow for the existence of life
and the development of intelligence ..... rahmatanlil `alamiin . ....
World Peace.
(2.2). Ayat - (3/19)+(2/213) = the definition of science involved
(2.2.1). Syari`at = social science
( Ayatina fii Anfushihim (41/53) ... the laws are
also valid for humanity
( (29/69) ...Who strive hard ... WE will
most certainly guide
( (2/159) ...Who conceal the truth - that
We revealed after We
made it clear in the Book / Qur`an for men - all shall curse
them (= Anthropic principles)
( (8/22) The vilest of someone ,in Allah's
sight, are the deaf
(h1,morality is low) ,the dumb (h2, deed/ amal is low ) and
who do not understand (h3, IQ, worldliness is in low level)
their hi are low !
( He/ Imam Mahdi / we that born
at the age of XXth century,
could become the legacy of all sciences and dominating of all
knowledge = TOE.
( TOE, science / Laws have been complete but
there is paradigm of the
greatness of God
that we human do not understand (36 /82) His
command when He intends
anything, is only to say to it : Be , so it is.
; (18/51)I did not make
them witness of the creation of the heavens
and the earth , nor of the
creation of their own souls; nor could I
take those who lead (others) astray
for aiders
( Azas Anthropic , the truth that We made clear
in the al- Kitab must
be shared (2/159)
( (24/55) ... He will most certainly establish
for them their religion .....
(2.2.2). Ilmu -ilmu alam
( Maiyatullah/ bersama Tuhan / HOLINESS
( Haq min Rabbika (2/147)
( Alahussomad (112/2)
( Gravitation -(36/38-39) the sun runs on
to a term appointed
for it .. ; Eletromagnetic
forces- (24/35) Allahu nuur = God is light .....
; Strong nuclear forces
that binding the quarks ( / ) ; Weak nuclear
forces .....
( (3/191) .... those reasoning, reflecting, on the
creation of the heavens
and the earth -
universe - Our Lord ! Thou has created this is
absolutely right (=
maa batil = not guilty = absolute right)
( (18/51) I did not make them witness of
the creation of the
universe , nor of the creation of them .....
( (2/213) ... that it might judged between
people in the Book in
differed ; and none but the very people who given it
about it after clear arguments ( the Facts) had come
to them,
revolting among themselves . (3/19) ....... in this
verse ,
not the facts but the knowledge that come !
( (14/48) On the day when the earth shall
be changed into a
different earth , and the heavens (as well) , and they shall
come forth
before Allah, the One, the Supreme
As I said, even if we find a complete unified theory, either in a single
formulation, or as a series of
overlapping theories, we will have solved only half the problem. The unified
theory will tell us how the
universe evolves in time, given the initial state. But the theory does not in
itself specify the boundary
conditions at the edge of space and time that determine the initial state.
This question is fundamental to
cosmology. We can observe the present state of the universe and we can use the
laws of physics to
calculate what it must have been at earlier times. But all that tells us is
that the universe is as it is now
because it was as it was then. We cannot understand why the universe is the
way it is unless cosmology
becomes a science, in the sense it can make predictions. And that requires a
theory of the boundary
conditions of the universe. Quantum Cosmology Theory : How is the Universe Constructed? Boundary Condition ( a key for solution)
Let's take a look at Schrdinger equation , there are 2 boundary condition ; 1.
V = .5 kx2 ; and
2 .V = Ze2/(4or) ; By the first boundary V = .5 kx2 resulting E =nh , wave
phenomenon ; By the
second boundary V = Ze2/(4or) , resulting p = h/ , particle having an
We cannot understand why the universe is the way it is unless cosmology
becomes a science, in the sense
it can make predictions. And that requires a theory of the boundary conditions
of the universe ;
Schrdinger Formulae is the leading role in these issue; Mathematical Model
(MM) of the universe has
2 boundary conditions / God desire;
1. Einstein General Relativity.
2. No boundary of the space - time.
The most general physical properties of any system must be expressed in
complementary pairs of
variables, each of which can be better defined only at the expense of the
corresponding loss of the other
definition. If the definition is not complete, then they are compatible (Bohr)
Hawking forgot with the quantum
description of Bohr. If in room -1,
situation-1, one can not using its
paradigm (in singularities) then we must
change to the other room-2 the law of
the quantum cosmology. Then we find of
the two facts , anthropically - the way it
is, the real world & the imaginary world/
the here-after as shown at figure beside ,
those are the absolute truth due to they
refer to the vacuum / THE REALITY that
are absolute in its space-time.
