"Not only will men of science have to grapple with science that deal with man - but, and this is a far more
difficult matter - they will have to persuade the world to listen to what they have discovered. If they can not succeed in
these difficult enterprise, man will destroy himself by his halfway cleverness. I am told that, if he were out of the way,
the future would lie with rats. I hope they will find it a pleasent world, but I am glad I shall no be there." 1)
Rehearsing Chapter I, as a refreshing memory; "How is the Universe constructed ?" After we look around at all the time
more or less, since Aristotle 2500 years ago, all of the great SCIENTIST, chronologically, all over the world .. Ptolemeus,
Kepler, ... Einstein, Bohr, Schr dinger, Carl Sagan, John Wheeler, Paul Davis, Weinberg ... Baiqunni, Karlina .... they all
can not explaining it , except Hawking, but he was confused, as he explicitly states, " ..... these answers may seem as obvious
to us as the earth orbiting the sun _ or perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of tortoises." 2) The universe has a
beginning proved by Penzias & Wilson's measurement of the facts of the echo or big bang radiation,in 1964, and now in
1992 by Cobe I. And No Boundary Proposal means - beginless begin and endless end of the universe verified by Cobe II. Paradox,
means, these are ridiculous results!
But these of the facts of the real world and the imaginary world are true, really exist at its time ! (really
Absolute Right, due to referring to the Vacuum which is absolute, which have no dimension of space-time - which is
covariant wrt. general coordinate transformation - Einstein, the writer).
Upgrading/ islakh: ( Really Hawking forgot his paradigm The anthropic principle is a quasi-metaphysical notion which
implies that, if a particular universe does not take on fundamental constants of Nature, which allow for the existance of
life and the development of intelligence, there will never be anyone to report its properties3));
Schr dinger Formulae is the leading role in these issue; Mathematical Model (MM) of the universe has 2 boundary
conditions / God desire;
1. Einstein General Relatuvity.
2. No boudary of the space - time.
Hawking forgot with the quantum description of Bohr. If in room -1, situation-1, one can not using its paradigm
(in singularities) then we must change to the other room-2 the law of the quantum cosmology. Then we find of the two facts
, anthropically - the way it is, the real world & the imaginary world/ the here-after as shown at figure 4, those are
the absolute truth due to they refer to the vacuum / THE REALITY that absolute in its space-time.
We found that nature contains many fundamental numbers (=standard measure as ISO). These standard numbers
have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life. We found also the meaning of the relativity and the
absolute thing, anthropically. With the last thing we could found and define THE GOD scientifically.
Aufgehoben, upgrading of this chapter-1, on base of the anthropic principle and Bertrand Russell aphorism,
must be shared to Stephen Hawking; These would be merely influencing political and social destiny of human being, complex
idea of opinion with practical implications that has never been before.
SCIENTIST neurobiolog Hubel (1979), before starting to write his SCIENTIFIC message about "the Brain"; Questioning
first about the definition or the meaning of the words "mind" & "understand":
Can the brain understand the brain? Can it understand mind? I think the difficulties with questions such
as these are semantic. They are loaded with words such as "understand" and "mind", useful words for many purposes but fuzzy
at the edges and out of place when they are applied to questions such as these, which they render either meaningless or unanswerable.
The problem comes when we ask about understanding, because such a word carriers with it the implication of
a sudden revelation or dawning, the existance of a moment when we might be said to leave the darkness of the tunnel. It is
not clear to me that there can be such a moment, or that we will know when it comes.4)
Hawking said: " Up to now, most scientist have been too occupied with the development of new theories that
describe what the universe is to ask the question why. On the other hand, the people whose bussiness is to ask
why, the philosophers, have not been able to keep up with the advance of scientific theories. In the eighteen century,
philosopher considered the whole of human knowledge, including science, to be their field and discussed questions such as
: Did the universe have a beginning? However, in the nineteen and twentieth centuries, science became too technical and mathematical
for the philosophers, or anyone else except a few specialists. Philosophers reduced the scope of their inquiries so much that
Wittgenstein, the most famous philosopher of this century, said, "The sole remaining task for phylosophy is the analysis of
language." What a come down ...... " 5)
Analysing of the meaning of a word and the description idea argumentation are sufficient, probably. Because
philosophy is as a "Mother Ship", air craft carrier to batter down and smoothing the way for the troop landed, or science;
These are sufficient, because science can't do it - haven't the capability in doing so.
Say, that the definition of "mind" and "understand" and another abstract words could have been defined precisely,
then mathematics, and technical equipments such as a microscope, micro electrode, Cobe, EEG, ECG ... and computer, probably,
would batter down the next way then scientific prediction would be easily and quickly observed.
Before we are going to the abstract words, non material, we will give an example of the simple material words,
a sentence such as; "Where is Tini?" equivalent in morphology to the question of chapter-2 ; "Where is the mind?" that modern
scientists coouln't answer. Then we would try with the easy question; where is Tini, she is the daughter of Mr Sukarno, our
neighbour. It could be that Tini is going out from home. Going to where, no body knows, maybe she is going home to village,
to Jakarta, to Sumatara or Kalimantan, we do not know. Then in searching her, we have to give her identity, to the police
and society, such as her height, weight, photo, the color of the hair and skin, her ages .... etc. For completing we should
have given her behavioral objectives, the identity of 1. cognitive. 2. affective. 3. psychomotoric this is the definition
of Tini.
The definition of "mind" ; What is mind? Mind is splitted in two principle senses; 1. The individual mind
is the self or subject which perceives, remember, .... imagines, loves .... etc. and which is functionally related to individual
bodily organism. 2. Mind, generally considered, is metaphysical substance which pervades all individual minds and which is
contrasted with matter or material substance. This meta physical mind understand through something that dwelling in human
mind, "khudhuri", "emanating" something that present from outside (the Mind of God). Look Apdx 2.1 !
(1) Human behavior and dynamical behavior of nature to be united by HDA theory; HDA theory, Human Dynamical
Analogies theory; With DA - Dynamical Analogies theory one unites Electrical- Mechanical - Nature behavior, due to their mathematical
models (MM) is the same ; while human and nature behaviors are united due to that they have 5 variables and those 5 nature
variables having the same characteristics with those 5 human varriables (Look Apdx. 2.2 !) .
Hawking's hopeless: "We have, as yet, had little success in predicting human behavior from MM" ... Russell's
, We have to grapple it ! Then now we have HDA, we need to underline/ add that due to now science growth have attaining a
great progress in mathematics & technique, until one can do by using computer, micro electrode, EEG, Cobe, then either
the abstract, unseen, phenomenons in the brain or behavioral phenomenons could be plotted as curves or another that every
one could see and understand, means, comprehendsible to every body and no paradoxical phenomenons found.
(2) The description of the behavioral objectives of man with one mathematical formulae Q = 0,005. h1 p (h2.h3) [which Q = the quality of the one; h1 = the ikhlas/
altruist; h2 = the amal; h3 = the cognitive activity of the one, which those three could be measured by questionary method
in statistical approach].
Prof. Hawking apologize that he introduce one mathematical formulae in his book, that is E = mc2,
to the reader of his book; So we apologize too for involving the one and only the Q formulae above in order that one could
explore to all human behavior then explaining. Behavioral objective in the brain when someone thinking about in solving a
problem plotted by the "saw" - pulses of electrical voltages that could be analysed very accurately by analysing the Q with
its variables of h1, h2, h3.
# The picture of the "tapestry"/ universe in the Vacuum and the picture of the "saw pulses" in the brain's
synapses; And by these two , fortunately, we could solving the conundrum, then arguing;
(1) Dealing with "tapestry", we could attain the relative versus the absolute - metaphysical substance; Mind
and Imaginary world.
(2) For the "saw pulses" we could explain Rational Intelligence - RI; Emotional Intelligence - EI; Psychomotoric
Intelligence - PI that many scientists dare not to enter, for explaining in detail especially, as shown below.
With those two, "tapestry" in the Vacuum and "saw pulses" in the brain's synapses, every one would has the
capability in exploring the law/ paradigm of the nature and of the human being in a simple idea and could "understand" those
complex facts/ realities due to they emerging to us as a simple problem/ one.
Now, come again the word "understand" that Hubble gives up! ..... It is not clear to me that there can
be such a moment, or that we will know when it comes ....
The definition of "understand", what is the meaning of understanding of something; Going back the identity
of the behavior of "Tini" which is the same with the identity of the behavior of "mind", due to the mind is the self which
is the perfomer; Then it is necessary to analyse the implication of those 3 behavioral objective, as stated above.
" At the time of the saw pulses of voltage in the neuron crosses the abcis is the time of the one understand
the answer of the problem to be solved." The hardware of the mind is the brain, while the software is the formulae of the
R - C - L series with pulses of voltage at the input. "Where is the mind?" Probably, the verification of the HDA theory, that
is, the behavior of the thought of the one understanding or not understand that abstracted by the MM of HDA that match with
its measurements ( measured in the synapses cleft of the neuron by US scientist) is the answer where is the mind?; So, mind
is in the neurons of our brain !! 6)
With pin point, or, excact and accurate verification then professor Baiqunni agrees and saying with his alluring
eyes OK, all right, after I, the writer, show those two "saw voltage" are in agreement!
Figure 6: Figure of voltage curve in the brain/ neuron in time of one does not
understand in solving a problem The voltage curve tracking out the peak - top of the saw voltage which never become zero!
Figure 7: The voltage in the brain at the time one understand in solving a problem, note that only 2 steps then
the saw voltage becomes zero, due to the high of Q so emotional one ( R increase, so Q decrease) make one become dull!
One who has wisdom, prophet, fortune teller as Ronggowar si to, also Stephen Hawking himself (at the time
he saw, found the black hole paradigm) could understand then formulating them, those are not RI rational approach but EI approach.
Scientist always using RI approach then they could arguing and explaining in scientific approach. After we
could comprehend the meaning of "understand" from those figures above , then the meaning of RI & EI from those figures
6 & 7 could be easily grasped:
One's Q Q = 1/R (L/C) or Q = 0,005 h1 (h2 x h3)
Individual does not understand Q=0,0045 0,005 x 3 ( 3 x 3 ) = 0,045
Rational approach- RI Q= 0,5 0,005 x10 ( 10 x 10 ) = 0,5
Emotional approach- EI Q = 0,5 0,005 x 33 (3 x 3) = 0,5 , so though he is dull with h3 =3, then due to he
has Q = 0,5 so the saw voltage of 15 mV , would become zero quickly , that's he has understood well ! The voltage of ERP (event
related potentials) 8 mV in almost 2 second going down to zero , one can say he understand!
From the formulae Q =0,5 0,005 x 3 p (370 x
3) = 0,5 it means that the dull & emotional individual but dilligent in excerci sing of playing tennis/ soccer/ dance
or the others, means that the psychomtoric agent increasing drastically or the Q becomes, Q=0,5, this means, the individual
understand or professional in playing those they have learned hard.
Psychologist Robert Ornstein has written:
"It means that a consequency of the structure of our mind is that if awareness is restricted at a constant
stimulus, a turning off" - consciousness come from the outside world."
General instruction for meditation all underline of this.7)
How do we try to do, in order, our meditation succeed; In short, we must make the Q=0,5 or higher! In making
the value of h1,2,3 attaining 10, there are many way as stated, instructed by Ornstein, Bloomfield, who has wisdom, prophets,
..... meditate, pray, harmonic movements, feast ....... etc. The problem would be - the coming of rewards - or, the answer
of the problem, or, something coming from outside that really present into our consciousness, "Hudhuri" the Mind of God present!
If present, then all of the problems would be solved!
In the plain language - make yourself to be in "firmness" condition (geleng - Java langguage; jahadu - Arabics;
due to we have look around at all the reasons) to solve, to say yes ....... to be "champion minded" ; Probably it is very
difficult in ascertaining the linkage, the coming, of the Mind of God. We need the mizan, standard praxis of it !!!
We find the mind in the brain, as the hardware of the mind (It is to be noted that mind is an abstract thing,
means it has no space and time dimension; So we can not say that we have found it there in the brain; But the mind manipulated
praxis there). Then where else we could find the mind's manipulation?
# At the clay or sand; We know the moment the emerging of one cell bacteria is when the very strong forces,
cathasthrope, act upon a clay or sand, result in the more complex molecules in a sudden and non linear shift, similar as the
skin af the one cell bacteria (Prigogine, 1980) then become .. the bacteria.8)
Three billions ago happened slow process of biological evolution, that bring organism starting from the simplest
(one cell) to the creation of us - human being (Hawking) It means that from
" U N D E R S T A N D "
Gambar Kurva Tegangan di otak/ neuron saat orang tak mengerti penyelesaian
satu masalah Kurva tegangan mengikut puncak puncak tegangan gergaji yang tak pernah jadi nol !
Tegangan di otak saat orang mengerti penyelesaian satu masalah, perhatikan hanya 2 langkah lalu teg.
gergaji menjadi nol, karena Q besar jadi emosi menjadikan bodoh!
Dengan verifikasi yang pin point atau tepat dan teliti tersebut, maka prof. Baiquni dengan berbinar mengiyakan
saat saya ajukan/ perlihatkan kepadanya kedua gambar gigi gergaji itu.
# Di tanah atau debu; Kita tahu saat terjadinya binatang ber the sand becoming biologist including human
and flora are living creature which have Mind.9)
# James Jean: " .... The mechanism of the sun system known that could arrange the planets in the orderly
manner that we find them. Nevertheless, the overall organization of the universe has suggested to many a modern astronomer
an element of design. Thus James Jeans, who proclaimed that "the universe appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician"
and it "begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine" ;
" We discover that the universe shows evidence of designing or controlling power that has something in common
with our own individual minds - not, so far as we have discovered, emotion, morality, or aesthetic appreciation, but the tendency
to think in the way which, for want of a better word, we described as mathematical."10).
God desires, having mind, boundary conditions - No Boundary Condition- at the time HE desire to design the
universe. (Hawking)
# Why does the universe obey the law? Due to The Anthropic Principles.11) (DR. Phillips -1997).
Universe is biological entity that create and construct itself; All lived biology have Mind.12)
(Lee Smolin)
The source of the positive Laws (KUHP) are Nature - Civilazation and Religion/ Wahyu; On base of those sources
made into the positive law by the mind So the Law of Nature.
That's why the law is (on base of) mind! Then due to the Law is on base of mind and the Universe obey the
Law that's why the Universe have Mind.
At last, we find the Mind in the dust/ clay - materials universe - biology including Homo Sapien - the Universe
- and God Himself It's simple these are the answers of the second question of Aristotle.
(Note, please look also Notes of 8) - 12), with TOE approaches!)
Probably, the Universe is on base of, or contains, standard measures/ mizan; Then the standard measure, mizan
of every thing must be discovered and collected (TOE) Then for the future nature and the creature - human would live harmonizely
.... becoming WORLD PEACE.
Look at Appendix 2.2, standard measure of ideal h1,2,3 = 10; Q = 0,5; Allocated Energy attained by the ideal individual=
3.1018 Joules; Life span of ideal individual= 120 years! ..... etc.
APPENDIX 2.1 : The United of Natural Sciences of Schr dinger/ Bohr - Einstein/ Hawking with Social Philosophy
of Karlina, Descartes, Islamic Philosophy and Philosopy; Result in the definition of MIND.
# In reality, how does a fact happened? Featuring, we dye clothes with Naphthalene
dyes. Preparing its salt solution, with no color, none comparable to no color. We want (boundary condition/ mind's desire)
to make red color, the cloth immersed into the Red Naphthalene; Then immersed into the salt! It happened a Fact = red cloth;
Yellow, green of Naphthalene, .., ... would happened facts of yellow, green, ... clothes.
The fact depends upon the desire/ mind !
