A More Natural Reference Model
Integrating Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and M Theory
J Gregory Moxness
(Dated: July 4, 2007)
M Theory holds the promise of resolving the conflict between general relativity
and quantum mechanics but lacks experimental connections to predictability in physics. This connection is made by questioning
the value of the traditional Planck unit reference point for the scales at which M Theory operates. It also suggests a cosmological
model which has acceleration as being fundamental. It provides for an intuitive understanding of the Standard Model and its
relationship to particle masses and the structure of the atom. The prediction of particle mass and lifetimes is a good indicator
for its validity
Probably before the emergence of TOE there are ten big theories
for now as said by Hawking, and we have no time to scrutinize those many
big theories. But those many theories serve equally well to illustrate contribution
for the emergence of a complete unified theory / TOE ; M-theory, General Relativity
theory , Quantum theory, Quantum Cosmology theory . .... those all are Natural sciences and .... we have, as yet, had little
success in predicting human behavior from mathematical equations ...... but now
we have the HDA theory , the math of the electrical circuit theory that can be applied as the math of the human behavior ....
wunderbar ya ! Then we would find too much experimental fact connections to predictability in social behaviors; TOE / science
is essentially simple and comprehensible to every one (Hawking & Einstein) and as you said; M Theory holds the promise of resolving the conflict between general relativity and quantum mechanics but lacks experimental
connections to predictability in physics. So it is not simple - but The prediction of particle mass and lifetimes is a good
indicator for its validity; It means that M-Theory could emerging well theoretically the standard measure of the life span
of the universe - in HDA theory emerging that the standard life span of human being is 120 years .... As Hawking said
, We found that nature contains many fundamental numbers (=standard measure as ISO). These standard numbers have been very
finely adjusted to make possible the development of life; And it is very difficult to find those standard measure due to we
must find it by experiment - but if TOE emerge we could find those theoretically;
so that we, humanity, can do / praxis in justice !!
We could regard those many theories as different aspect of the same theory/ TOE and their epistemology
could have been split into three steps - a key for solution , - test, verification, and - emerging of God in science;
On behalf of these three then we will intense on the orientation of the lifetime
of the universe only and scrutinize in short their verifying formula ; As Hawking only expose one formulae of E = mc2
and HDA only of the Quality of the one;
Q = 0.005 h1 √( h2xh3) in order becoming simple and then comprehensible to everyone
This paper will present a new “more natural"
reference model for integrating general relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM) by contrasting it with the development
of a reference model based on the more traditional Planck units. The new
unit-of-measure (UoM) is based on the non-linear expansion or acceleration of the universe [1]. It provides a testable
framework for particle mass prediction in support of The standard model (SM) as well as M Theory (MT).
The fact that the universe is found to be accelerating indicates that an exponential model
which accommodates this acceleration could be more natural than the traditional linear model. The key to defining
this new model relies on deriving “unity" as the center of scales for length (L), time (T), , mass (M), and charge
(Q) that are exponentially expanding.
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) hold in high regard the Planck scale for its natural proximity
to the unification energies. This scale is set by setting the fundamental parameters of the velocity of light (c), Planck's
constant (h), and Newton's Constant (GN) to unity. Planck units are derived by combining powers
of these constants into their dimensions of L, T, M, and Q. In terms of space time, it seems to identify a possible lower
limit to the length scale at one unit Planck length ( lP = √(GN
h / c 3).
models logically define an upper limit based on the age and extent of the universe. In addition to an upper and lower
limit (e.g. infinity (∞) and zero= 1/ ∞ respectively), an exponential
model should identify a center (unity) in order to be well defined. In physics, the upper limit is naturally thought to be
indicated by the macro world of GN and GR. The lower limit is the micro world of h and QM. Fortunately, c
is at home in both the micro and macro worlds. In the Planck unit model, the expanse between unity and zero is where GR and
QM require the \new physics" beyond SM. As a reference model for scaling the universe, it offers no direct prescription
for phenomena associated with atomic scales; therefore, using Planck units as a reference frame for the “center" of
an exponentially scaling model seems counter-intuitive.