The first 20 billions is the real universe;
The imaginary universe is the oscillating
universe, which have no boundary either
space or time (= Hawking's "no
There have been various suggestions for the initial conditions of the
universe, such as the tunneling
hypothesis and the so-called pre-big bang scenario. But in my opinion by far
the most elegant is what Jim
Hartle and I called the no-boundary proposal. This can be paraphrased as, the
boundary condition of the
universe is that it has no boundary. In other words space and imaginary time
together are curved back on
themselves to form a closed surface like the surface of the Earth but with
dimensions. The surface of the Earth has no boundary, either. There are no
reliable reports of someone falling over the edge of the world.
The no-boundary condition and the other theories are just proposals for the
boundary conditions of the universe. To test them we have to calculate what
predictions they make and compare them with the new observations that are
coming in. At the moment, the observations are not good enough to distinguish
between these different kinds of maps. But new observations in the next few
years may settle the
question. This is an exciting time in cosmology. My money is on the no
boundary condition. It is such an
elegant explanation, I'm sure God would have chosen it. Tunnel, pre-Big Bang, No Boundary & Oscillating Universe (have to
be tested)
There have been various suggestions for the initial conditions of the
universe, such as the tunneling
hypothesis and the so-called pre-big bang scenario - No Boundary & Oscillating
To test them we have to calculate what predictions they make and compare them
with the new
observations that are coming in:
At this moment, our observations would be intense only at the real expanding
universe having life span
of 20 billions of years ; Which is called The Real World !
Using Mathematical Model (MM) of the universe , that is , Einstein General
Relativity; and though we
already know the laws that govern the behavior of matter under all but the
most extreme conditions
those are the prime mover of the inflation and the big crunch;
Using General Relativity, Hawking & Penrose showed that the classical concept
of time must have
begun with a singularity at the Big Bang and thus the universe existed at one
time in a hot, dense state.
In 1964 measurement of the facts of the echo or big bang radiation by Penzias
& Wilson. And now the
detectors of Cobe I were looking at the remnant of the hot, dense state of the
early universe which we
call the big bang and also traced out a near perfect thermal radiation curve
for a back ground
temperature of 2,725 degrees C above absolute zero. 12) ....... Thus
Universe have a beginning is
scientifically right !
According to Friedmann, the development of the universe follows the
development graph of that .... mass
density is equal to the critical value. The universe expand at a steady speed,
just fast enough to avoid re
collapse. The speed at which the galaxies are moving apart get smaller and
smaller, although it never
quite reaches zero; =1 ;
All those theoretical above are fulfilled/ verified by Hubble's expanding
universe (1930) - Hubble
Telescope in the space - Cobe I - and WMAP Science Team , NASA
° A rosary of the real worlds
The Real World The
Imaginary World
Inflating the Universe
Credit: WMAP Science Team, NASA
Explanation: The Universe is expanding gradually now. But its initial
expansion was almost impossibly
rapid as it likely grew from quan‚tum scale fluctuations in a trillionth of a
second. In fact, this
cosmological scenario, known as Inflation, is now reported to be further
quantified by an analy‚sis of
three years of data from the WMAP spacecraft. WMAP's instruments detect the
cos‚mic microwave
background radiation - the afterglow light from the early Universe. WMAP's
amazing success in
exploring the first trillionth of a second and favoring specific inflationary
scenarios lies in its ability to
make unprecedented, precise measurements of the properties of the microwave
background. The subtle
properties are distilled from conditions in the early Universe and related to
its first moments of
existence. Schematically, this diagram traces the 13.7 billion year (plus a
trillionth of a second ...)
history of the Universe from the quantum scale to the formation of stars,
galaxies, planets, and WMAP.