# And so for the Schr dinger formulae; MM of Schr dinger - which none comparable to it - involved a boundary
condition, that is, boundary condition -1 it happened Fact-1 a material world; Boundary condition 2 it happened Fact-2 _ a
wave. The first time physical formulae involves a desire/ mind of the one at the year of 1945 he wrote a book "What is
Life" ; Not a question of philosophy due to involving a physical & chemical formulae then opening the door of the
beginning of life!
# It exactly the same for constructing the universe; Boundary condition 1 = MM Einstein's General Relativity
; Boundary condition 2 = Quantum Cosmology - No Boundary Proposal as the desire of God; It happened the Facts of the real
world & the imaginary world/ Here After.
Note Bohr's moving from room 1 2, at the time Einstein General Relativity formulae failed applied in micro
cosmos then one has to move to the other, room of quantum cosmology!
# Events happened in the mind is the same. Mind wanted to drink due to the self is thirsty would see a glass/fact
-1; The mind missing his 2 friends would see his 2 heads/ Fact 2.
Room 1,2 united, then becomes figure non comparable to any figure!
# I think then I am; Imagine of one that his thought is not in normal succession, he could be mad, suffer
from thought illness, .. Then probably there is none responding him, because he is not absent!
According to Descartes, the one and only of the certainty (is the embryo of "the absolute truth", the writer)
is on base of mind and thought expressed in terms of "cogito ergo sum" - "I think then I am". The mind and the brain are correlated
each other, though they differ in dimension.
Karlina: "In science now have been received that SCIENCE is not merely "the world existing outside there"; Fact is a tied
in, texture, of I or "the self" and the object of the world outside there - outside "the self" ; Then REALITY that exist out
side of us, have always to be questioned still."
From the argumentation above we could resumed: " The texture, tied in REALITY and MIND result in, REALITY 's symptoms,
Probably, this is the answer of Bohr's Bohr interpreted the quantum mechanical paradoxes are reflecting basic limits to
the mind's ability to conceptualize reality.
Hudhuri Knowledge/ Islam Philosophy: According to philosophy language, awareness brightness are called "
the knowledge of the present" ;
The principle of epistemology are at the differentiation between the knowledge through concept or conceptualization
and the knowledge through presentation. Accurately differentiation between the knowledge based on concept in mind about something
that not present in mind, with the knowledge on based of something present by itself in mind and which its exsistance is not
separated from the knowledge of it.
That is explained more about emanasi (= dwelling in human mind) in cosmology as correlated with the knowledge
- God present.
In short "I"/ mind, is splitted in two : 1. I performative/ performer. 2. I metaphysics, correlated with the knowledge
that "present".
Philosophy : MIND : (Lat. mens) Mind is used in two principal senses : (a) The individual Mind is the Self
or Subject which perceives, remembers, imagines, feels, conceives, reasons, wills, etc. and which is functionally related
to individual bodily organism. (b) Mind, generically considered, is a metaphysical substance which pervades all individual
minds and which is contrasted with matter or material substance. - Ledger Wood.
INTENTIONALITY : The property of consciousness whereby refers to or intends an object. The intentional object is not necessarily
a real or existent thing but is merely that which the mental act is about. Intentionality is the modern equivalent of the
scholastic intentio;
In Husserl: 1. (broadest sense) The character of anything as "intending" or pointing beyond itself; self-transcendence.
2. (most frequent sense) The character of consciousness as pointing beyond itself, as consciousness of something , and as
having its horizon of co-intendings; noetic intentionality. _ Dorion Cairns.
INTELLECT : The cognitive faculty of the mind as it operates at higher abstarct and conceptual levels._L.W. St. Agustine
distinguish the intelect from reason; Intelection would be impossible witout reason. The intelect is the soul itself. It rules
the soul. Sometimes the intelect is called intelligentia . Both the intellect and reason are innate in the mind. Reasons seeks
knowledge or science , while the intellect , which is higher , aims at wisdom, sapientia, or contemplation of eternal things,
and especially God. - J.J. Rolbiecki.
Quantum Debate, Einstein - Bohr (John Gliedman 1983) : Einstein's; "I dont belive that God play dies with the universe"
He didn't believe - did not willingness to receive - that the law of nature is determinism - orderly - then also indeterminant
- disorder;
It implies that you may have to take virtually the whole universe into account when seeking the true causes
of a physical event. Einstein said you didn't have to.
Quantum theory postulates a kind of long-range Siamese twin effect whenever two subatomic particles collide
and then go their different ways. Even when the particles are halfway across the universe from each other, it says, they instantaneously
respond to each other's action.
And in so doing, they violate relativity's ban on faster-than-light velocity.
Bohr interpreted the quantum mechanical paradoxes are reflecting basic limits to the mind's ability to conceptualize
reality. In visual perception,a shift of attention is often enough to trigger perception of the other figure in the ambigious
pattern - to change the face into two profiles. In quantum physics, according to Bohr, a shift in the scientist's experimental
setup achieves a somewhat analogous change in his "perception" of a subatomic particle. In one experimental arrangement, the
physicist "sees" a particlelike electron; in another setup that is complementary, he "sees" a wavelike electron.
Judged by the traditional criteria of science, quantum theory was indeed fatally flawed. It provided no explanation
whatever for why individual subatomic particles behave as they do, and it compounded this omission by dissolving the clear
line between what we know about reality and reality itself (reality = facts, while reality itself is REALITY = Vacuum Space
= GOD TOE !). This was enough to cause Einstein renounce quantum theory even though he acknowledged that it was a fantastically
accurate prediction machine.
Bohr's positivism led him to draw the opposite conclusion; since quantum theory uses only those concepts
that can be defined through subatomic masurements, scientist must accept the fact that undefineble concepts such as causality
and objective reality have no place in atomic physics.
Quantum theory is the best that human reason can do when confronted in the atomic domain by a kind of scientific
Great Wall of China - a permanent barrier to new human understanding of physical reality. ...
As far as man's limited reason is concerned,"There is no quantum world . There is only an abstract quantum
physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we
can say about nature."
One can almost hear Bohr saying to Einstein what he once said to his son in a discussion about physics: "You
are not thinking ; you are merely logical" .. Einstein was trying to think logically about phenomena that resist ordinary
Undaunted, Einstein wrote to his friend the phyicist Erwin Schrodinger (who shared Einstein's skepticism
even though he was one of the new theory's principle architects) that "The Heisenberg-Bohr tranquilizing philosophy - or religion?
- is so delicately contrived that, for the time being , it provides a gentle pillow for the true believer from which he cannot
very easily be aroused ...... But this religion has .... damned little effect on me."
.... Thus wrote Einstein, the EPR pradox forces us to relinquish one of the following assertion:
1. The quantum mechanical description of atomic behavior is complete
2. The real states of spatially separated objects are independent of each other. In other words, if you
believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck with its incredibly subversive holism.
The Nobel Laureate P.A.M. Dirac: "It seems clear that the present quantum mechanics is not on its final form",
said Dirac in 1979. He added :"It might very well be that the new quantum mechanics will have determinism, quite possible
that Einstein will turn out to be correct." 17)
But probably from the data of this Appendiks I, we could give the answers, as stated below:
After science could differentiate the Universe and the Vacuum (=REALITY) then probably SCIENTIST, including
general peoples, having the ability to find and define GOD scientifically;
Introducing; The definition of Mind which include the Mind of GOD and also defining of Fact, " The texture, tied in REALITY
and MIND result in, REALITY 's symptoms, FACTS"New approaches: 1. If you believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck
with its incredibly subversive holism.
On the problem of what is matter, the above (TOE) has explained that, The Facts depend on the Mind
Just the formulae or Mathematical Model of Schrodinger is some thing that none comparable to it;
If our mind involve in it, the boundary condition -1 would produce Fact-1 , material world;
If involving the boundary -2 would produce Fact-2 , the wave.
So: Talking about facts we must linkage to The Wholeness = REALITY = GOD = non comparable to it; In other
words, The quantum mechanical description of atomic behavior is complete !!!
2. Dirac: He added :"It might very well be that the new quantum mechanics will have determinant in the
Einstein wanted ........ I think it is .....quite possible that Einstein will turn out to be correct.
According to Le Comte Du Nouy : Classic orderly or determinism; Quantum or statistic Order is born from disorder
[look 18) ! ]
That is why those two are orderly or Einstein determinism is right after all.
And referring to Holism/ REALITY/ the absolute would make one could define the Absolute and relative Truth
; "As long as one refers to REALITY they are absolute right; As long as rationalities consistent with the facts they are relative
right ".
Note that the first paradigm is "open law" involves the second too; If rationality is hudhuri, come from
the REALITY, then it is an absolute truth/ right.
A GIANT STEPS : (1) Human behavior and dynamical behavior of nature to be united by HDA theory;
HDA theory, Human Dynamical Analogies theory; With DA - Dynamical Analogies theory one unites Electrical-
Mechanical - Nature behavior, due to their mathematical models (MM) is the same ; while human and nature behaviors are united
due to that they have 5 variables and those 5 nature variables having the same characteristics with those 5 human variables.
Rollo Handy, 1964: "The discovery of an analogy between human behavior and the behavior of some other system,
(whether computer, solar system, meteorological system etc.) make some inquirers quite convinced that a revolutionary step
forward either has been taken or is about to be taken; But as often happens, the initial enthusiasm may be followed by disillusionment
(R. Handy, Methodology of ...., 1964, p.46) .... HYPOTHESIS .... VERIFICATION OF HDA: From observation research then discovered,
that nature and human system having 5 variables and those properties are precisely the same; Construction of Hypothesis;
After deduction, is there any consequence of it? Then, come the verification, Is the MM consistent with their
measurement of the "saw" voltage in the synapses?; The behavior of electrical circuit (that analog with human behavior) have
been tried explained by the behavior of electron/ Quantum by scientist, but he fails!;
By the smart trick of MM of modern statistics The average values of emotional voltages from the "AC" formulae
equalised to those from the "DC" formulae, fortunately, found the value of the smallest voltage of the problems (=quantum),
EH = 2 V; That is why we could calculate the values of any other standard measure/ size, antrophi
cally, really (truth - could be measured). Look at the values of the standard measure of HDA at Figure 8
From long ago, thousands years before Christ since Greeks civilization, the philosopher and psichology have
used those three division; the behavioral objectives of cognitive, psichomotoric & affective behaviors.
Psychomotor behavioral objective/ `H_2` has a basic meaning
of discharing (energy) the sulton/ worldliness they have, could be expressed in many of behavioral objectives; social activity/ `h_21`, teaching the truth/ `h_22`, Avoid
vain talk/ `h_23`, To fulfill one promise/ `h_24` , Active in deed of cherity/ `h_25`, industrious/ `h_26` , Avoid destruction/
`h_27`, abstain from hypocrite/ `h_27`, Abstain from stolen items/ `h_29`, Abstain from prostitution/ `h_210` .........could
be continued ...
Affective Behavioral Objective/ `h_1`=`H_1 has a basic meaning
of that individual is willing to receives , responds any exsistance of challenges/ stimulus challenging one; with indicators
we could find as: believe/ `h_11` , Not emotional/
`h_12`, pray/ sholat/ `h_13` , Not egoist/ `h_14`, Love/ `h_15`, Avoid transgression/ `h_16`, Abstain from proud/ `h_17`,
Abstain from hypocryte/ `h_18`, Abstain from stolen items/ `h_19`, Abstain from prostitution/ `h_110` .......
Cognitive Behavioral Objective has a basic meaning of that individual tend to opposes/ solves any challenges/
problems with worldliness/ sulthon they have; worldliness/sulton devides into 5 sorts : science/ `S3_1` , Richness/ `S3_2`, Power/ `S3_3`, Friends/ `S3_4`, Healthy Body/ `S3_5`, and these item potentials
under stood/calcu la ted by the individual and puts it in the Brain memory = cognitive potential. Those above resumed at Tabel
1. :
At the year of 1875 we made standard measure/ dimension of length "1 meter ". And now we make standard dimension
for the level of ikhlas(`h_1`), level of amal (`h_2`) and level of sulton (`h_3`). For ideal man, one that becomes model,
ideal for every body due to their properties and potention, would be valued as 10 for their `h_1`,``h_2`,``dan``h_3`. And
those three would be valued 1 for the reverse of the ideal man or one that most far away from the ideal. So, featuring for
all human would get the certain position in the continuum of 1-10 or its value `h_1`,``h_2`,``dan``h_3` is in 0-10 interval.
By measuring `h_1`,``h_2`,``dan``h_3` in the standard of the behavior of human we constructed/ made then
would be found;
`Q``=``5.10^{-3}``h_1``sqrt{h_2`.``h_3`} , assumed `h_1``=``h_2``=``h_3``=10`
Q = 0,005 x 10 x `sqrt{10`X`10}``=``0.5
Q = 0,005 x 2 x `sqrt{~`2``X``2} = 0,02 ; `h_1``=``h_2``=``h_3``=``2
Q = 0,005 x 5 x `sqrt{`~5``X``5} = 0,125 ; `h_1``=``h_2``=``h_3``=``5 DEFINITION,
"TAQWA" : "One that taqwa is the one his social activity/ amal (h2) and altruism (h1) is high"
:: (92/17-21). DEFINITION, "SULTON" (55/33): science (10/68) / richness (69/28) / authority (17/33) / friend (34/21) / healthy
DEFINITION, "GOOD" : "All of the behavior that increasing the value of Q is good & the reverse one that
lowering the Q is bad, to be noted Qmax = 0,5 physics (17/33) ........ .. / - means and, or !
. DEFINITION, "UNDERSTAND" " At the time the saw voltage in the neuron crosses the abscis is the time one understand the
answer of the problem."
. DEFINITION, "QUALITY" " The worst of man is the one whose h1, h2 and h3 having the lowest value, hi=1,
its Q is the lowest = 0,005" , the best his Q = 0,5 , formulae of quality: `Q~=~5.10^{-3}~h_1``sqrt{h_2``.``h_3}
one's Q = 0,02 0,045 0,08 0,125 0,180 0,320 0,500
`h_1``=``h_2``=``h_3` = 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
Probably now yau are ready to look and comprehend HDA curves:
REFERENCE: 1. "Thet", The Theory of HDA; Taufik Rusdi (1987); Supervised by Prof. Baiquni ; 1700 pages, 1000 pages in mathematical
formulae ; more than 100 book referred;
2. The Mind of God - Paul Davies ; 1992
3. Scientific America - 1979
And many others. 14 Juli 2000; Taufik Rusdi
`h_1`=`{r_id}over{r_h}`10 |
{`ikhlas~/~{r_h}^{-1}``level}over{receiving- the- problem}
`h_2=`{c_id}over{c_h}`10 |
{~~amal~/~{c_h}^{-1}~level}over{sulthon~mobilisation} |
~~1.~h_11 |
believe / have faith |
~~1.~h_21 |
social activity |
~~2.~h_12 |
Not Emotional |
~~2.~h_22 |
Teaching of knowledge |
~~3.~h_13 |
Praying/ s h o l a t |
~~3.~h_23 |
Avoid Vain Talk |
~~4.~h_14 |
altruism/ not egoist |
~~4.~h_24 |
To fulfill one's promise |
~~5.~h_15 |
Love/ Merciful |
~~5.~h_25 |
Active in deed of cherity |
~~6.~h_16 |
Avoid Transgression |
~~6.~h_26 |
Indostrious |
`~~7.~h_17 |
abstain from proud |
~~7.~h_27 |
Avoid destruction |
~~8.~h_18 |
abstain from hypocrite |
~~8.~h_28 |
Abstain from hypocrite |
~~9.~h_19 |
abstain from stolen items |
~~9.~h_29 |
Abstain from stolen items |
~10.`h_{110}` |
abstain from prostitution |
~10.`h_{210}` |
Avoid from prostitution |
~E_{pH1}`:`e_{h1}` |
Affective/ Ikhlas activity |
`E_{pH2}:~e_h_2 |
Psychomotor/ amal activity |
`h_3`={l_h}over{l_id}`10 |
{~~~`level~sulton/~l_h}over{opposing~the problem} |
{potensi}over{sulton/~S3} |
~~1.~h_31 |
science / knowledge |
~~~S3_1 |
~~2.~h_32 |
Richness |
~~~S3_2 |
~~3.~h_33 |
Power / Authority |
~~~S3_3 |
~~4.~h_34 |
Friends/ army |
~~~S3_4Solo |
~~5.~h_35 |
Healthy Body |
~~~S3_5 |
~E_{pH3}`:`e_{h3} |
Cognitive / Sulthon activity |
1). Bertrand Russell, 1965 , p. 221;
Atau dari: Syafi'i Maarif, Perspektif Islam dalam Pembangunan Bangsa, PLP2M, Yogyakarta, 1987, p.