A new model is offered that uses this same general approach in defining natural dimensions
but with interesting results achieved by associating with it two more fundamental parameters - the macro Hubble (H0)
and the micro fine structure (α). This approach does not detract from the significance of the Planck scale and its
associated theoretical frameworks; however, it adds a point of view that puts it properly at the micro edge of an accelerating
universal expansion.
Except for the Hubble parameter, the fundamental parameters of h, c, GN, and α
are typically thought to be constant. A new model based on an accelerating universe is achieved by considering that all of
these fundamental parameters vary with time[*1]. It is also necessary to redefined
the relationships between the measurable aspects or dimensions of our reality.
A. Relating Length
to Time
In Planck units, c sets up the relationship between space and time by being driven to an effective
dimension less unity (a.k.a. geometrized units). This is done by setting
unit (Planck) time as that taken by a photon to traverse 1 unit lP, such that tP = lP/c =
1. In terms of experimental precision, c is a ”defined measurement" with no standard error. That is, its value is used
to define length and time by counting its particle/wave oscillations or pulses.
The concept of using to drive the relationship of space and time is also used in the new model
with the difference focusing on the fact that the universe is found to be accelerating. This new model creates a relationship
between the fundamental constants which provides an opportunity to normalize them to that universal acceleration. It
does this by defining their magnitudes to be varying with time. For consistency, it also modifies the traditional understanding
of the relationship between the dimensionality of L and T. The fundamental “constants" are now more properly referred
to as fundamental “parameters".
For the assumptions in this new model, acceleration becomes a “dimension less unity"
requires setting L to be equivalent to the square
of the time dimension [*2]:
L = T2
alternatively T = L’ and I=o(-1) = T’
With c as the indicator for the expansion of space-time through its integral relationship with the
impedance of free space(Ω 0)derived from permittivity (ε 0 ) and permeability (μ0),
it is natural to be defined as covariant with an accelerating universe. Since LT -1 = T, c can also be directly
associated with the age of the universe instead of Planck's (dimension less) unity. Of course, since H0 of dimension
T -1 is directly related to the age of the universe, it can be incorporated into the new model as well with [*3]:
a U = 4πH0c = 1 Unit Acceleration
1 Dimension less Unit
= 87.39 Angstroms/s2
c ‘ = - H ‘ 0 = - a ‘’ / a ‘ =
1 Dimension less Unit (3)
H0 is defined using the space metric (a) which is a function of time. It can
also be defined as a function red shift factor (z) as a(z). Depending on cosmological model, this can give the age of the
t U = a(0)/H0
The normalization is made possible by (2) and this model's definition of:
H0 = α8 / (4t unit)
c = α -8 l unit / t unit = 1/(4πH0) =
α -8 t unit .
For the purposes of this work, the assumption is that this relationship is correct and that
the analysis of experimental evidence for the constraints on multiple time varying fundamental parameters will corroborate
A less dramatic alternative is also o ered by deēning L=T and a dimensionless c = 1/(4πH0 tunit) = α -8. There is
evidence from the relationships deēned below that this is just as reasonable. This alternative has similar dimensionality
to that of the traditional Planck UoM, along with its constant fundamental parameters. Unfortunately, it negates several
interesting results related to this model's tie to MT. Some of these results can be recovered by instead relating the
11 MT charge dimensions to Degrees of Freedom (DoF).
TABLE II: Charged Lepton Mass and Lifetime
510:99944123 KeV=c2
13:6 Billion years
105:03797892 MeV=c2
2:35 s 1:7992480561 GeV=c2
1.7992480561 Ge V/c2
282 Femto s
The Cosmological Constant
In terms of billions of light-years (Gly), the Hubble radius is:
RH = c / H0 = 13.669363983 Gly
a(0) = 2 / 3√ΩA ln[ (1+√ΩA) / √Ωm] = 1.0137946617
gives a very precise calculation for the current age of the universe of:
U = a(0) / H(0) = 13,857,928,235.3(9.7) years
RESPONSE : A key for solution of the age of the universe
; the unit - of - measure (U0M
- universal “standard measure”) of the half life span of the Universe
RH = c / H0 = 13.669363983 Gly ...... H0 = c / RH
t u = a(0) / H(0) = 1.0137946617
/( H0 = c / RH
) = .13.669363983 Gly/billion of light years x
1.0137946617/ c , light speed = 13,857,928,235.3 (9.7) years
By comparison , t e
= 13:6
Billion years is smaller than our universe
... OK !