The Imaginary World ; Tunnel, pre-Big Bang, No Boundary & Oscillating Universe
Boundary Condition
hypotheses are all predicting The Imaginary World of the figure above these
are the much number of
The Real Worlds and never reaching infinity in numbers but sitting around each
other .... visualizing they
are making a rosary / tasbih (Arab lang.) ; Hawking & Wienberg reject the
oscillating universe due to its
energy would reaching infinity, but we know that the rosary is only much
numbers of the real world ,
that's why the energy is finite (Paul Davies). And the real world which is
expanding and having a
beginning had been verified by Hubble's expanding universe (1930) - Hubble
Telescope in the sky -
Cobe I - and WMAP Science Team , NASA;
Those individual of the rosary - the real world - are the same thing, that's
why the oscillating - rosary of
those real world is automatically verified too ! And just imagine that the
rosary - The Imaginary World -
has it a boundary for its space & time ? It has not ! Hawking s ; "This is
an exciting time in
cosmology. My money is on the no boundary condition. It is such an elegant
explanation, I'm sure God
would have chosen it". R: "Yes"
Those Tunnel & pre big bang theories are hypotheses predicting process in
producing the same real
world; Probably those 4 theories seem would be right! Thus they can all be
regarded as different
aspects of the same theory. Paradigm of Inflation; God's condition/Mind of making the Universe
(emerging of God in
We already know the laws that govern the behavior of matter under all but the
most extreme conditions.
( = Inflating the Universe) ;The Universe is expanding gradually now. But its
initial expansion was
almost impossibly rapid as it likely grew from quan‚tum scale fluctuations in
a trillionth of a second. In
fact, this cosmological scenario, known as Inflation ; The initial state of
the universe must have been
very carefully chosen indeed if the hot big bang model was correct right back
to the beginning of time. It
would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just
this way, except as the act
of a God who intended to create beings like us.
The laws of science contain many fundamental numbers (standard measures) , the
remarkable fact is that
the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make
possible the development of
life. .. One can take these either as evidence of a devine purpose in Creation
or the choice of the laws of
science ; HIS purpose in creating the universe is very simple (oscillating
universe) that is ; " After and
after finishing the universe (it would be the end of the universe and the end
of time itself) - I make the
same new one" ; Look at Qur`an sura 14 - verse 48 !
We have, as yet, had little success in predicting human behavior from
mathematical equations!
(Hawking) - Due to none knowing the HDA theory but me; Though I have sharing
it in the last 20 years,
to Universities , LIPI, BPPT, Robitah `Alam Islami Mecca, Pakistan, Asian
Physics/ Faraday Meeting,
England ....etc, but no respond at all; Probably those aren't the right time
but now !
"FARADAY'S LAW IN THE BRAIN" is my presentation in the 200 years Faraday's
Commemoration in 1991; The objectives of the work is one of the verification
of the HDA theory, that is,
the agreement between the measurement result of the voltage in the synapses of
the neuron in the brain
and the mathematical model of the HDA theory; One can take a look at its file
my publishment in the internet !
1.1.2. Social Sciences Theories ; Social scientist is working only with
inductive approach not deductive
approach that's why they have, as yet, had little success! (Einstein's) . The HDA Theory; unified of natural & social sciences; Human behavior
and dynamical behavior
of the nature to be united by the HDA theory; These was my little
contribution to the complete unified
theory .
HDA theory, Human Dynamical Analogies theory; With DA - Dynamical Analogies
theory scientists
unite those Electrical- Mechanical - Physical behavior, due to their
mathematical models (MM) are the
same ; while human and natural behaviors are united due to that they have 5
variables and those 5
natural variables having the same characteristics with those 5 human variables
Rollo Handy, 1964: "The discovery of an analogy between human behavior and the
behavior of some
other system, (whether computer, solar system, meteorological system etc.)
make some inquirers quite
convinced that a revolutionary step forward either has been taken or is about
to be taken; But as often
happens, the initial enthusiasm may be followed by disillusionment (R. Handy,
Methodology of ...., 1964,
p.46) .
From long ago, thousands years before Christ since Greeks civilization,
the philosopher and
psychology have used those three division; the behavioral objectives of
cognitive, psychomotor &
affective behaviors.