"Not only will men of science have to grapple with science that deal with man - but, and this is a far
more difficult matter - they will have to persuade the world to listen to what they have discovered. If they can not succeed
in these difficult enterprise, man will destroy himself by his halfway cleverness. I am told that, if he were out of the way,
the future would lie with rats. I hope they will find it a pleasant world, but I am glad I shall no be there."
2). Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time , Transworld Publisher LTD, London, 1988, p. 1.
" ..... these answers may seem as obvious to us as the earth orbiting the sun _ or perhaps as ridiculous
as a tower of tortoises."
3). J.P. Mc Evoy and Oscar Zarate, Stephen Hawking for Beginners, Icon Book Ltd., Cambridge, 1995,
p. 165
The anthropic principle is a quasi-metaphysical notion which implies that, if a particular universe does
not take on fundamental constants of Nature, which allow for the existence of life and the development of intelligence, there
will never be anyone to report its properties. That is why our Universe seems so right to us. it's tuned perfectly. Although
many scientist rubbish this idea, no less an authority than Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg (who wrote the seminal book on
the early universe, The Last Three Minutes) believes that quantum cosmology provides a contexts in which the anthropic
principle becomes simple common sense. The most probable universe is the one that we're in ! As Voltaire's absurd philosopher
Pangloss keeps telling Candide, "We live in the best of all possible worlds"
4) David H. Hubel "A Scientific American Book", The Brain, (September 1979), Vol: ...., p. 3.
Can the brain understand the brain?
Can it understand mind? ......
I think the difficulties with questions such as these are semantic. They are loaded with words such as "understand"
and "mind", useful words for many purposes but fuzzy at the edges and out of place when they are applied to questions such
as these, which they render either meaningless or unanswerable.
The brain is a tissue. It is complicated .... they function according to the laws that govern any other cells.
Their electrical and chemical signals can be detected, recorded and interpreted, and .... the connections that constitute
the brain's woven felt work can be mapped. In short, the brain can be studied, just as the kidney can.
The problem comes when we ask about understanding, because such a word carriers with it the implication of
a sudden revelation or dawning, the existance of a moment when we might be said to leave the darkness of the tunnel. It is
not clear to me that there can be such a moment, or that we will know when it comes.
5). Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time , Transworld Publisher LTD, London, 1988, p. 174.
Hawking said: " Up to now, most scientist have been too occupied with the development of new theories that
describe what the universe is to ask the question why. On the other hand, the people whose bussiness is to ask
why, the philosophers, have not been able to keep up with the advance of scientific theories. In the eighteen century,
philosopher considered the whole of human knowledge, including science, to be their field and discussed questions such as
: Did the universe have a beginning? However, in the nineteen and twentieth centuries, science became too technical and mathematical
for the philosophers, or anyone else except a few specialists. Philosophers reduced the scope of their inquiries so much that
Wittgenstein, the most famous philosopher of this century, said, "The sole remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of
language." What a come down ...... "
6) Eric R. Kandel "A Scientific American Book", The Brain, (September 1979), Vol: ., pp. 29; 38.
Many neuro-biologists believe that the unique character of individual human beings, their disposition
to feel, think, learn and remember , will ultimately be shown to reside in the precise patterns of synaptic interconnections
between the neurons of the brain.
Although certain higher mental activities are characteristic of the complex brains of higher animals, it
is now clear that elementary aspects of what are regarded as mental processes can be found in the activity of just a very
few neurons. It will therefore be interesting both philosophically and technically to see to what degree complex forms of
mentation can be explained in terms of simpler components and mechanism. To the extent that such reductionist explanations
are possible it will also be important to determine how the units of this elementary alphabet of mentation are combined to
yield the language of much more complex mental process.
The Mind is not material substance; It has no dimension of space - time. So it is not correct to say that
the mind resides in the precise pattern of synaptic interconnections between the neurons. Probably we can say that
the mind manipulates thinking process there!
7) Robert Ornstein (& Claudio Naranjo) , On the Psychology of Meditation, A Viking Compass Book,
New York, 1972; p. ...
8) Marilyn Fergussen, The Aquarian Conspiracy, Granada, Great Britain , 1982, pp.25;175,176,177,178
# 1980 Discovery - Prigogine's Transformation explaining how is man built from sand, clay.
# In order we could understand well with the wholeness approaches, we must "verstehen", that is, to look
at the all process of Prigogine transformation of the existence of man in 4 steps, that begin from the clay to one cell bacteria
.........then misising link of 700gr of his brain transformed into 1300 gram of its weight .......this homo-sapiens at the
time of 1000 BC had ever "transformed" into "the most beautiful civilization through all time", due to their altruist/ taqwa/
return ..... at the end of this twentieth century 2 conditions; their knowledge is ended, steady state, almost 90 % have been
attained, then having the capability to understand the religion/ Qur`an, though paradox -and- in the time of violence disturbances,
catastrophe, critically stressed (Nur, 55) then all of human being, globally, would begin to transform into higher rank of
"insan kamil" - ideal man! Who left behind - does not join due to egoist, low of h1, would die or becoming fasek, degraded
Prigogine, who won the 1977 Noble Prize for a theory that describes transformation, not only in the physical
sciences but also in society - the role of stress and `perturbations' that can thrust us into a new, high order : " We are
at a very exciting moment in history, perhaps a turning point."
It is possible that we too are expressing a collective need, preparing for an evolutionary leap? Physicist
John Platt has proposed that humankind is now experiencing an evolutionary shock-front and `may emerge very quickly into co-ordinated
forms such as it has never known before .... implicit in the biological material all along, as surely as the butterfly is
implicit in the caterpillar.'
When the puzzles and paradoxes cry out for resolution, a paradigm is due. Fortunately, a deep and powerful
new explanation for rapid evolution - biological, cultural, personal - is emerging.
The theory of dissipation structures may prove as important a break-through to science in general as the
theories of Einstein were to physics - the missing link between living systems and the apparently lifeless universe in which
they arose.
Prigogine's theory resolves the fundamental riddle of how living things has been running uphill in a universe
that is supposed to be running down. And the theory is immediately relevant to every day life - to people. It offers a scientific
model of transformation at every level. It explains the critical role of stress in transformation - and the impetus towards
transformation inherent in nature!
As we shall see, the principles revealed by the theory of dissipative structures are valuable in helping
us understand profound change in psychology, learning, health, sociology, even politics and economics.
First, let's look again for a moment at the way in which nature is saturated with order and alive with pattern;
flowers and insect colonies, cellular interactions, pulsar and quasar stars, the DNA code, biological clocks, the symmetrical
exchange of energy in the collision of subatomic particles, memory patterns in human minds.
Next, remember that a deep level of nature, nothing is fixed. These patterns are in constant motion. Even
a rock is a dance of electrons.
Some form in nature are open system involved in a continuous exchange of energy with the environment.
A seed, an ovum, and a living creature are all open systems. There are also human-made open system. Prigogine gives the example
of a town: it takes in energy from the surrounding area (power, raw materials), transform it in factories, and returns energy
to the environment. In closed systems, on the other hand - examples would be a rock, a cup of cold coffee, a log -
there is no internal transformation of energy.
Prigogine's term for open system is dissipative structuree. That is , their form or structure is maintained
by a continuous dissipation (consumption) of energy. Much as water moves through a whirlpool and creates it at the same time,
energy moves through and simultaneously forms the dissipative structures. A dissipatives structure might well be described
as a flowing wholeness. It is highly organized but always in process.
Now think about the meaning of the word complex ; braided together. A complex structure is connected
at many points and in many ways. The more complex a dissipative structure, the more energy is needed to maintain all those
connections. Therefore it is more vulnerable to internal fluctuations. It is said to be `far from equilibrium'
Because these connection can only be sustained by a flow of energy, the system is always in flux. Notice
the paradox; the more coherent or intricately connected the structure , the more unstable it is. Increased coherent
means increased instability! This very instability is the key to transformation . The dissipation of energy, as Prigogine
demonstrated by his elegant mathematics, creates the potential for sudden reordering.
The continuous movement of energy through the system results in fluctuations; if there are minor, the system
damps them and they do not alter its structural integrity. But if the fluctuations reach a critical size, they `perturb' the
system. They increase the number of novel interactions within it. They shake it up. The elements of the old pattern come into
contact with each other in new ways and make new connections. The parts reorganize into a new whole. The system escapes
into a higher order.
The more complex or coherent a structure, the greater the next level of complexity. Each transformation
makes the next one likelier. Each new level is even more integrated and connected than the one before, requiring a greater
flow of energy for maintenance, and is therefore still less stable. To put it another way, flexibility begets flexibility.
As Prigogine said, at higher levels of complexity, `the nature of the laws of nature changes.' Life `eats' entropy. It has
the potential to create new forms by allowing a shake up of old forms.
The elements of a dissipative structure co-operate to bring about this transformation of the whole. In such
a shift, even molecules do not just interact with their immediate neighbors, Prigogine noted, `but also exhibit coherent behavior
suited to the [needs of] the parent organism.' At other levels, insects co-operate within their colonies, human beings within
social forms.
One recently reported example of a new dissipative structure occurred when bacteria were placed experimentally
in water, a medium in which this strain was unaccustomed to live. They began to interact in a highly organized way that enabled
some of their number to survive.
The Zhabotinskii reaction, a dissipative structure in chemistry, caused something of a sensation among
chemist in the 1960s. In this dramatic example of nature creating patterns in both space and time, beautiful scroll-like forms
unfold in a solution in a laboratory dish while the colors of the solution oscillate, changing from red to blue at regular
intervals. Similarly, when certain oils are heated, a complex pattern of hexagons appears on the surface. The higher
the heat, the more complex the pattern. These shifts are sudden and non linear. Multiple factors act on each other at
once. [ These are the analogy of when the very strong forces, catastrophe, act upon a clay or sand, result in the
more complex molecules in a sudden and non linear shift, similar as the skin af the one cell bacteria].
At first the idea of creating new order by perturbation seems outrageous, like shaking up a box of random
words and pouring out a sentence. Yet our traditional wisdom contains parallel ideas. We know that stress often forces sudden
new solutions; that crisis often alerts us to opportunity; that the creative process requires chaos before form emerges; that
individuals are often strengthen by suffering and conflict; and that societies need a healthy airing of dissent.
Human society offers an example of spontaneous self-organization. In a fairly dense society, as individuals
become acquainted with others, each soon has more points of contact throughout the system via friends and friends of friends.
The greater the instability and mobility of the society, the more interactions occur. This means greater potential
for new connections, new organizations, diversification. Much as certain cells or organs in a body specialize during the course
of evolution, people with common interests find one another and refine their speciality by mutual simulation and exchange
of ideas. ....
Critical perturbations - `a dialectic between mass and minority' - can drive the society to `a new average'.
Societies have limited power of integration, he said. Any time a perturbation is greater than the society's ability to
`damp' or repress it, the social organization will (a) be destroyed, or (b) give way to a new order.
9) Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time , Transworld Publisher LTD, London, 1988, p. 124
.... our solar system , which is about 5 thousand million years old. The first one or two thousand million
years of the earth's existence were too hot for the development of anything complicated . The remaining three thousand million
years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution, which has led from the simplest organisms to beings
who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang.
10) Paul Davies, The MInd of God , The Penguin Book, London, 1993, pp. 202-203.
..... Although the origin of the solar system is not well understood, mechanism are known to exist that could
arrange the planets in the orderly manner that we find them. Nevertheless, the overall organization of the universe has
suggested to many a modern astronomer an element of design. Thus James Jeans, who proclaimed that "the universe appears
to have been designed by a pure mathematician" and it "begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine"
also wrote: We discover that the universe shows evidence of designing or controlling power that has something in common with
our own individual minds - not, so far as we have discovered, emotion, morality, or aesthetic appreciation, but the tendency
to think in the way which, for want of a better word, we described as mathematical.
11) Tim CIMM, Millenium Evening - Stepheh Hawking , Mizan, Bandung , 1998, p. 129-130.
Tanya Jawab III
Daniel Manilow: " .. Mengapa alam semesta memenuhi hukum?
Dr. Phillips (Ahli Fisika Nobel Laureate 1997): " Ini pertanyaan yang sangat bagus. Saya betul betul berharap
saya punya jawaban yang bagus pula. Sayangnya tidak. Pertanyaan seperti itu telah mengganggu para saintis, ahli filsafat,
dan ahli teologi selama berabad abad. Pertanyaan itu benar benar mengagumkan.
Semua yang dibicarakan Profesor Hawking sesungguhnya dapat dinyatakan dalam sejumlah kecil persamaan matematika
yang relatif sederhana, kemudian diikuti oleh banyak persamaan yang rumit. Mengapa alam mengikuti persamaan matematika? Orang
telah berspekulasi tentang hal ini. Satu jawaban yang mungkin adalah, jika alam berbeda dari yang sekarang ada, maka kita
tidak akan berada di sini. Yaitu jika alam tidak sebagaimana adanya, dan tidak ada hukum bagi alam, maka tidak mungkin bagi
kehidupan untuk berevolusi. Tidak mungkin bagi kita (makhluk hidup) untuk mengalami evolusi sedemikian hingga bisa mengaju
kan pertanyaan tersebut.
12) Paul Davies, The MInd of God , The Penguin Book, London, 1993, pp. 173; 211-2
13) Tim CIMM, Millenium Evening - Stepheh Hawking , Mizan, Bandung , 1998, pp. 19.
Karlina: Dalam dunia sains sekarang telah disadari bahwa ilmu pengetahuan bukan semata mata "dunia yang
ada di luar sana". Dengan kata lain, seluruh alam semesta (=fakta, penulis) itu adalah jalinan antara subyek "Aku" sebagai
pemaham dan obyek dunia yang ada di luar sana.
Implikasinya, sains dipandang sebagai suatu konstruksi yang bersifat epistemologis, bukan ontologis. Pengetahuan
kita tentang alam bukanlah alam itu sendiri, melainkan pemahaman "Aku" mengenai alam. Kita tetap melihatnya sebagai sebuah
persepsi. Sedangkan realitas yang ada di luar diri manusia masih harus selalu kita pertanyakan. Dan manakala subyektivitas
dilibatkan, maka pendekatan kuantitatif tidak dapat dipegang sepenuhnya. Karena subyektivitas itu berubah-ubah. Saya kira
kalau sains berpegang pada pemahaman ini, sains akan berbicara dalam bahasa kemanusiaan . Sains dengan wajah manusia
14) Hamdani ,Ilmu Khudhuri, Mizan, Bandung, 1980, p. .....,
15) Dogobert D. Runes, Dictionary of Philosophy, Littlefield, Adams & CO, Paterson, New Jersey
, 1963, p. 198.
16) Ibid., pp. 147-148.
17) John Gliedman, "Einstein - Against the Odds: The Great Quantum Debate" Science Digest, (June 1983);
pp. 74 - 80 , 109.
Einstein: .... As far as quantum theory is concerned, God roll dice, but every subatomic particle
rolls a pair of loaded dice every time it decides on manifesting itself at a definite position or with a definite momentum.
Einstein could have lived with quantum theory's see saw treatment of position and momentum but for the fact that it ruled
out determinism in the atomic realm, and Einstein refused to abandoned determinism.
.... And still Einstein persevered in his lonely combat against quantum theory. Increasingly he began to
emphasize that quantum theory challenges another fundamental scientific belief about reality. It implies that you may have
to take virtually the whole universe into account when seeking the true causes of a physical event. Einstein said you didn't
have to.
Quantum theory postulates a kind of long-range Siamese twin effect whenever two subatomic particles collide
and then go their different ways. Even when the particles are halfway across the universe from each other, it says, they instantaneously
respond to each other's action. And in so doing, they violate relativity's ban on faster-than-light velocity.
Bohr interpreted the quantum mechanical paradoxes are reflecting basic limits to the mind's ability
to conceptualize reality. In visual perception,a shift of attention is often enough to trigger perception of the other figure
in the ambigious pattern - to change the face into two profiles or the beautiful young women into an old crown. In quantum
physics, according to Bohr, a shift in the scientist's experimental setup achieves a somewhat analogous change in his "perception"
of a subatomic particle. In one experimental arrangement, the physicist "sees" a particlelike electron; in another setup that
is complementary, he "sees" a wavelike electron.
Judged by the traditional criteria of science, quantum theory was indeed fatally flawed. It provided no explanation
whatever for why individual subatomic particles behave as they do, and it compounded this omission by dissolving the clear
line between what we know about reality and reality itself (reality = facts, while reality itself is REALITY
= Vacuum Space = GOD TOE !). This was enough to cause Einstein renounce quantum theory even though he acknowledged that
it was a fantastically accurate prediction machine.
Bohr's positivism led him to draw the opposite conclusion; since quantum theory uses only those concepts
that can be defined through subatomic masurements, scientist must accept the fact that undefineble concepts such as causality
and objective reality have no place in atomic physics. Quantum theory is the best that human reason can do when confronted
in the atomic domain by a kind of scientific Great Wall of China - a permanent barrier to new human understanding of physical
reality. ...
As far as man's limited reason is concerned,"There is no quantum world . There is only an abstract quantum
physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we
can say about nature."
One can almost hear Bohr saying to Einstein what he once said to his son in a discussion about physics: "You
are not thinking ; you are merely logical" .. Einstein was trying to think logically about phenomena that resist ordinary
Undaunted, Einstein wrote to his friend the phyicist Erwin Schrodinger (who shared Einstein's skepticism
even though he was one of the new theory's principle architects) that "The Heisenberg-Bohr tranquilizing philosophy - or religion?
- is so
delicately contrived that, for the time being , it provides a gentle pillow for the true believer from which
he cannot very easily be aroused ...... But this religion has .... damned little effect on me."
.... Thus wrote Einstein, the EPR paradox forces us to relinquish one of the following assertion:
1. The quantum mechanical description of atomic behavior is complete
2. The real states of spatially separated objects are independent of each other. In other words, if you
believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck with its incredibly subversive holism.
Even today the overwhelming majority of physicist don't concern themselves with the philosophical issues
raised by quantum theory. Relatively few among the more philosophically inclined minority joint Einstein concluding that
quantum theory is incomplete on account of its baffling holism. Still, these philosopher - physicists' attempts to trace the
implications of quantum holism for our picture of reality is closer to the spirit of Einstein's stubborn search for atomic
insight than Bohr's austere renunciation of even the hope of someday understanding quantum phenomena. And in recent years
- as dissent from Bohr's still orthodox interpretation of quantum theory has slowly grown - a few scientists, like the
Nobel Laureate P.A.M. Dirac, have begun to wonder aloud if Einstein may yet be proved right. "It seems clear that the present
quantum mechanics is not on its final form", said
] Dirac in 1979. He added :"It might very well be that the new quantum mechanics will have determinism
in the Einstein wanted ........ I think it is .....quite possible that Einstein will turn out to be correct.
These writing above was at the year of 1983. And these NOTE was written at 17 August 2002, or, after this
book is finished; It means that they represent a wholeness approach or TOE approach.
TOE approach: 1. If you believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck with its incredibly subversive
On the problem of what is matter, TOE has explained that
The Facts depend on the Mind
# Just the formulae or Mathematical Model of Schrodinger is some thing that none comparable to it;
If our mind involve in it, the boundary condition -1 would produce Fact-1 , material world;
If involving the boundary -2 would produce Fact-2 , the wave.
So: Talking about facts we must linkage to The Wholeness = REALITY = GOD ; In other words, The quantum
mechanical description of atomic behavior is complete !!!
2. Dirac: He added :"It might very well be that the new quantum mechanics will have determinism in the
Einstein wanted ........ I think it is .....quite possible that Einstein will turn out to be correct.
According to Le Comte Du Nouy :
Classic orderly or determinism
Quantum or statistic Order is born from disorder [look 18) ! ]
That is why those two are orderly or Einstein determinism is right after all.
18) Lecomte du Noüy, Human Destiny, Mentor Book, New York, 1947, p.30
The first is that it was necessary for the reader to understand clearly that all our scientific laws at
present rest on chance, that is to say, on the hypothesis of an absolute disorder at the base. If molecules, atoms, and electrons
were not submitted to "perfectly disorder" motions, our statistical reasoning would not lead us to definite laws. Now, these
laws of nature express a remarkable harmony on our scale of observation. It can therefore, be said that, from our point of
view of man, order is born from disorder.
Solo 21 September 2002
[ ]
Dari semut sampai gajah, otaknya terjadi dari sel sel yang dinamakan neuron, dengan fitrah yang sama, dan
jumlah neuron
manusia yang 100 milyar itu tak ada makhluk bumi yang mengungguli. Karena pada binatang tingkat rendah, aplysia,
jumlah neronnya tak terlalu besar hingga dapat langsung bisa dijangkau oleh jarum elektrode mikro dalam percobaan percobaan
saintis. Dan saintis Kandel telah dapat memisahkan dengan presice & accurate antara input & output dari otaknya, seperti
gambar berikut ini.
Badan neuron yang mempunyai cabang cabang pendek (dendrite) yang berfungsi menerima nerve impulses &
satu Axon cabang yang besar sebagai transmitter pulsa syaraf; Dan ada 10 000 benang syaraf - nerve fibers - ( 10 000 kabel
telpon dari pusat kantor telpon ,yang bersystem 10 000, ke abone/ rumah rumah) yang menyebar ke neron neron yang lain, sebagai
penghantar dari informasi informasi yang berujut pulsa pulsa listrik yang dibangkitkan oleh ion ion kimiawi (neuro transmitter).
Bisa dilihat dalam gambar diatas benang syaraf dari Axon itu terminalnya pada dendrite neron berujut knop knop kecil synapse.
Synapse itu "pusat relay" yang informasi listrik, yang dikerjakan oleh transmitter
neron atau ion ion kimiawi, diangkut dari neron ke neron neron yang lain. Di celah (cleft) synapse terjadi penimbunan ataupun
pengurasan dari transmitter kalau ada pulsa pulsa listrik datang, atau neron neron sedang aktif bekerja. Dan sekali lagi kinerja
padanya itu dilakukan oleh ion ion yang nota bene adalah proses listrik, jadi orang boleh berpikir dan menjamunya, dealing
with it, sebagai suatu sirkit listrik biasa. Secara common sense kalau ada suatu gejala/ arus listrik di suatu benda apapun,
neron kek, synapse kek, air ludah kek, taik ayam kek, .....maka untuk benda tersebut tentu mempunyai "equivalent circuit-nya"
atau sirkit penggantinya; Dan kalau kita bisa mendapatkan sirkit pengganti-nya maka kondisi hal itu dapat kita kuasai artinya
bisa kita jamu sebagai sirkit listrik biasa dan seluruh konsekuensinya akan merupakan sifat & kondisi yang berlaku pula
pada neron itu. Pengukuran sinal sinal listrik dilakukan dengan penusukan dari jarum micro pada Synaptic Cleft/ celah synapse.
(Eric F. Kandel ;"Scientific American Book", 1979);
Kalau ion ion, neuro transmitters, itu terlalu banyak mendekam di celah itu dan di banyak neron neron yang
lain maka individu akan mengalami stress berat dan oleh obat anti stress ion ion itu dinetralisir, katakan tegangan listriknya
menjadi nol, zero voltage. Stress akan hilang namun hanya sementara saja selagi obat stress itu berkhasiat, karena alamiahnya
stress masalah yang diderita individu tetap exist hingga menimbulkan timbunan tegangan listrk itu lagi. Barangkali perlu kita
tekankan lagi "Bahwasanya Qur`an/ Taqwa itu juga Obat/ syifak" bahwa amalan & keikhlasan orang akan meninggikan Q-kualitas
orang yang berarti semua tegangan tegangan di neron neron akan meluncur ke nol semuanya; Atau dengan lain kata ....
semuanya ; Atau dengan lain kata ion ion yang tertimbun
di celah celah akan ternetralisir secara mutlak, dengan pengertian, tidak sementara namun seterusnya karena
walau stress masalah itu tetap ada namun mekanisme otak - dengan pendekatan HDA yang semua perilaku neron itu sama dengan
perilaku r,c,l sirkit listrik - dengan Q yang tinggi tadi menjadikan tegangan listrik terbuang (discharge); Dan perlu diketahui
dengan mempertinggi ketaqwaan tadi tak ada efek samping-nya, sedang dengan obat/ pil anti stress tadi ada sisa bahan kimiawi
yang merupakan sampah sampah yang bisajadi berbahaya bagi kinerja otak selanjutnya.
Gambar nerve fiber atau benang syaraf diatas persis seperti kabel listrik, yang ion ion atau elektron elektron
bergerak didalamnya. Bayangkan gerakan elektron itu seperti gerakan kelereng yang kita isikan dalam pipa pralon dari Solo
hingga Jakarta, dan dorongan di Solo hanya berkecepatan 10 meter/hari yang akan diikuti pula dengan gerakan kelereng di Jakarta;
Jadi kecepatan elektron/kelereng itu lambat sekali, namun kecepatan informasi yang dibawanya secepat kilat saat kita menghentakkan
dorongan pada kelereng pertama kali saat itu juga Jakarta sudah merasakan hentakan itu kecepatannya = kecepatan sinar 3 x
108 meter/detik atau kira kira bolak balik Solo Jakarta 300 kali dalam 1 detik saja.
VERIFIKASI / BAYINAT DARI FORMULA HDA : Dari data pengukuran Kandel diatas didapatkan: (1) dalam 5 sec. ada
12 pulsa menurun ke nol ketemu æ = 0,083 ; (2) ketinggian pulsa pertama terhitung tinggi pulsa kedua, ketiga ...etc. Dengan
2 data ini dan formula HDA-nya kita masukkan computer dengan program Turbo Pascal, menghasilkan L7 & L10 diatas, yang
hitam. Bayangkan dari hasil pengukuran Kandel yang semua saintis USA tak tahu artinya namun dengan Formula HDA yang mengabstraksikan
gejala terukur itu secara precise & accurate kita menjadi tahu makna hasil pengukuran itu, karena hasil 2 bentuk fungsi
gergaji yang sama itu atau hasil teori & experimen yang sama; Dan inilah bukti nyata atau verifikasi dari HDA theory.
Kemlesetan pada tegangan yang rendah karena sangat mungkin mekanisme otak mempergunakan teknik AGC-automatic gain control
yang menaikkan level tegangan rendah.
Dalam DA semua formula sirkit Listrik bisa dipakai menjadi formula Phisika & Mekanika dan dengan HDA
semua formula listrik tadi bisa menjadi formula perilaku manusia termasuk pemikiran atau perilaku otak. Untuk mengkonstruksikannya
butuh 25 tahun kerja keras, karena menyangkut system alam.

And now a breakthrough in the study of the brain does come. There is no scientific study more vital than
the study of his own brain. Our entire view depend on it. (HDA, 1987) To understand man, we have to understand the brain.
(Francis O Schmitt 1967) Pemahaman manusia akan rahasia otaknya dapat mengarah kepada semacam evolusi sosial yang dapat membantu
mencerdaskan manusia, mencegah konflik konflik antar manusia dan antar bangsa, karena manusia telah dapat memahami dirinya
sendiri dan pada giliran-nya ia dapat memahami orang lain. Menurut dia evolusi semacam ini diperlukan demi kelestarian species
Otak manusia merupakan misteri dunia biologis terbesar, frontir terbaru abad ini, dan barangkali frontir
terakhir, yang dihadapi manusia dalam upaya mengexplorasi dan memahami dirinya sendiri. Pemahaman manusia tentang otaknya
sendiri baru berada di ambang pintu perjalanan jauh. Perkembangan dan kecenderungan teknologi otak bergerak dari mitos {=dongeng,
isapan jempol atau barang yang fiktip, hanya bayangan belaka; Masalahnya sekarang saintis modern telah menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya
`materi itu mitos' Schr dinger formula } menuju realitas. (Soejono Aswin 1988)
Mengapa "kotak hitam" ? Atau sebetulnya mengapa kita harus iman atau mempercayai bahwa itu yang betul? Kita
hidup ini tidak bisa lepas dai unsur `percaya' namun juga jangan bodoh, kita gunakan akal sehat, misalnya dalam memakai kalkulator
yang baru, kita coba dulu 7x7=49, 30:3=10, 2+3=5-2=3, 9=3 sesudah itu kita boleh percaya hasil hitungan yang jutaan rupiah
itu tentu betul; Kita tanyakan kepada profesor kita yang selalu tepat jawabannya maka kita ikuti /percayai saja formulanya,
petunjuknya, ijtihadnya; Kita cek, uji saja formula HDA, lalu orang pakai saja; Karena kalau orang harus membuktikan atau
mengecek secara tuntas - mengerti dalam kotak hitam - kerjanya kalkulator, penelitian profesor etc itu akan butuh waktu yang
panjang dan orang malah menjadi redundans, mengulang ulang yang buang enersi. Maka dari itu cek saja in & outnya dan kotak
hitam kita anggap saja sebagai bolah ruwet, seperti saat kita/orang berkenaan dengan matematik.
Barangkali dalam pemahaman manusia tentang otaknya sendiri ini kita boleh memegang & mempercayai petunjuk
Tuhan bahwa " Tuhan mengajar manusia dengan amsal. Amsal, sampel, simulasi atau contoh ajaran-Nya adalah Listrik " (24/35).
Singkatnya, di kotak hitam otak itu ada arus listrik maka ia mempunyai sirkit equivalen-nya, simulator-nya. Bentuk tegangan
pulsa listrik di input & output otak yang diukur oleh saintis Amerika Kandel persis sama dengan pulsa pulsa listrik dari
teori HDA, itulah verifikasi. Lihat gambarnya di lain halaman !
Synapse itu "pusat relay" yang informasi listrik, yang dikerjakan oleh transmitter neron atau ion ion kimiawi,
diangkut dari neron ke neron neron yang lain. Di celah (cleft) synapse terjadi penimbunan ataupun pengurasan dari transmitter
kalau ada pulsa pulsa listrik datang, atau neron neron sedang aktif bekerja. Dan sekali lagi kinerja padanya itu dilakukan
oleh ion ion yang nota bene adalah proses listrik, jadi orang boleh berpikir dan menjamunya, dealing with it, sebagai suatu
sirkit listrik biasa. Secara common sense kalau ada suatu gejala/ arus listrik di suatu benda apapun, neron kek, synapse kek,
air ludah kek, taik ayam kek, .....maka untuk benda tersebut tentu mempunyai "equivalent circuit-nya" atau sirkit penggantinya;
Dan kalau kita bisa mendapatkan sirkit pengganti-nya maka kondisi hal itu dapat kita kuasai artinya bisa kita jamu sebagai
sirkit listrik biasa dan seluruh konsekuensinya akan merupakan sifat & kondisi yang berlaku pula pada neron itu.