Psychomotor behavioral objective/ has a basic meaning of discharging
(energy) the sulton/
worldliness they have, could be expressed in many of behavioral objectives;
social activity/ ,
teaching the truth/ , Avoid vain talk/ , To fulfill one promise/ , Active
in deed of charity/ ,
industrious/ , Avoid destruction/ , abstain from hypocrite/ , Abstain from
stolen items/ ,
Abstain from prostitution/ .........could be continued ...
Affective Behavioral Objective/ has a basic meaning of that individual is
willing to receives ,
responds any existence of challenges/ stimulus challenging one; with
indicators we could find as: believe/
, Not emotional/ , pray/ sholat/ , Not egoist/ , Love/ , Avoid
transgression/ , Abstain
from proud/ , Abstain from hypocrites/ , Abstain from stolen items/ , Abstain
from prostitution/
Cognitive Behavioral Objective has a basic meaning of that individual tend to
opposes/ solves any
challenges/ problems with worldliness/ sulthon they have; worldliness/sulton
divides into 5 sorts :
science/ , Richness/ , Power/ , Friends/ , Healthy Body/ , and these item
under stood/cal‚culated by the individual and puts it in the Brain memory =
cognitive potential. in their (electrical circuit theory & science that deal
with man) properties & the
number of their variables (= a key for solution); Kandel's Test is the pin point test/ verifications
HYPOTHESIS .... VERIFICATION OF HDA: From observation research then
discovered, that nature
and human system having 5 variables and those properties are precisely the
same; Construction of
Hypothesis; After deduction, is there any consequence of it? Then, come the
verification, Is the MM
consistent with their measurement of the "saw" voltage in the synapses?
With pin point, or, exact and accurate verification then professor Baiqunni
agrees and saying with his
alluring eyes OK, all right, after I, the writer, show those two "saw voltage"
are in agreement!
" At the time of the saw pulses of voltage in the neuron crosses the abscissa
is the time of the one
understand the answer of the problem to be solved." The hardware of the mind
is the brain, while the
software is the formulae of the R - C - L series with pulses of voltage at the
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°"Where is the mind?" Probably, the
verification of the HDA theory, that is, the behavior of the thought of
the one understanding or not understand that abstracted by the MM of HDA that
match with its
measurements ( measured in the synapses cleft of the neuron by US scientist)
is the answer where is the
mind?; So, the manipulation of the mind is in the neurons of our brain !! 6) Spiritual Intelligence = Energy of the Mind of God
On the problem of "understand" - "mind" our entire view depend on it :
#SCIENTIST neurobiolog Hubel (1979), before starting to write his SCIENTIFIC
message about "the
Brain"; Questioning first about the definition or the meaning of the words
"mind" & "understand" :
Can the brain understand the brain? Can it understand mind? I think the
difficulties with questions such
³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³as these are semantic. They are loaded
with words such as "understand" and "mind", useful words for
many purposes but fuzzy at the edges and out of place when they are applied to
questions such as these,
which they render either meaningless or unanswerable.
The problem comes when we ask about understanding, because such a word
carriers with it the
implication of a sudden revelation or dawning, the existence of a moment when
we might be said to leave
the darkness of the tunnel. It is not clear to me that there can be such a
moment, or that we will know
when it comes.4
The Mind:
# The principle of epistemology are at the differentiation between the
knowledge through concept or
conceptualization and the knowledge through presentation. Accurately
differentiation between the
knowledge based on concept in mind about something that not present in mind,
with the knowledge on
based of something present by itself in mind and which its existence is not
separated from the knowledge
of it.
That is explained more about emanation (= dwelling in human mind) in cosmology
as correlated with the
knowledge - God present.
In short "I"/ mind, is split-ted in two : 1. I per formative / performer. 2.
I metaphysics, correlated with
the knowledge that "present".
Philosophy : MIND : (Lat. mens) Mind is used in two principal senses : (a) The
individual Mind is the
Self or Subject which perceives, remembers, imagines, feels, conceives,
reasons, wills, etc. and which is
functionally related to individual bodily organism. (b) Mind, generically
considered, is a metaphysical
substance which pervades all individual minds and which is contrasted with
matter or material
substance. - Ledger Wood
# Scientist, Paul Davies concerning the Law (mind) , questioning, where do it
come from, who create it?