Pengukuran sinal sinal listrik dilakukan dengan penusukan dari jarum micro pada Synaptic Cleft/ celah synapse.
(Eric F. Kandel ;"Scientific American Book", 1979);
Kalau ion ion, neuro transmitters, itu terlalu banyak mendekam di celah itu dan di banyak neron neron yang
lain maka individu akan mengalami stress berat dan oleh obat anti stress ion ion itu dinetralisir, katakan tegangan listriknya
menjadi nol, zero voltage. Stress akan hilang namun hanya sementara saja selagi obat stress itu berkhasiat, karena alamiahnya
stress masalah yang diderita individu tetap exist hingga menimbulkan timbunan tegangan listrk itu lagi. Barangkali perlu kita
tekankan lagi "Bahwasanya Qur`an/ Taqwa itu juga Obat/ syifak" bahwa amalan & keikhlasan orang akan meninggikan Q-kualitas
orang yang berarti semua tegangan tegangan di neron neron akan meluncur ke nol semuanya; Atau dengan lain kata ....
"Not only will men of science have to grapple with science that
deal with man - but, and this is a far more difficult matter - they will have to persuade the world to listen to what
they have discovered. If they can not succeed in these difficult enterprise, man will destroy himself by his halfway
cleverness. I am told that, if he were out of the way, the future would lie with rats. I hope they will find it a pleasent
world, but I am glad I shall no be there." 1)
Rehearsing Chapter I, as a refreshing memory;
"How is the Universe constructed ?" After we look around at all the time more or less, since Aristotle 2500 years
ago, all of the great SCIENTIST, chronologically, all over the world .. Ptolemeu‚s, Kepler, ... Einstein,
Bohr, Schrdinger, Carl Sagan, John Wheeler, Paul Davis, Weinberg ... Baiqunni, Karlina .... they all can not explaining
it , except Hawking, but he was confused, as he explicitly states, " ..... these answers may seem as obvious to us
as the earth orbiting the sun _ or perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of tortoises." 2) The universe has a beginning
proved by Penzias & Wilson's measurement of the facts of the echo or big bang radiation,in 1964, and now in 1992
by Cobe I. And No Boundary Proposal means - beginless begin and endless end of the universe verified by Cobe II. Paradox,
means, these are ridiculous results ! But these of the facts of the real world and the imaginary world are true,
really exist at its time ! (really Absolute Right, due to referring to the Vacuum which is absolute, which have no dimension
of space-time - which is covariant wrt. general coordi… nate transformation - Einstein, the writer). Upgrading/
islakh: ( Really Hawking forgot his paradigm The anthropic principle is a quasi-metaphysical notion which implies that,
if a particular universe does not take on fundamental con… stants of Nature, which allow for the existance of
life and the development of intelligence, there will never be anyone to report its properties3)); Schrdinger Formulae
is the leading role in these issue; Mathematical Model (MM) of the universe has 2 boundary condi… tions
/ God desire; 1. Einstein General Relatuvity. 2. No boudary of the space - time. Hawking forgot with the quantum description
of Bohr. If in room -1, situation-1, one can not using its paradigm (in singularities) then we must change to the
other room-2 the law of the quantum cosmology. Then we find of the two facts , anthropically - the way it is, the
real world & the imaginary world/ the here-after as shown at figure 4, those are the absolute truth due to they refer
to the vacuum / THE REALITY that absolute in its space-time. We found that nature contains many fundamental numbers
(=standard measure as ISO). These standard numbers have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development
of life. We found also the meaning of the relativity and the absolute thing, anthropically. With the last thing we
could found and define THE GOD scientifically. Aufgehoben, upgrading of this chapter-1, on base of the anthropic
principle and Bertrand Russell aphorism, must be shared to Stephen Hawking; These would be merely influencing political
and social destiny of human being, complex idea of opinion with practical implications that has never been before.
SCIENTIST neurobiolog Hubel (1979), before starting to write his SCIENTIFIC
message about "the Brain"; Questioning first about the definition or the meaning of the words "mind" & "under…
stand" : Can the brain understand the brain? Can it understand mind? I think the difficulties with questions such
as these are semantic. They are loaded with words such as "understand" and "mind", useful words for many purposes
but fuzzy at the edges and out of place when they are applied to questions such as these, which they render either
meaningless or unanswerable. The problem comes when we ask about understanding, because such a word carriers with
it the implication of a sudden revelation or dawning, the existance of a moment when we might be said to leave the
darkness of the tunnel. It is not clear to me that there can be such a moment, or that we will know when it comes.4) Hawking
said: " Up to now, most scientist have been too occupied with the development of new theories that describe what the
universe is to ask the question why. On the other hand, the people whose bussiness is to ask why, the philosophers, have
not been able to keep up with the advance of scientific theories. In the eighteen century, philosopher considered
the whole of human knowledge, including science, to be their field and discussed questions such as : Did the universe
have a beginning? However, in the nineteen and twentieth centuries, science became too technical and mathematical
for the philosophers, or anyone else except a few specialists. Philosophers reduced the scope of their inquiries so
much that Wittgenstein, the most famous philosopher of this century, said, "The sole remaining task for phylosophy is
the analysis of language." What a come down ...... " 5) Analysing of the meaning of a word and the description idea
argumentation are sufficient, probably. Because philosophy is as a "Mother Ship", air craft carrier to batter down and
smoothing the way for the troop landed, or science; These are sufficient, because science can't do it - haven't the
capability in doing so. Say, that the definition of "mind" and "understand" and another abstract words could have
been defined •precisely, then mathematics, and technical equipments such as a microscope, micro electrode,
Cobe, EEG, ECG ... and computer, probably, would batter down the next way then scientific prediction would be easily
and quickly observed. Before we are going to the abstract words, non material, we will give an example of the simple
material words, a sentence such as; "Where is Tini?" equivalent in morphology to the question of chapter-2 ; "Where
is the mind?" that modern scientists coouln't answer. Then we would try with the easy question; where is Tini, she
is the daughter of Mr Sukarno, our neighbour. It could be that Tini is going out from home. Going to where, no body knows,
maybe she is going home to village, to Jakarta, to Sumatara or Kalimantan, we do not know. Then in searching her,
we have to give her identity, to the police and society, such as her height, weight, photo, the color of the hair
and skin, her ages .... etc. For completing we should have given her behavioral objectives, the identity of 1. cognitive.
2. affective. 3. psychomotoric this is the definition of Tini. The definition of "mind" ; What is mind? Mind is splitted
in two principle senses; 1. The individual mind is the self or subject which perceives, remember, .... imagines, loves
.... etc. and which is functionally related to individual bodily organism. 2. Mind, generally considered, is metaphysical
substance which pervades all individual minds and which is contrasted with matter or material substance. This meta
physical mind understand through something that dwelling in human mind, "khudhuri", "emanating" something that present
from outside (the Mind of God). Look Apdx 2.1 !
(1) Human behavior and dynamical behavior
of nature to be united by HDA theory; HDA theory, Human Dynamical Analogies theory; With DA - Dynamical Analogies
theory one unites Electrical- Mechanical - Nature behavior, due to their mathematical models (MM) is the same ; while
human and nature behaviors are united due to that they have 5 variables and those 5 nature variables having the same
characteristics with those 5 human varriables (Look Apdx. 2.2 !) . Hawking's hopeless: "We have, as yet, had little
success in predicting human behavior from MM" ... Russell's , We have to grapple it ! Then now we have HDA, we need
to underline/ add that due to now science growth have attaining a great progress in mathematics & technique, until
one can do by using computer, micro electrode, EEG, Cobe, then either the abstract, unseen, phenomenons in the brain
or behavioral phenomenons could be plotted as curves or another that every one could see and under… stand,
means, comprehendsible to every body and no paradoxical phenomenons found. (2) The description of the behavioral objectives
of man with one mathematical formulae Q = 0,005. h1 (h2.h3) [which Q = the quality of the one; h1 = the ikhlas/ altruist;
h2 = the amal; h3 = the cognitive activity of the one, which those three could be measured by questionary method in
statistical approach]. Prof. Hawking apologize that he introduce one mathemati… cal formulae in his
book, that is E = mc2, to the reader of his book; So we apologize too for involving the one and only the Q formulae above
in order that one could explore to all human behavior then explaining. Behavioral objective in the brain when someone
thinking about in solving a problem plotted by the "saw" - pulses of electrical voltages that could be analysed very
accurately by analysing the Q with its variables of h1, h2, h3. # The picture of the "tapestry"/ universe in the Vacuum
and the picture of the "saw pulses" in the brain's synapses; And by these two , fortunately, we could solving the
conundrum, then arguing; (1) Dealing with "tapestry", we could attain the relative versus the absolute - metaphysical
substance; Mind and Imaginary world. (2) For the "saw pulses" we could explain Rational Intelligence - RI; Emotional
Intelligence - EI; Psychomotoric Intelligence - PI that many scientists dare not to enter, for explaining in detail especially,
as shown below. With those two, "tapestry" in the Vacuum and "saw pulses" in the brain's synapses, every one would
has the capability in exploring the law/ paradigm of the nature and of the human being in a simple idea and could
"understand" those complex facts/ realities due to they emerging to us as a simple problem/ one. Now, come again the
word "understand" that Hubble gives up! ..... It is not clear to me that there can be such a moment, or that we will
know when it comes .... The definition of "understand", what is the meaning of understanding of something; Going back
the identity of the behavior of "Tini" which is the same with the identity of the behavior of "mind", due to the mind
is the self which is the perfomer; Then it is necessary to analyse the implication of those 3 behavioral objective,
as stated above.
" At the time of the saw pulses of voltage in the neuron
crosses the abcis is the time of the one understand the answer of the problem to be solved." The hardware of the mind
is the brain, while the software is the formulae of the R - C - L series with pulses of voltage at the input. "Where
is the mind?" Probably, the verification of the HDA theory, that is, the behavior of the thought of the one understanding
or not understand that abstracted by the MM of HDA that match with its measurements ( measured in the synapses cleft of
the neuron by US scientist) is the answer where is the mind?; So, mind is in the neurons of our brain !! 6) With pin
point, or, excact and accurate verification then professor Baiqunni agrees and saying with his alluring eyes OK, all right,
after I, the writer, show those two "saw voltage" are in agreement! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Figure
6: NOT UNDERSTAND Figure 7: UNDERSTAND Figure 6: Figure of voltage curve in the brain/ neuron in time of one does
not understand in solving a problem The voltage curve tracking out the peak - top of the saw voltage which never become
zero! Figure 7: The voltage in the brain at the time one understand in solving a problem, note that only 2 steps
then the saw voltage becomes zero, due to the high of Q so emotional one ( R increase, so Q decrease) make one become
One who has wisdom,
prophet, fortune teller as Ronggowar si to, also Stephen Hawking himself (at the time he saw, found the black hole
paradigm) could understand then formulating them, those are not RI rational approach but EI approach. Scientist always
using RI approach then they could arguing and explaining in scientific approach. After we could comprehend the meaning
of "understand" from those figures above , then the meaning of RI & EI from those figures 6 & 7 could be easily
grasped: One's Q Q = 1/R (L/C) or Q = 0,005 h1 (h2 x h3) Individual does not understand Q=0,0045 0,005 x 3 ( 3
x 3 ) = 0,045 Rational approach- RI Q= 0,5 0,005 x10( 10 x 10 ) = 0,5 Emotional approach- EI Q = 0,5 0,005 x 33(3
x 3) = 0,5 , so though he is dull with h3 =3, then due to he has Q = 0,5 so the saw voltage of 15 mV , would become
zero quickly , that's he has understood well ! The voltage of ERP (event related potentials) 8 mV in almost 2 second
going down to zero , one can say he understand! From the formulae Q =0,5 0,005 x 3 (370 x 3) = 0,5 it means that
the dull & emotional individual but dilligent in excerci sing of playing tennis/ soccer/ dance or the others, means
that the psychomtoric agent increasing drastically or the Q becomes, Q=0,5, this means, the individual understand
or professional in playing those they have learned hard.
Robert Ornstein has written: "It means that a consequency of the structure of our mind is that if awareness is restricted
at a constant stimulus, a turning off" - consciousness come from the outside world." General instruction for meditation
all underline of this.7) How do we try to do, in order, our meditation succeed; In short, we must make the Q=0,5 or
higher! In making the value of h1,2,3 attaining 10, there are many way as stated, instructed by Ornstein, Bloomfield,
who has wisdom, prophets, ..... meditate, pray, harmonic movements, feast ....... etc. The problem would be - the
coming of rewards - or, the answer of the problem, or, some… thing coming from outside that really present into
our conscious… ness, "Hudhuri" the Mind of God present! If present, then all of the problems would be solved!
In the plain language - make yourself to be in "firmness" condition (geleng - Java langguage; jahadu - Arabics; due
to we have look around at all the reasons) to solve, to say yes ....... to be "champion minded" ; Probably it is very
difficult in ascertaining the linkage, the coming, of the Mind of God. We need the mizan, standard praxis of it !!!
We find the mind in the brain, as the hardware of the mind (It is to be noted
that mind is an abstract thing, means it has no space and time dimension; So we can not say that we have found it
there in the brain; But the mind manipulated praxis there). Then where else we could find the mind's manipulation? #
At the clay or sand; We know the moment the emerging of one cell bacteria is when the very strong forces, cathasthrope,
act upon a clay or sand, result in the more complex molecules in a sudden and non linear shift, similar as the skin
af the one cell bacteria (Prigogine, 1980) then become .. the bacteria.8) Three billions ago happened slow process
of biological evolution, that bring organism starting from the simplest (one cell) to the creation of us - human being
(Hawking) It means that from > " U N D E R S T A N D "
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Gambar Kurva Tegangan di otak/
neuron saat orang tak mengerti penyelesaian satu masalah Kurva tegangan mengikut puncak puncak tegangan gergaji
yang tak pernah jadi nol ! Tegangan di otak saat orang mengerti penyelesaian satu masalah, perhatikan hanya 2 langkah
lalu teg. gergaji menjadi nol, karena Q besar jadi emosi menjadikan bodoh! Dengan verifikasi yang pin point atau tepat
dan teliti tersebut, maka prof. Baiquni dengan berbinar mengiyakan saat saya ajukan/ perlihat‚kan kepadanya
kedua gambar gigi gergaji itu. # Di tanah atau debu; Kita tahu saat terjadinya binatang ber the sand becoming biologist
including human and flora are living creature which have Mind.9) # James Jean: " .... The mechanism of the sun system
known that could arrange the planets in the orderly manner that we find them. Nevertheless, the overall organization
of the universe has suggested to many a modern astronomer an element of design. Thus James Jeans, who proclaimed that
"the universe appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician" and it "begins to look more like a great thought
than like a great machine" ; " We discover that the universe shows evidence of design… ing or controlling
power that has something in common with our own individual minds - not, so far as we have discovered, emotion, morality,
or aesthetic appreciation, but the tendency to think in the way which, for want of a better word, we described as mathemati…
cal."10). God desires, having mind, boundary conditions - No Boundary Condition- at the time HE desire to design
the universe. (Hawking) # Why does the universe obey the law? Due to The Anthropic Principles.11) (DR. Phillips
-1997). Universe is biological entity that create and construct itself; All lived biology have Mind.12) (Lee Smolin)
The source of the positive Laws (KUHP) are Nature - Civilazation and Religion/ Wahyu; On base of those sources made
into the positive law by the mind So the Law of Nature. That's why the law is (on base of) mind! Then due to the Law
is on base of mind and the Universe obey the Law that's why the Universe have Mind. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° At
last, we find the Mind in the dust/ clay - materials universe - biology including Homo Sapien - the Universe - and God
Himself It's simple these are the answers of the second question of Aristotle. (Note, please look also Notes of
8) - 12), with TOE approaches!) °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Probably, the Universe is on base of, or contains, standard
measures/ mizan; Then the standard measure, mizan of every thing must be discovered and collected (TOE) Then for the
future nature and the creature - human would live harmonizely .... becom… ing WORLD PEACE. Look at Appendix
2.2, standard measure of ideal h1,2,3 = 10; Q = 0,5; Allocated Energy attained by the ideal individual= 3.1018 Joules;
Life span of ideal individual= 120 years! ..... etc. APPENDIX 2.1 : The United of Natural Sciences of Schrdinger/ Bohr
- Einstein/ Hawking with Social Philosophy of Karlina, Descartes, Islamic Philosophy and Philosopy; Result in the
definition of MIND. ° # In reality, how does a fact happened? Featuring, we dye clothes with Naphthalene dyes.