But it's clear we can enlist its properties , those are; 1. Universal, exist
in anywhere & whenever, 2.
Absolute, do not lean / refer to something else, 3. Eternity, haven't
dimension either space or time, and
4. Authority, dealing with everything, even the God must bows. The law is the
construction of Mind .
Perhaps there is a route to knowledge (such as through mysticism or
revelation) that bypass or
transcends human reason.
Thomas S.Kuhn ;" ...... The same example would illustrate the way in which
conditions outside the
science (God) may influence the range of alternatives available to the man
who seeks to end a crisis by
proposing one or another revolutionary reform. (1962)
By the HDA it is very easy to know that there are 4 approach which one can
Scientist always using RI- Rational Intelligence approach then they could
arguing and explaining in
scientific approach. After we could comprehend the meaning of "understand"
from those figures above ,
then the meaning of RI & EI from those saw - figures could be easily grasped:
One's Q Q = 1/R (L/C) or Q = 0,005 hx(h2 x h3)
Individual does not understand Q=0,0045 0,005 x 3 ( 3 x 3 ) = 0,045 (n=22,
there are 22 teeth)
(1) . RI : Rational Intelligent Q= 0,5 0,005 x10( 10 x 10 ) = 0,5 (n=2, only
2 teeth.)
(2) . EI: Emotional Intelligent Q = 0,5 0,005 x 33(3 x 3) = 0,5 , so though
he is dull with h3 =3, then
due to he has Q = 0,5 so the saw voltage of 15 mV , would become zero quickly
with 2 teeth in 1 second,
that's he has understood well ! The voltage of ERP (event related potentials)
8 mV in almost 1 second
going down to zero , one can say he understand!
(3) . PI - Psychomotor Intelligent : From the formulae Q =0,5 0,005 x 3 (370
x 3) = 0,5 it means that
the dull & emotional individual but dilligent in excerci sing of playing
tennis/ soccer/ dance or the
others, means that the psychomtor agent increasing drastically or the Q
becomes, Q=0,5, this means, the
individual understand or professional in playing those they have learned hard.
(4) SI - Spiritual Intelligent ; Emanation (= dwelling in human mind) - Huduri
(Arab lang.)
The problem of meditation would be - the coming of
rewards - or, the answer of the problem, or,
something coming from outside that really present into our consciousness,
"Hudhuri" the Mind of God
present! If present, then all of the problems seem would be solved! Sciences & Religions are unified - compatible;
Paul Davies : ...... It is a fact of life that people hold beliefs ,
especially in the field of religion , which
might be regarded as irrational . That they are held irrationally doesn't mean
they are wrong .
Perhaps there is a route to knowledge (such as through mysticism or
revelation) that bypass or
transcends human reason? As a scientist I would rather try to take human
reasoning as far as it will go.
R ; Of course there is a route that bypass human reason By the HDA/ TOE it
is very easy to know that
there are 4 approach which one can understand ; And now, understand could be
attained not only by RI -
Rational Intelligence but also by EI - Emotional Intelligence , PI -
Psychomotor Intelligence & SI -
Spiritual Intelligence ; EI - Emotional Intelligence is a fact of life that
people hold beliefs - they know
that their belief is the truth otherwise they can not explaining by human
reason but scientist; In short
sura - verse is the truth but scientist have to explain it to verify those
are rational and confirm with the
fact. The Lopian of HDA show that believe and understand are synchronize ; see
below !
(27/93) (22/4 6) .... Heart that could comprehend !
Go back to the meaning of the complementary of eh1" / believe & eh3''/
understand ; Because of HDA's
eh3 formulae eh3'' = - eh1'' - e‚h2'', and due to eh2'' suppressed, divided
by n that's why its curve
becoming very low & seem unified with the X axis, eh3'' & eh1''
are symmetry to X axis ; The "saw" voltage curve above the X axis
is eh1'' = curve of "Believe" & the curve "Understand" is below
the X axis! These simple mathematical formulae explain that , so
one understand - so one believe or vice versa , due they are
synchronize !