Preparing its salt solution, with no color, none comparable to no color. We want (boundary condition/ mind's desire)
to make red color, the cloth immersed into the Red Naphthalene; Then immersed into the salt! It happened a Fact = red
cloth; Yellow, green of Naphthalene, .., ... would happened facts of yellow, green, ... clothes. The fact depends
upon the desire/ mind ! # And so for the Schrdinger formulae; MM of Schrdinger - which none comparable to it - involved
a boundary condition, that is, boundary condition -1 it happened Fact-1 a material world; Boundary condition 2 it
happened Fact-2 _ a wave. The first time physical formulae involves a desire/ mind of the one at the year of 1945
he wrote a book "What is Life" ; Not a question of philoso… phy due to involving a physical & chemical formulae
then opening the door of the beginning of life! # It exactly the same for constructing the universe; Boundary condition
1 = MM Einstein's General Relativity ; Boundary condition 2 = Quantum Cosmology - No Boundary Proposal as the desire
of God; It happened the Facts of the real world & the imaginary world/ Here After. Note Bohr's moving from room
1 2, at the time Einstein General Relativity formulae failed applied in micro cosmos then one has to move to the other,
room of quantum cosmology! # Events happened in the mind is the same. Mind wanted to drink due to the self is thirsty
would see a glass/fact -1; The mind missing his 2 friends would see his 2 heads/ Fact 2. Room 1,2 united, then becomes
figure non comparable to any figure! # I think then I am; Imagine of one that his thought is not in normal succession,
he could be mad, suffer from thought illness, .. Then probably there is none responding him, because he is not ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³
absent! According to Descartes, the one and only of the certainty (is the embryo of "the absolute truth", the
writer) is on base of mind and thought expressed in terms of "cogito ergo sum" - "I think then I am". The mind and
the brain are correlated each other, though they differ in dimension. Karlina: "In science now have been received
that SCIENCE is not merely "the world existing outside there"; Fact is a tied in, texture, of I or "the self" and
the object of the world outside there - outside "the self" ; Then REALITY that exist out side of us, have always to
be questioned still." From the argumentation above we could resumed: " The texture, tied in REALITY and MIND result
in, REALITY 's symp… toms, FACTS" Probably, this is the answer of Bohr's Bohr interpreted the quantum
mechanical paradoxes are reflecting basic limits to the mind's ability to conceptualize reality. Hudhuri Knowledge/
Islam Philosophy: According to philosophy language, awareness brightness are called " the
knowledge of the
present" ; The principle of epistemology are at the differentiation between the knowledge through concept or conceptualization
and the knowledge through presentation. Accurately differentiation between the knowledge based on concept in mind
about something that not present in mind, with the knowledge on based of something present by itself in mind and which
its exsistance is not separated from the knowledge of it. That is explained more about emanasi (= dwelling in human
mind) in cosmology as correlated with the knowledge - God present. In short "I"/ mind, is splitted in two : 1. I performative/
performer. 2. I metaphysics, correlated with the knowledge that "present". Philosophy : MIND : (Lat. mens) Mind is
used in two principal senses : (a) The individual Mind is the Self or Subject which perceives, remembers, imagines,
feels, conceives, reasons, wills, etc. and which is functionally related to individual bodily organism. (b) Mind,
generically considered, is a metaphysical substance which pervades all individual minds and which is contrasted with
matter or material substance. - Ledger Wood. INTENTIONALITY : The property of consciousness whereby refers to or intends
an object. The intentional object is not necessar… ily a real or existent thing but is merely that which the
mental act is about. Intentionality is the modern equivalent of the scholastic intentio; In Husserl: 1. (broadest
sense) The character of anything as "intending" or pointing beyond itself; self-transcendence. 2. (most frequent sense)
The character of consciousness as pointing beyond itself, as consciousness of something , and as having its horizon of
co-intendings; noetic intentionality. _ Dorion Cairns. INTELLECT : The cognitive faculty of the mind as it operates
at higher abstarct and conceptual levels._L.W. St. Agustine distinguish the intelect from reason; Intelection would be
impossible witout reason. The intelect is the soul itself. It rules the soul. Sometimes the intelect is called intelligentia
. Both the intellect and reason are innate in the mind. Reasons seeks knowl… edge or science , while the
intellect , which is higher , aims at wisdom, sapientia, or contemplation of eternal things, and especially God. -
J.J. Rolbiecki. Quantum Debate, Einstein - Bohr (John Gliedman 1983) : Einstein's; "I dont belive that God play dies
with the universe" He didn't believe - did not willingness to receive - that the law of nature is determinism - orderly
- then also indeterminant - disorder; It implies that you may have to take virtually the whole universe into account
when seeking the true causes of a physical event. Einstein said you didn't have to. Quantum theory postulates a kind
of longrange Siamese twin effect whenever two subatomic particles collide and then go their different ways. Even
when the particles are halfway across the universe from each other, it says, they instanta… neously respond
to each other's action. And in so doing, they violate relativity's ban on faster-than-light velocity. Bohr interpreted
the quantum mechanical paradoxes are reflecting basic limits to the mind's ability to conceptualize reality. In visual
perception,a shift of attention is often enough to trigger perception of the other figure in the ambigious pattern - to
change the face into two profiles. In quantum physics, according to Bohr, a shift in the scientist's experimental
setup achieves a somewhat
analogous change in his "perception" of a subatomic particle. In one experimental
arrangement, the physicist "sees" a particlelike electron; in another setup that is complementary, he "sees" a wavelike
electron. Judged by the traditional criteria of science, quantum theory was indeed fatally flawed. It provided no
explanation whatever for why individual subatomic particles behave as they do, and it compounded this omission by
dissolving the clear line between what we know about reality and reality itself (reality = facts, while reality itself
is REALITY = Vacuum Space = GOD TOE !). This was enough to cause Einstein renounce quantum theory even though he acknowledged
that it was a fantastically accurate prediction machine. Bohr's positivism led him to draw the opposite conclusion;
since quantum theory uses only those concepts that can be defined through subatomic masurements, scientist must accept
the fact that undefineble concepts such as causality and objective reality have no place in atomic physics. Quantum
theory is the best that human reason can do when confronted in the atomic domain by a kind of scientific Great Wall of
China - a permanent barrier to new human understanding of physical reality. ... As far as man's limited reason
is concerned,"There is no quantum world . There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think
that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature." One can almost
hear Bohr saying to Einstein what he once said to his son in a discussion about physics: "You are not thinking ; you
are merely logical" .. Einstein was trying to think logically about phenomena that resist ordinary logic. Undaunted,
Einstein wrote to his friend the phyicist Erwin Schrodinger (who shared Einstein's skepticism even though he was one
of the new theory's principle architects) that "The Heisenberg- Bohr tranquilizing philosophy - or religion? - is so delicately
contrived that, for the time being , it provides a gentle pillow for the true believer from which he cannot very easily
be aroused ...... But this religion has .... damned little effect on me." .... Thus wrote Einstein, the EPR pradox
forces us to relinquish one of the following assertion: 1. The quantum mechanical description of atomic behavior is
complete 2. The real states of spatially separated objects are independent of each other. In other words, if you
believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck with its incredibly subversive holism. The Nobel Laureate P.A.M.
Dirac: "It seems clear that the present quantum mechanics is not on its final form", said Dirac in 1979. He added
:"It might very well be that the new quantum mechanics will have determinism, quite possible that Einstein will turn
out to be correct." 17) But probably from the data of this Appendiks I, we could give the answers, as stated below:
After science could differentiate the Universe and the Vacuum (=REALITY) then probably SCIENTIST, including general
peoples, having the ability to find and define GOD scientifically; Introducing; The definition of Mind which include
the Mind of GOD and also defining of Fact, " The texture, tied in REALITY and MIND result in, REALITY 's symptoms,
FACTS" New approaches: 1. If you believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck with its incredibly subversive
holism. On the problem of what is matter, the above (TOE) has explained that, The Facts depend on the Mind Just
the formulae or Mathematical Model of Schrodinger is some thing that none comparable to it; If our mind involve in
it, the boundary condition -1 would produce Fact-1 , material world; If involving the boundary -2 would produce Fact-2
, the wave. So: Talking about facts we must linkage to The Wholeness = REALITY = GOD = non comparable to it; In other
words, The quantum mechanical description of atomic behavior is complete !!! 2. Dirac: He added :"It might very well
be that the new quantum mechanics will have determinant in the Einstein wanted ........ I think it is .....quite possible
that Einstein will turn out to be correct. According to Le Comte Du Nouy : Classic orderly or determinism; Quantum
or statistic Order is born from disorder [look 18) ! ] That is why those two are orderly or Einstein determinism is
right after all. And referring to Holism/ REALITY/ the absolute would make one could define the Absolute and relative
Truth ; "As long as one refers to REALITY they are absolute right; As long as rationalities consistent with the facts
they are relative right ". Note that the first paradigm is "open law" involves the second too; If rationality is hudhuri,
come from the REALITY, then it is an absolute truth/ right. APPENDIX 2.2 : HUMAN DYNAMICAL ANALOGIES: A GIANT
STEPS : (1) Human behavior and dynamical behavior of nature to be united by HDA theory; HDA theory, Human Dynamical
Analogies theory; With DA - Dynamical Analogies theory one unites Electrical- Mechanical - Nature behavior, due to
their mathematical models (MM) is the same ; while human and nature behaviors are united due to that they have 5 variables
and those 5 nature variables having the same characteristics with those 5 human variables. Rollo Handy, 1964: "The
discovery of an analogy between human behavior and the behavior of some other system, (whether computer, solar system,
meteorological system etc.) make some inquirers quite convinced that a revolutionary step forward either has been
taken or is about to be taken; But as often happens, the initial enthusiasm may be followed by disillusionment (R. Handy,
Method… ology of ...., 1964, p.46) .... HYPOTHESIS .... VERIFICATION OF HDA: From observation research then
discovered, that nature and human system having 5 variables and those properties are precisely the same; Construction
of Hypothesis; After deduction, is there any consequence of it? Then, come the verification, Is the MM consistent
with their measurement of the "saw" voltage in the synapses?; The behavior of electrical circuit (that analog with
human behavior) have been tried explained by the behavior of electron/ Quantum by scientist, but he fails!; By the
smart trick of MM of modern statistics The average values of emotional voltages from the "AC" formulae equalised to those
from the "DC" formulae, fortunately, found the value of the smallest voltage of the problems (=quantum), EH = 2 V;
That is why we could calculate the values of any other standard measure/ size, antrophi cal ly, really (truth - could
be measured). Look at the values of the standard measure of HDA at Figure 8 From long ago, thousands years before
Christ since Greeks civilization, the philosopher and psichology have used those three division; the behavioral objectives
of cognitive, psichomotoric & affective behaviors. Psychomotor behavioral objective/ has a basic meaning of discharing
(energy) the sulton/ worldliness they have, could be expressed in many of behavioral objectives; social activity/ , teaching
the truth/ , Avoid vain talk/ , To fulfill one promise/ , Active in deed of cherity/ , industrious/ , Avoid destruction/
, abstain from hypocrite/ , Abstain from stolen items/ , Abstain from prostitution/ .........could be continued ...
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Affective Behavioral Objective/ has a basic meaning of that individual is willing to receives
, responds any exsistan‚ce of challenges/ stimulus challenging one; with indicators we could find as: believe/
, Not emotional/ , pray/ sholat/ , Not egoist/ , Love/ , Avoid transgression/ , Abstain from proud/ , Abstain from
hypocryte/ , Abstain from stolen items/ , Abstain from prostitution/ ....... Cognitive Behavioral Objective has a
basic meaning of that individual tend to opposes/ solves any challenges/ problems with worldliness/ sulthon they have;
worldliness/sulton devides into 5 sorts : science/ , Richness/ , Power/ , Friends/ , Healthy Body/ , and these item
potentials under stood/calƒ cu la ted by the individual and puts it in the Brain memory = cognitive potential.
Those above resumed at Tabel 1. : At the year of 1875 we made standard measure/ dimension of length "1 meter ". And
now we make standard dimension for the level of ikhlas(), level of amal () and level of sulton (). For ideal man,
one that becomes model, ideal for every body due to their properties and potention, would be valued as 10 for their .
And those three would be valued 1 for the reverse of the ideal man or one that most far away from the ideal. So, featuring
for all human would get the certain position in the continuum of 1-10 or its value is in 0-10 interval. By measuring
in the standard of the behavior of human we constructed/ made then would be found;
, assumed Q = 0,005 x 10 x Q = 0,005 x 2 x = 0,02 ; Q = 0,005 x 5 x = 0,125 ; DEFINITION, "TAQWA" : "One
that taqwa is the one his social activity/ amal (h2) and altruism (h1) is high" :: (92/17-21) . DEFINITION, "SULTON"
(55/33): science (10/68) / richness (69/28) / authority (17/33) / friend (34/21) / healthy . DEFINITION, "GOOD" :
"All of the behavior that increasing the value of Q is good & the reverse one that lowering the Q is bad, to be
noted Qmax = 0,5 physics (17/33) ........ .. / - means and, or ! . DEFINITION, "UNDERSTAND" " At the time the saw
voltage in the neuron crosses the abscis is the time one understand the answer of the problem." . DEFINITION,
"QUALITY" " The worst of man is the one whose h1, h2 and h3 having the lowest value, hi=1, its Q is the lowest = 0,005"
, the best his Q = 0,5 , formulae of quality: one's Q = 0,02 0,045 0,08 0,125 0,180 0,320 0,500 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
= 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 Probably now yau are ready to look and comprehend HDA curves: REFERENCE: 1. "Thet", The
Theory of HDA; Taufik Rusdi (1987); Supervised by Prof. Baiquni ; 1700 pages, 1000 pages in mathematical formulae ;
more than 100 book referred; 2. The Mind of God - Paul Davies ; 1992 3. Scientific America - 1979 And many others.