>, Descriptions & Behavioral Objectives in
Religions / Al Kitab explained/ equalized with science's : HDA
is the system approach , that's why though the verification is
only at one situation & condition - just once, but these has proof
the system of HDA is confirmed haq - right.
In the Al Kitab ( included Tarot - Zabur -Injil - Qur`an/Sunnah)
probably 95 % of it is the knowledge and the paradigm that deal
with man , the rest dealing with the nature. Putting the "sura/ verse" at every Scientific/ knowledge
Definitions, Descriptions
(=compatibility) :
All of my scientific writing always written its verses !(2/159) ...Who
conceal the truth - that We
revealed after We made it clear in the Book / Qur`an for men - all shall curse
them (= Anthropic
Einstein : Religion without science is blind scientist have to explain it to
verify those are rational
and confirm with the fact ; But up till now the knowledge and the paradigm
that deal with man or
social science have, as yet, had little success - so how could scientist
explaining it? But now with
TOE/ HDA one having the capability in explaining it scientifically ! Look up
these examples ; A; B;
A : (2/11-12) It is said to them , do not make mischief - they say ; We are
the peace makers; surely
they are the mischief makers - but they do not understand !
Note; Formula Q = •0,005xh1 (h2xh3)
hi = 5 or h1=h2= h3=5 Q = 0,005 x 5 x (5x5) =
h1 = 2, h2 = 10, & h3 = 10 Q = 0,005 x 2 (10x10) =
Their deed perfect h2 = 10, but no morality h1 = 2 ,
that's why - anthropically - they do not active in deed of
charity , but only making destruction but they don't
Look at these figure (="LOPIAN- HDA") : curves with
Q=0,1 is beneath the curves with Q= 0,125 destruction
only !
Note : Do men of XXth century know the meaning of
that sura Baqarah verse 12 ? Para‚dox ; Surely those men
are 100 % , in good deed but surely those men are 100 % in bad deed ! And
surely they have no
morality, men with no value !
B: The Paradigm "Withdraw & Return " of Toynbee;
By Withdraw means that one charging , searching the worldliness and Return is
the activity in
discharging their worldliness, active in deed of charity (due to God's desire)
for the development of
life ;
# Discharges
=Return , the
progress is
high =
3X1018 J.!
the progress is
very low, only
2-3 % of 3X1018
According to Toynbee from the whole observation of the history of humanity,
only withdraw , searching
of worldliness, is the only human activity recorded in history ; while Return
aren't recorded at all,
those only the prophet and the real leader that done it. Why? Only HDA
could resolve it !
Sura Qosos - verse 77 ; Hubud Dunya/ Fond of worldliness - Hubud A‚khirah /
Fond of the hereafter =
Toynbee's Withdraw and Return ; One has to execute those two in order getting
Heaven !
Whose only withdraw means collecting money, science , position , power,
friend - worldliness only ( Q
= 0,002 - 0,008) without morality & deed of charity (=taqwa = return) shown
from the graph of the
Lopian of HDA above is only attained 2-3 % of the standard measure of energy
one could attained (=
3 x 1018 joules )
And whose Return = taqwa = high morality and always doing deed of charity
(Q=0,5) would attained
95% of those big energy 3 x 1018 joules by now, during individual life (as
big as an earth full of gold/
Qur`an) !
C: Let's compare ;
# Understand could be attained by 4 activities EI - SI - RI - PI
# (2/260) By Four Birds /Activity - God givest life to the dead genesis,
# Mulla Shadra - 4 ways to perfect life.
# World Upgrade/ Islah Enterprise are constructed from 4 Councils Theologian
- Scientist -
Preachers - Definition / Description Council / Majlis (=Indonesian & Arab
# Imam Ja'far : Upgraded men will be knowing God - God's deed - God's desire -
what making to
reject those .
Then consider this Table of Four Birds -Activities , probably seem those in
the same quadrant are
having the same properties & description in quanta approach different aspect
of the same theory.
Table of Four Birds -
JA'FAR;'s: Knowing God
JA'FAR'S; Knowing God's deed .