14 Juli 2000; Taufik Rusdi > believe / have faith social activity Not Emotional Teaching of knowledge Praying/
s h o l a t Avoid Vain Talk altruism/ not egoist To fulfill one's promise Love/ Merciful Active in deed of cherity Avoid
Transgression Indostrious abstain from proud Avoid destruction abstain from hypocrite Abstain from hypocrite abstain
from stolen items Abstain from stolen items abstain from prostitution Avoid from prostitution Affective/ Ikhlas activity
Psychomotor/ amal activity science / knowledge Richness Power / Authority Friends/ armySolo Healthy Body Cognitive
/ Sulthon activity > N O T E OE OE1). Bertrand Russell, 1965 , p. 221; Atau dari: Syafi'i Maarif, Perspektif
Islam dalam Pembangunan Bangsa, PLP2M, Yogyakarta, 1987, p. 218. "Not only will men of science have to grapple with
science that deal with man - but, and this is a far more difficult matter - they will have to persuade the world to
listen to what they have discovered. If they can not succeed in these difficult enterprise, man will destroy himself
by his halfway cleverness. I am told that, if he were out of the way, the future would lie with rats. I hope they will
find it a pleasant world, but I am glad I shall no be there." 2). Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time , Transworld
Publisher LTD, London, 1988, p. 1. " ..... these answers may seem as obvious to us as the earth orbiting the sun
_ or perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of tortoises." 3). J.P. Mc Evoy and Oscar Zarate, Stephen Hawking for Begin…
ners, Icon Book Ltd., Cambridge, 1995, p. 165 The anthropic principle is a quasi-metaphysical notion which implies
that, if a particular universe does not take on fundamental constants of Nature, which allow for the existence of life
and the development of intelligence, there will never be anyone to report its properties. That is why our Universe seems
so right to us. it's tuned perfectly. Although many scientist rubbish this idea, no less an authority than Nobel Laureate
Steven Weinberg (who wrote the seminal book on the early universe, The Last Three Minutes) believes that quantum cosmology
provides a contexts in which the anthropic principle becomes simple common sense. The most probable universe is the
one that we're in ! As Voltaire's absurd philosopher Pangloss keeps telling Candide, "We live in the best of all possible
4) David H. Hubel "A Scientific American Book", The Brain, (September 1979), Vol: ...., p. 3. Can
the brain understand the brain? Can it understand mind? ...... I think the difficulties with questions such as these
are semantic. They are loaded with words such as "understand" and "mind", useful words for many purposes but fuzzy
at the edges and out of place when they are applied to questions such as these, which they render either meaningless
or unanswerable. The brain is a tissue. It is complicated .... they function according to the laws that govern any
other cells. Their electrical and chemical signals can be detected, recorded and interpreted, and .... the connections
that constitute the brain's woven felt work can be mapped. In short, the brain can be studied, just as the kidney
can. The problem comes when we ask about understanding, because such a word carriers with it the implication of a
sudden revelation or dawning, the existance of a moment when we might be said to leave the darkness of the tunnel.
It is not clear to me that there can be such a moment, or that we will know when it comes. 5). Stephen Hawking,
A Brief History of Time , Transworld Publisher LTD, London, 1988, p. 174. Hawking said: " Up to now, most scientist
have been too occupied with the development of new theories that describe what the universe is to ask the question
why. On the other hand, the people whose bussiness is to ask why, the philosophers, have not been able to keep up
with the advance of scientific theories. In the eighteen century, philosopher considered the whole of human knowledge,
including science, to be their field and discussed questions such as : Did the universe have a beginning? However,
in the nineteen and twentieth centuries, science became too technical and mathematical for the philosophers, or anyone
else except a few specialists. Philosophers reduced the scope of their inquiries so much that Wittgenstein, the most
famous philosopher of this century, said, "The sole remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of language." What
a come down ...... " 6) Eric R. Kandel "A Scientific American Book", The Brain, (September 1979), Vol: ., pp.
29; 38. Many neuro-biologists believe that the unique character of individual human beings, their disposition to feel,
think, learn and remember , will ultimately be shown to reside in the precise patterns of synaptic interconnections
between the neurons of the brain. Although certain higher mental activities are characteristic of the complex
brains of higher animals, it is now clear that elementary aspects of what are regarded as mental processes can be
found in the activity of just a very few neurons. It will therefore be interesting both philosophically and technically
to see to what degree complex forms of mentation can be explained in terms of simpler components and mechanism. To
the extent that such reductionist explanations are possible it will also be important to determine how the units of
this elementary alphabet of mentatiƒ on are combined to yield the language of much more complex mental process.
The Mind is not material substance; It has no dimension of space - time. So it is not correct to say that the
mind resides in the precise pattern of synaptic interconnections between the neurons. Probably we can say that the
mind manipulates thinking process there! 7) Robert Ornstein (& Claudio Naranjo) , On the Psychology of Meditation,
A Viking Compass Book, New York, 1972; p. ... 8) Marilyn Fergussen, The Aquarian Conspiracy, Granada, Great Britain
, 1982, pp.25;175,176,177,178 # 1980 Discovery - Prigogine's Transformation explaining how is man built from sand,
clay. # In order we could understand well with the wholeness approaches, we must "verstehen", that is, to look at
the all process of Prigogine transformation of the existence of man in 4 steps, that begin from the clay to one cell
bacteria .........then misising link of 700gr of his brain transformed into 1300 gram of its weight .......this homo-sapiens
at the time of 1000 BC had ever "trans… formed" into "the most beautiful civilization through all time", due
to their altruist/ taqwa/ return ..... at the end of this twentieth century 2 conditions; their knowledge is ended,
steady state, almost 90 % have been attained, then having the capability to understand the religion/ Qur`an, though
paradox -and- in the time of violence disturbances, catastrophe, critically stressed (Nur, 55) then all of human being,
globally, would begin to transform into higher rank of "insan kamil" - ideal man! Who left behind - does not join
due to egoist, low of h1, would die or becoming fasek, degraded human! Prigogine, who won the 1977 Noble Prize for
a theory that describes transformation, not only in the physical sciences but also in society - the role of stress
and `perturbations' that can thrust us into a new, high order : " We are at a very exciting moment in history, perhaps
a turning point." It is possible that we too are expressing a collective need, preparing for an evolutionary leap?
Physicist John Platt has proposed that humankind is now experiencing an evolutionary shock-front and `may emerge very
quickly into co-ordinated forms such as it has never known before .... implicit in the biological material all along,
as surely as the butterfly is implicit in the caterpillar.' When the puzzles and paradoxes cry out for resolution,
a paradigm is due. Fortunately, a deep and powerful new explana… tion for rapid evolution - biological,
cultural, personal - is emerging. The theory of dissipation structures may prove as important a break-through to science
in general as the theories of Einstein were to physics - the missing link between living systems and the apparently
lifeless universe in which they arose. Prigogine's theory resolves the fundamental riddle of how living things has
been running uphill in a universe that is supposed to be running down. And the theory is immediately relevant to every
day life - to people. It offers a scientific model of transforma… tion at every level. It explains the critical
role of stress in transfor… mation - and the impetus towards transformation inherent in nature! As we
shall see, the principles revealed by the theory of dissipative structures are valuable in helping us understand profound
change in psychology, learning, health, sociology, even politics and economics. First, let's look again for a moment
at the way in which
nature is saturated with order and alive with pattern; flowers and insect colonies, cellular
interactions, pulsar and quasar stars, the DNA code, biological clocks, the symmetrical exchange of energy in the
collision of subatomic particles, memory patterns in human minds. Next, remember that a deep level of nature, nothing
is fixed. These patterns are in constant motion. Even a rock is a dance of electrons. Some form in nature are
open system involved in a continuous exchange of energy with the environment. A seed, an ovum, and a living creature
are all open systems. There are also human-made open system. Prigogine gives the example of a town: it takes in energy
from the surrounding area (power, raw materials), transform it in factories, and returns energy to the environment.
In closed systems, on the other hand - examples would be a rock, a cup of cold coffee, a log - there is no internal transformation
of energy. Prigogine's term for open system is dissipative structuree. That is , their form or structure is maintained
by a continuous dissipation (consumption) of energy. Much as water moves through a whirlpool and creates it at the
same time, energy moves through and simultaneously forms the dissipative structures. A dissipatives structure might
well be described as a flowing wholeness. It is highly organized but always in process. Now think about the meaning
of the word complex ; braided together. A complex structure is connected at many points and in many ways. The more
complex a dissipative structure, the more energy is needed to maintain all those connections. There… fore
it is more vulnerable to internal fluctuations. It is said to be `far from equilibrium' Because these connection can
only be sustained by a flow of energy, the system is always in flux. Notice the paradox; the more coherent or intricately
connected the structure , the more unstable it is. Increased coherent means increased instability! This very instability
is the key to transformation . The dissipation of energy, as Prigogine demonstrated by his elegant mathematics, creates
the potential for sudden reordering. The continuous movement of energy through the system results in fluctuations;
if there are minor, the system damps them and they do not alter its structural integrity. But if the fluctuations reach
a critical size, they `perturb' the system. They increase the number of novel interactions within it. They shake it up.
The elements of the old pattern come into contact with each other in new ways and make new connections. The parts
reorganize into a new whole. The system escapes into a higher order. The more complex or coherent a structure, the
greater the next level of complexity. Each transformation makes the next one likelier. Each new level is even more
integrated and connected than the one before, requiring a greater flow of energy for mainte… nance, and
is therefore still less stable. To put it another way, flexibility begets flexibility. As Prigogine said, at higher levels
of complexity, `the nature of the laws of nature changes.' Life `eats' entropy. It has the potential to create new
forms by allowing a shake up of old forms. The elements of a dissipative structure co-operate to bring about this
transformation of the whole. In such a shift, even molecules do not just interact with their immediate neighbors, Prigogine
noted, `but also exhibit coherent behavior suited to the [needs of] the parent organism.' At other levels, insects co-operate
within their colonies, human beings within social forms. One recently reported example of a new dissipative structure
occurred when bacteria were placed experimentally in water, a medium in which this strain was unaccustomed to live. They
began to interact in a highly organized way that enabled some of their number to survive. The Zhabotinskii reaction,
a dissipative structure in chemistry, caused something of a sensation among chemist in the 1960s. In this dramatic
example of nature creating patterns in both space and time, beautiful scroll-like forms unfold in a solution in a laboratory
dish while the colors of the solution oscillate, changing from red to blue at regular intervals. Similarly, when certain
oils are heated, a complex pattern of hexagons appears on the surface. The higher the heat, the more complex the pattern.
These shifts are sudden and non linear. Multiple factors act on each other at once. [ These are the analogy of when
the very strong forces, catastrophe, act upon a clay or sand, result in the more complex molecules in a sudden and
non linear shift, similar as the skin af the one cell bacteria]. At first the idea of creating new order by perturbation
seems outrageous, like shaking up a box of random words and pouring out a sentence. Yet our traditional wisdom contains
parallel ideas. We know that stress often forces sudden new solutions; that crisis often alerts us to opportunity;
that the creative process requires chaos before form emerges; that individuals are often strengthen by suffering and
conflict; and that societies need a healthy airing of dissent. Human society offers an example of spontaneous selforganization.
In a fairly dense society, as individuals become acquainted with others, each soon has more points of contact throughout
the system via friends and friends of friends. The greater the instability and mobility of the society, the more interactions
occur. This means greater potential for new connec… tions, new organizations, diversification. Much as certain
cells or organs in a body specialize during the course of evolution, people with common interests find one another
and refine their speciality by mutual simulation and exchange of ideas. .... Critical perturbations - `a dialectic
between mass and minority' - can drive the society to `a new average'. Societies have limited power of integration,
he said. Any time a perturbation is greater than the society's ability to `damp' or repress it, the social organization
will (a) be destroyed, or (b) give way to a new order. 9) Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time , Transworld Pub…
lisher LTD, London, 1988, p. 124 .... our solar system , which is about 5 thousand million years old. The first
one or two thousand million years of the earth's existence were too hot for the development of anything complicated .
The remaining three thousand million years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution, which
has led from the simplest organisms to beings who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang. 10) Paul
Davies, The MInd of God , The Penguin Book, London, 1993, pp. 202-203. ..... Although the origin of the solar system
is not well understood, mechanism are known to exist that could arrange the planets in the orderly manner that we
find them. Nevertheless, the overall organization of the universe has suggested to many a modern astronomer an element
of design. Thus James Jeans, who proclaimed that "the universe appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician"
and it "begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine" also wrote: We discover that the universe
shows evidence of designing or controlling power that has something in common with our own individual minds - not, so
far as we have discovered, emotion, morality, or aesthetic appreciation, but the tendency to think in the way which,
for want of a better word, we described as mathematical. 11) Tim CIMM, Millenium Evening - Stepheh Hawking , Mizan,
Bandung , 1998, p. 129-130. Tanya Jawab III Daniel Manilow: " .. Mengapa alam semesta memenuhi hukum? Dr.
Phillips (Ahli Fisika Nobel Laureate 1997): " Ini pertanyaan yang sangat bagus. Saya betul betul berharap saya punya jawaban
yang bagus pula. Sayangnya tidak. Pertanyaan seperti itu telah mengganggu para saintis, ahli filsafat, dan ahli teologi
selama berabad abad. Pertanyaan itu benar benar mengagumkan. Semua yang dibicarakan Profesor Hawking sesungguhƒ
nya dapat dinyatakan dalam sejumlah kecil persamaan matematiƒ ka yang relatif sederhana, kemudian diikuti
oleh banyak persamaƒ an yang rumit. Mengapa alam mengikuti persamaan matematika? Orang telah berspekulasi
tentang hal ini. Satu jawaban yang mungkin adalah, jika alam berbeda dari yang sekarang ada, maka kita tidak akan
berada di sini. Yaitu jika alam tidak sebagaimana adanya, dan tidak ada hukum bagi alam, maka tidak mungkin bagi kehidupan
untuk berevolusi. Tidak mungkin bagi kita (makhluk hidup) untuk mengalami evolusi sedemikian hingga bisa mengaju kan
pertanyaan tersebut. 12) Paul Davies, The MInd of God , The Penguin Book, London, 1993, pp. 173; 211-2 13) Tim
CIMM, Millenium Evening - Stepheh Hawking , Mizan, Bandung , 1998, pp. 19. Karlina: Dalam dunia sains sekarang telah
disadari bahwa ilmu pengetahuan bukan semata mata "dunia yang ada di luar sana". Dengan kata lain, seluruh alam semesta
(=fakta, penulis) itu adalah jalinan antara subyek "Aku" sebagai pemaham dan obyek dunia yang ada di luar sana. Implikasinya,
sains dipandang sebagai suatu konstruksi yang bersifat epistemologis, bukan ontologis. Pengetahuan kita tentang alam
bukanlah alam itu sendiri, melainkan pemahaman "Aku" mengenai alam. Kita tetap melihatnya sebagai sebuah persepsi.
Sedangkan realitas yang ada di luar diri manusia masih harus selalu kita pertanyakan. Dan manakala subyektivitas dilibatkan,
maka pendekatan kuantitatif tidak dapat dipegang sepenuhnya. Karena subyektivitas itu berubah-ubah. Saya kira kalau
sains berpegang pada pemahaman ini, sains akan berbicara dalam bahasa kemanusiaan . Sains dengan wajah manusia 14)
Hamdani ,Ilmu Khudhuri, Mizan, Bandung, 1980, p. ....., 15) Dogobert D. Runes, Dictionary of Philosophy, Littlefield,
Adams & CO, Paterson, New Jersey , 1963, p. 198. 16) Ibid., pp. 147-148. 17) John Gliedman, "Einstein - Against
the Odds: The Great Quantum Debate" Science Digest, (June 1983); pp. 74 - 80 , 109. Einstein: .... As far as quantum
theory is concerned, God roll dice, but every subatomic particle rolls a pair of loaded dice every time it decides
on manifesting itself at a definite position or with a definite momentum. Einstein could have lived with quantum theory's
see saw treatment of position and momentum but for the fact that it ruled out determinism in the atomic realm, and Einstein
refused to abandoned determinism. .... And still Einstein persevered in his lonely combat against quantum theory.
Increasingly he began to emphasize that quantum theory challenges another fundamental scientific belief about reality.
It implies that you may have to take virtually the whole universe into account when seeking the true causes of a physical
event. Einstein said you didn't have to. Quantum theory postulates a kind of long-range Siamese twin effect whenever
two subatomic particles collide and then go their different ways. Even when the particles are halfway across the universe
from each other, it says, they instantaneously respond to each other's action. And in so doing, they violate relativity's
ban on faster-than-light velocity. Bohr interpreted the quantum mechanical paradoxes are reflecting basic limits to
the mind's ability to conceptualize reality. In visual perception,a shift of attention is often enough to trigger perception
of the other figure in the ambigious pattern - to change the face into two profiles or the beautiful young women into
an old crown. In quantum physics, according to Bohr, a shift in the scientist's experimental setup achieves a somewhat
analogous change in his "perception" of a subatomic particle. In one experi… mental arrangement, the physicist
"sees" a particlelike electron; in another setup that is complementary, he "sees" a wavelike electron. Judged
by the traditional criteria of science, quantum theory was indeed fatally flawed. It provided no explanation whatever
for why individual subatomic particles behave as they do, and it compounded this omission by dissolving the clear line
between what we know about reality and reality itself (reality = facts, while reality itself is REALITY = Vacuum Space
= GOD TOE !). This was enough to cause Einstein renounce quantum theory even though he acknowledged that it was a
fantastically accurate prediction machine. Bohr's positivism led him to draw the opposite conclusion; since quantum
theory uses only those concepts that can be defined through subatomic masurements, scientist must accept the fact that
undefineble concepts such as causality and objective reality have no place in atomic physics. Quantum theory is the best
that human reason can do when confronted in the atomic domain by a kind of scientific Great Wall of China - a permanent
barrier to new human understanding of physical reality. ... As far as man's limited reason is concerned,"There is
no quantum world . There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics
is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature." One can almost hear Bohr saying
to Einstein what he once said to his son in a discussion about physics: "You are not thinking ; you are merely logical"
.. Einstein was trying to think logically about phenomena that resist ordinary logic. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Undaunted,
Einstein wrote to his friend the phyicist Erwin Schrodinger (who shared Einstein's skepticism even though he was
one of the new theory's principle architects) that "The Heisenberg-Bohr tranquilizing philosophy - or religion? - is so
delicately contrived that, for the time being , it provides a gentle pillow for the true believer from which he cannot
very easily be aroused ...... But this religion has .... damned little effect on me." .... Thus wrote Einstein, the
EPR paradox forces us to relinquish one of the following assertion: 1. The quantum mechanical description of atomic
behavior is complete 2. The real states of spatially separated objects are independent of each other. In other
words, if you believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck with its incredibly subversive holism. Even today
the overwhelming majority of physicist don't concern themselves with the philosophical issues raised by quantum theory.
Relatively few among the more philosophically inclined minority joint Einstein concluding that quantum theory is incomplete
on account of its baffling holism. Still, these philoso… pher - physicists' attempts to trace the implications
of quantum holism for our picture of reality is closer to the spirit of Einstein's stubborn search for atomic insight
than Bohr's austere renuncia… tion of even the hope of someday understanding quantum phenomena. And in recent
years - as dissent from Bohr's still orthodox interpretation of quantum theory has slowly grown - a few scientists,
like the Nobel Laureate P.A.M. Dirac, have begun to wonder aloud if Einstein may yet be proved right. "It seems clear
that the present quantum mechanics is not on its final form", said ] Dirac in 1979. He added :"It might very well
be that the new quantum mechanics will have determinism in the Einstein wanted ........ I think it is .....quite possible
that Einstein will turn out to be correct. These writing above was at the year of 1983. And these NOTE was written
at 17 August 2002, or, after this book is finished; It means that they represent a wholeness approach or TOE ap…
proach. TOE approach: 1. If you believe that quantum theory is complete, you're stuck with its incredibly subversive
holism. On the problem of what is matter, TOE has explained that The Facts depend on the Mind # Just the formulae
or Mathematical Model of Schrodinger is some thing that none comparable to it; If our mind involve in it, the boundary
condition -1 would produce Fact-1 , material world; If involving the boundary -2 would produce Fact-2 , the wave.
So: Talking about facts we must linkage to The Wholeness = REALITY = GOD ; In other words, The quantum mechanical
description of atomic behavior is complete !!! 2. Dirac: He added :"It might very well be that the new quantum mechanics
will have determinism in the Einstein wanted ........ I think it is .....quite possible that Einstein will turn out to
be correct. According to Le Comte Du Nouy : Classic orderly or determinism Quantum or statistic Order is born
from disorder [look 18) ! ] That is why those two are orderly or Einstein determinism is right after all. 18)
Lecomte du NoÜy, Human Destiny, Mentor Book, New York, 1947, p.30 The first is that it was necessary for the reader
to understand clearly that all our scientific laws at present rest on chance, that is to say, on the hypothesis of
an absolute disorder at the base. If molecules, atoms, and electrons were not submitted to "perfectly disorder" motions,
our statistical reasoning would not lead us to definite laws. Now, these laws of nature express a remarkable harmony
on our scale of observa… tion. It can therefore, be said that, from our point of view of man, order is born
from disorder. Solo 21 September 2002 [ ] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Dari semut sampai gajah, otaknya terjadi dari sel sel yang dinamakan
neuron, dengan fitrah yang sama, dan jumlah neuron manusia yang 100 milyar itu tak ada makhluk bumi yang mengunggul‚i.
Karena pada bina‚tang tingkat rendah, aplysia, jumlah neronnya tak terlalu besar hingga dapat langsung bisa
dijangkau oleh jarum elektrode mikro dalam percobaan percobaan saintis. Dan saintis Kandel telah dapat memisahkan
dengan presice & accurate antara input & output dari otaknya, seperti gambar berikut ini. Badan neuron
yang mempunyai cabang cabang pendek (dendrite) yang berfungsi menerima nerve impulses & satu Axon cabang yang
besar sebagai transmitter pulsa syaraf; Dan ada 10 000 benang syaraf - nerve fibers - ( 10 000 kabel telpon dari pusat
kantor telpon ,yang bersystem 10 000, ke abone/ rumah rƒ umah) yang menyebar ke neron neron yang lain, sebagai
penghan‚tar dari informasi informasi yang berujut pulsa pulsa listrik yang dibangkitkan oleh ion ion kimiawi
(neuro transmitter). Bisa dilihat dalam gambar diatas benang syaraf dari Axon itu terminalƒ nya pada dendrite
neron beruj‚ut knop knop kecil synapse. °°°°°°°°°°° Synapse itu "pusat relay" yang informasi listrik, yang
dikerjakan oleh transmitter neron atau ion ion kimia‚wi, diangkut dari neron ke neron neron yang lain. Di
celah (cleft) synapse terjadi penimbunan ataupun pengura‚san dari transmitter kalau ada pulsa pulsa listrik
datang, atau neron neron sedang aktif bekerja. Dan sekali lagi kinerja padanya itu dilakukan oleh ion ion yang nota
bene adalah proses listrik, jadi orang boleh berpikir dan menjamu‚nya, dealing with it, sebagai suatu sirkit
listrik biasa. Secara common sense kalau ada suatu gejala/ arus listrik di suatu benda apapun, neron kek, synapse
kek, air ludah kek, taik ayam kek, .....maka untuk benda tersebut tentu mempunyai "equivalent circuit-nya" atau sirkit
penggantinya; Dan kalau kita bisa mendapat‚kan sirkit pengganti-nya maka kondisi hal itu dapat kita kuasai
artinya bisa kita jamu sebagai sirkit listrik biasa dan seluruh konsekuensinya akan merupakan sifat & kondisi yang
berlaku pula pada neron itu. Pengukuran sinal sinal listrik dilakukan dengan penusukan dari jarum micro pada Synaptic
Cleft/ celah synapse. (Eric F. Kandel ;"Scientific American Book", 1979); Kalau ion ion, neuro transmitters, itu
terlalu banyak mendekam di celah itu dan di banyak neron neron yang lain maka individu akan mengalami stress berat
dan oleh obat anti stress ion ion itu dinetralisir, katakan tegangan listriknya menjadi nol, zero voltage. Stress
akan hilang namun hanya sementara saja selagi obat stress itu berkhasiat, karena alamiahnya stress masalah yang diderita
individu tetap exist hingga menimbulkan timbunan tegangan listrk itu lagi. Barangkali perlu kita tekankan lagi "Bahwasanya
Qur`an/ Taqwa itu juga Obat/ syifak" bahwa amalan & keikhlasan orang akan meninggikan Q-kualitas orang yang berarti
semua tegangan tegangan di neron neron akan meluncur ke nol semuanya; Atau dengan lain kata .... semuanya ; Atau dengan
lain kata ion ion yang tertimbun di celah celah akan ternetralisir secara mutlak, dengan pengertian, tidak sementara
namun seterusnya karena walau stress masalah itu tetap ada namun mekanisme otak - dengan pendekaƒ tan HDA
yang semua perilaku neron itu sama dengan perilaku r,c,l sirkit listrik - dengan Q yang tinggi tadi menjadikan tegangan
listrik terbuang (discharge); Dan perlu diketahui dengan memperting‚gi ketaqwaan tadi tak ada efek samping-nya,
sedang dengan obat/ pil anti stress tadi ada sisa bahan kimiawi yang merupakan sampah sampah yang bisajadi berbahaya
bagi kinerja otak selanjutnya. Gambar nerve fiber atau benang syaraf diatas persis seperti kabel listrik, yang
ion ion atau elektron elektron bergerak didalamnya. Bayangkan gerakan elektron itu seperti gerakan kelereng yang kita
isikan dalam pipa pralon dari Solo hingga Jakarta, dan dorongan di Solo hanya berkecepatan 10 meter/hari yang akan diikuti
pula dengan gerakan kelereng di Jakarta; Jadi kecepatan elektron/kelereng itu lambat sekali, namun kecepatan informasi
yang dibawanya secepat kilat saat kita menghentakkan dorongan pada kelereng pertama kali saat itu juga Jakarta sudah
merasaƒ kan hentakan itu kecepatannya = kecepatan sinar 3 x 108 meter/detik atau kira kira bolak balik Solo
Jakarta 300 kali dalam 1 detik saja.
°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°
HDA : Dari data pengukuran Kandel diatas didapatkan: (1) dalam 5 sec. ada 12 pulsa menurun ke nol ketemu = 0,083 ;
(2) ketinggian pulsa pertama terhitung tinggi pulsa kedua, ketiga ...etc. Dengan 2 data ini dan formula HDA-nya kita
masukkan computer dengan program Turbo Pascal, menghasilkan L7 & L10 diatas, yang hitam. Bayangkan dari hasil
pengukuran Kandel yang semua saintis USA tak tahu artinya namun dengan Formula HDA yang mengabstraksi‚kan
gejala terukur itu secara precise & accurate kita menjadi tahu makna hasil pengukuran itu, karena hasil 2 bentuk
fungsi gergaji yang sama itu atau hasil teori & experimen yang sama; Dan inilah bukti nyata atau verifikasi dari HDA
theory. Kemlesetan pada tegangan yang rendah karena sangat mungkin mekanisme otak mempergunakan teknik AGC-automatic
gain control yang menaikkan level tegangan rendah. Dalam DA semua formula sirkit Listrik bisa dipakai menjadi formula
Phisika & Mekanika dan dengan HDA semua formula listrik tadi bisa menjadi formula perilaku manusia termasuk pemikiran
atau perilaku otak. Untuk mengkonstruksikannya butuh 25 tahun kerja keras, karena menyangkut system alam. OTAK HARUS
DG. PENDEKATAN "KOTAK-HITAM" And now a breakthrough in the study of the brain does come. There is no scientific study
more vital than the study of his own brain. Our entire view depend on it. (HDA, 1987) To understand man, we have to
understand the brain. (Francis O Schmitt 1967) Pemahaman manusia akan rahasia otaknya dapat mengarah kepada semacam
evolusi sosial yang dapat membantu mencerdaskan manusia, mencegah konflik konflik antar manusia dan antar bangsa,
karena manusia telah dapat memahami dirinya sendiri dan pada giliran-nya ia dapat memahaƒ mi orang lain.
Menurut dia evolusi semacam ini diperlukan demi kelestarian species manusia. Otak manusia merupakan misteri dunia
biologis terbesar, frontir terbaru abad ini, dan barangkali frontir terakhir, yang dihadapi manusia dalam upaya mengexplorasi
dan memahaƒ mi dirinya sendiri. Pemahaman manusia tentang otaknya sendiri baru berada di ambang pintu perjalanan
jauh. Perkembangan dan kecenderungan teknologi otak bergerak dari mitos =dongeng, isapan jempol atau barang yang fiktip,
hanya bayangan belaka; Masalahnya sekarang saintis modern telah menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya `materi itu mitos' Schrdinger
formula menuju realitas. (Soejono Aswin 1988) Mengapa "kotak hitam" ? Atau sebetulnya mengapa kita harus iman
atau mempercayai bahwa itu yang betul? Kita hidup ini tidak bisa lepas dai unsur `percaya' namun juga jangan bodoh,
gunakan akal sehat, misalnya dalam memakai kalkulator yang baru, kita coba dulu 7x7=49, 30:3=10, 2+3=5-2=3, 9=3 sesudah
itu kita boleh percaya hasil hitungan yang jutaan rupiah itu tentu betul; Kita tanyakan kepada profesor kita yang
selalu tepat jawabannya maka kita ikuti /percayai saja formulanya, petunjukƒ nya, ijtihadnya; Kita cek, uji
saja formula HDA, lalu orang pakai saja; Karena kalau orang harus membuktikan atau mengecek secara tuntas - mengerti
dalam kotak hitam - kerjanya kalkulator, penelitian profesor etc itu akan butuh waktu yang panjang dan orang malah
menjadi redundans, mengulang ulang yang buang enersi. Maka dari itu cek saja in & outnya dan kotak hitam kita anggap
saja sebagai bolah ruwet, seperti saat kita/orang berkena‚an dengan matematik. Barangkali dalam pemahaman
manusia tentang otaknya sendiri ini kita boleh memegang & mempercayai petunjuk Tuhan bahwa " Tuhan mengajar manusia
dengan amsal. Amsal, sampel, simulasi atau contoh ajaran-Nya adalah Listrik " (24/35). Singkatnya, di kotak hitam
otak itu ada arus listrik maka ia mempunyai sirkit equivalen-nya, simulator-nya. Bentuk tegangan pulsa listrik di
input & output otak yang diukur oleh saintis Amerika Kandel persis sama dengan pulsa pulsa listrik dari teori HDA,
itulah verifikasi. Lihat gambarnya di lain halaman ! Synapse itu "pusat relay" yang informasi listrik, yang dikerjakan
oleh transmitter neron atau ion ion kimiawi, diangkut dari neron ke neron neron yang lain. Di celah (cleft) synapse terjadi
penimbunan ataupun pengurasan dari transmitter kalau ada pulsa pulsa listrik datang, atau neron neron sedang aktif bekerja.
Dan sekali lagi kinerja padanya itu dilakukan oleh ion ion yang nota bene adalah proses listrik, jadi orang boleh berpikir
dan menjamunya, dealing with it, sebagai suatu sirkit listrik biasa. Secara common sense kalau ada suatu gejala/ arus
listrik di suatu benda apapun, neron kek, synapse kek, air ludah kek, taik ayam kek, .....maka untuk benda tersebut
tentu mempunyai "equivalent circuit-nya" atau sirkit penggantinya; Dan kalau kita bisa mendapat‚kan sirkit
pengganti-nya maka kondisi hal itu dapat kita kuasai artinya bisa kita jamu sebagai sirkit listrik biasa dan seluruh
konsekuensinya akan merupakan sifat & kondisi yang berlaku pula pada neron itu. Pengukuran sinal sinal listrik
dilakukan dengan penusuƒ kan dari jarum micro pada Synaptic Cleft/ celah synapse. (Eric F. Kandel ;"Scientific
American Book", 1979); Kalau ion ion, neuro transmitters, itu terlalu banyak mendekam di celah itu dan di banyak neron
neron yang lain maka individu akan mengalami stress berat dan oleh obat anti stress ion ion itu dinetralisir, katakan
tegangan listriknya menjadi nol, zero voltage. Stress akan hilang namun hanya sementara saja selagi obat stress itu
berkhasiat, karena alamiahnya stress masalah yang diderita individu tetap exist hingga menimbulkan timbunan tegangan
listrk itu lagi. Barangkali perlu kita tekankan lagi "Bahwasanya Qur`an/ Taqwa itu juga Obat/ syifak" bahwa amalan
& keikhlasan orang akan meninggikan Q-kualitas orang yang berarti semua tegangan tegangan di neron neron akan meluncur
ke nol semuanya; Atau dengan lain kata ....