JA'FAR;'S ; Knowing God's desire
JA'FAR'S; Knowing what making to reject those The marginal, t 0 processes (Emerging of God Paradigm which is
certain/ determinant);
God knows but you are not; it means Religion beyond Science - but in another
sicon ( situation &
condition) - science having the capability in explaining and predicting -
means- Science beyond
Religion ; they are azwajan/ complementary pairs !
Einstein ; Science without Religion is lame In partial approach or low level
of science , OK science
can go alone without Religion ; But at the ending epoch, wholeness approach/
Holiness, where
scientist meet with the paradigm of inflation (- a process in a blink of eyes,
t 0 -) and standard
measures that seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the
development of life - One
can take these either as evidence of a devine purpose in Creation or the
choice of the laws of science ;
especially the law of social science (after explained by the HDA) which is
written in the al-Kitab ;
Without referring to those al-Kitab really science is lame ; Those arrogant
scientist , atheist are only
man with no value ; are only attained 2-8% of standard measure /progress
3x1018 joules.
1.2. Standard Measures : The laws of science contain many fundamental numbers
(standard measures)
, the remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been
very finely adjusted to make
possible the development of life. .. One can take these either as evidence of
a devine purpose in
Creation and the choice of the laws of science or as support for the
strong anthropic principle.
In the complete unified theory all of those standard measure either in Natural
Science or Social
Science / Religion are emerging theoretically , such as, shown in those three
collection Standard
Measure of Natural Science, HDA / humanity and the Qur`an & Sunnah .
By believing and applying those standard measure scientist / man can : (1)
developing the better
approximating method (= bil qisti -Arab lang.). (2) making useful prediction
of the probable outcome ,
then implementing the "Life & to live" performing man behavior of getting hi =
100 (By the
questionnaire methods we could measure those hi of man computerized
measuring equipment will be
constructed soon !) , resulting in getting reward of standard of 3x1018 joules
( = Heaven for Christian
& Islam)!
2. God .
K. Armstrong's History of God ; Telling the history of how human being
understanding the existence of
God; Questioning , is it still relevant the definition of God in this modern
epoch ? The Arrogance God!
Einstein ; If we ignore the cosmological constant lambda (which doesn't belong
there anyway) and
consider free space where the mass tensor is zero, the equations can be
written very simply .... Rik = 0
this is called the vacuum solution.
Hawking ; Where did the universe come from ? How did the universe begin ?
Mathematical calculations
of Hawking involved 3 descriptions: "inflation" , "quantum fluctuation" , and
"anthropic principles" ; If
one could understand these last concept, one should have a very good picture
of Stephen Hawking's
Steps of ; ..... "anthropic principles" - we see the world the way it is -
from "quantum fluctuation" of the
Vacuum the matter of the universe come from ; Beginning with "inflation" , the
universe inflate from a
point/ proton spontaneously into ten meter in diameter becoming a flat circle
not a 10 meter diameter of
a ball .... expanding up till now , say, becoming a flat universe - seem like
a big CD disk floating in the
Vacuum ;
In another word we can say that the Vacuum that constructing the universe ;
But God that constructing
the universe ....... By syllogism . That's why The Vacuum is God !
2.1.The Vacuum; having no dimension of space-time; zero energy & could
transfer energy
2.2. The Mind of God, also called The Big Mind ; Laws/ Theories are
construction of Mind.
The Axiology of TOE : We have to fulfill, the Laws & the Standard Measure =
the right "Life & to live"
= implementation of World Peace - Welfare for all = individual attaining of
the energy of 3 x 10 18
joules (seems analgous to 20 thousand thousand million dollars - if hi = 100
; HDA ) = responsibility
of our existence
The progress that has been made in unifying gravity with the other forces has
been entirely theoretical.
This has led to charges from people like John Horgan that physics is dead
because it has become just a
mathematical game, not related to experiment. But I don't agree. Although we
can't produce particles of
the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would be unified with other
forces -- there are
predictions that can be tested at lower energies. The Superconducting Super
Collider that was being
built in Texas would have reached these energies but it was cancelled when the
U.S. went through a fit
of feeling poor. So we shall have to wait for the Large Hadron Collider that
is being built in Geneva.
#Particles of the Planck energy -- the energy at which gravity would be
unified with other forces --
there are predictions that can be tested at lower energies; The consequence is
that we have to build the
Collider in Texas then in Geneva to verify the unification of those 4 forces .
Excuse me if I may of opinion, I think it is superfluous , because by the
hypotheses of that those 4
forces/ particles are coming out from the quantum fluctuation of the Vacuum
, means automatically
George Smoot's Cobe II proof that every thing that coming out at the beginning
of the universe in a
shape of particles of the Planck energy are detected now as generated plots
of the entire sky, the
temperature was minutely higher in the direction of the large galactic
clusters and slightly lower in the
great cosmic voids.
At the time of inflation ( then Big Bang) when the Universe was of
infinitesimal size, all matter and
energy was homogeneous, since everything was connected to everything else. As
inflation took place, the
homogeneity that existed at the early instant was spread across the much
larger Universe, which
continued to expand. Thus, when matter and radiation de-coupled about 300,000
years later, the
Universe was still amazingly uniform. This historic all-‚sky map is based on
the first two years of data
from NASA's COsmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite, the map shows
temperature variations in
the early Universe as red "spots". These spots are the oldest, most distant
structures known. As our
Universe expanded and cooled, conglomerations of mass formed. The COBE images
confirm that only a
million years after the big-bang - which occurred roughly 15 billion years ago
- parts of the universe
were visibly hotter than other parts.
But in my opinion by far the most elegant is what Jim Hartle and I called the
no-boundary proposal. This
can be paraphrased as, the boundary condition of the universe is that it has
no boundary; But new
observations in the next few years may settle the question. This is an
exciting time in cosmology.
The consequence is that we have to wait for the next few years of new
observations !
If we hold the boundary condition of "the oscillating universe" ;
Mathematical Model (MM) of the
universe has 2 boundary conditions / God desire;
1. Einstein General Relativity. resulting in the real world , which have a
beginning and expanding!
2. No boundary of the space - time imaginary world , which have no beginning
The real world , which have a beginning and expanding are verified by Cobe 1 ;
Hubble in 1930 ;
Hubble telescope in the sky !
By logic the imaginary world - the rosary of the real world - is begin-less
begin & endless end and have
no boundary either its space or its time!
Probably, those 2 Hawking theories ; unified of those 4 forces in the particle
of the Planck energy and
his no boundary proposal, have been well verified so anthropical-ly he has
the right in honor of the
Nobel pulitzer!
Assuming that the Geneva experiments confirm current theory, what are the
prospects for a complete
unified theory? In 1980 I said I thought there was a 50-50 chance of us
finding a complete unified theory
in the next 20 years. That is still my estimate, but the 20 years begins now.
I will be back in another 20
years to tell you if we made it.
R : I think , he will be back by now in the year of 2007 !
Last but not least ;
Let's back to the question ; "Why we remember (=know, understand) the past not
the future ?"
Remember is to think of again those familiar (understood) problem/ experience;
The future isn't the
familiar problem, that's why it seem no one think of it.
And now, understand could be attained not only by RI - Rational Intelligence
but also by EI - Emotional
Intelligence , PI - Psychomotor Intelligence & SI - Spiritual Intelligence ,
and in addition together with
TOE/ HDA all of us would having the capability ;
To know God well - even one could see Him by eyes !
To know what God have done to us - making the universe & us
To know what the desire of God - the development of life ...Oscillating
Universe of the rosary mode is
His boundary condition in creating the universe .... that we have to fulfill
His Laws & the standard
measures .... those for the prospect after these critically stressed were our
To know what we have to share with the others, these are, the prospect and
prediction for the near
In other words , all of us will understand - to think of again and again =
remember - the prospect &
prediction of the near future ;
That was if the world have come to an end - say after a new explore or
something like that , you know
We, human being, will be given a second chance to start our life again to
start the World afresh
............ World Peace !
Professor Stephen Hawking of the University of Cambridge spoke to a
sellout crowd at ConvocationHall April 27, 1998. The event was sponsored
by the Global Knowledge Foundation.
Taufik Rusdi - the inventer/ discoverer of The HDA Theory; The response
was sponsored by the World Islah Enterprise. (Islah = upgrade resulting in
Peace); February 17 , 2007. Solo Indonesia.