Test, verification;
Hubble are not only looking back at the birth of the galaxy ; But also the biggest birth of the
universe ; It conduct by serving a data the distance from earth to another galaxy .
And the velocity of the galaxy in spreading out. Edwin Hubble treat this formulae to find when the big bang occurred ..... But why the astronomer wanted to
know it? The Doctor necessary to know the old of the patient in order the diagnose is not wrong; It is the same astronomer necessary
to know the age of the universe; Astronomer have believed the ages of the universe
is 15 billion of years; Hubble showing a strange data ; The universe is younger than its supposition of 8 - 12 billion years
. Younger than these old stars . The number are not fix . This could be said
as a paradox; How could her daughter is older than the mother ? These are big
problem in cosmology . We do not understand the response of the big bang. It not means that the big bang is wrong - but we
not yet ready comprehend it totally. Or we do not understand at the more basics.
It means that scientist could not verify! Why
Let be patient , and think about on the history of time that at the beginning of the universe
all material of the universe is united ; say at the inflation process is as big as a proton and at a very very small of a
fraction of a second attaining 10 meter in diameter then big bang process ..... Afterglow Light Pattern .... Dark Ages ......
First Star is born ..... Development of galaxies, Planets , etc.; The dimension
of time is referred to the revolution of an electron in an atom of H , and at high density of the material - say at black
hole - the revolution of the electron becomes slower, so the density so slower ..... and at the singularity there is no revolution
! These are big problem.
If I may of opinion, by common sense, let us thinking
of the ages of a teak tree through counting their “circle of years “ ; Say there are 30 circles of year means
our tree is 30 years old; We can look at the first circle of year is , say, two centimeter and the outer diameter is 60 cm
; And we can say that the ages from the seed or sprout until 2 cm in diameter is one year and this fact is eye witnessed by
common peoples ; By analogy , scientists must consensus about the beginning of their measurement - 2 cm in diameter and at
the first year of our teak tree - say the first year is at the developments of star or planet ! Probably the result of the measurement / calculation would almost the same , because those big problem
are quarantined.
To summarize, the new dimensionality relations from (1), (9), and (17):
L = T2
To within all most current experimental error:
h / (munit l unit ) = c = g c 2 / GN = 1 / 4πH0 = α 8 t unit
This model could be described using terms from [5] as a \one (not-so) constant party view". In this
model, the fundamental parameters c, h1, GN, and H0 are derived from α. It restores the idea
of an absolute reference frame for time which is embedded in the very core of these fundamental parameters of physics,
which helps in understanding “the arrow of time", entropy and cosmic inflation. The micro and macro scales of the
universe are limited in magnitude by time in such a way that infinity becomes only a mathematical concept not physically
realized as the universe unfolds.
RESPONSE : Emerging
of God in science
We will open the big problem after we quarantine it, that is , infinity becomes only a mathematical
concept not physically realized as the universe unfolds; Then we will consistent
to name or define it as a “Domain or Wilayah (Ina. Lang.) of the Omniscient
& Omnipotent (DOO)”
Electromagnetic radiation propagates in empty space with the uniform , constant velocity (hereafter
denoted by c). This conclusion can be formulated without taking into account the involved interrelation between magnetic and
electric fields. That is why it is valuable for us, for we can study the transformation properties of this law of propagation
without working out the transformation laws of the field variables .....
It appears that the principle of relativity is incompatible with the laws of electromagnetic radiation,
and therefore with the theory of electromagnetic fields. Attempt to obtain a relativistic quantum theory by quantizing the
electromagnetic field itself have been fairly successful. But all “quantum field theories”suffer from the mathematical
inadequacy that their solutions are always divergent. Thus , there is at present no really satisfactory quantum theory which
is covariant with respect to general coordinate transformations. Quantum phenomena are completely outside the scope of the
general theory of relativity . Wave mechanics is not relativistic, because it cannot dispense with the concept of action at
a distance. Both theory of relativity and quantum theory have made tremendous advance .....
But these advance have brought us face to face with new problems to which
there are no solution at present. It is hard to predict how these difficulties will be overcome, but future theories [ TOE
] will undoubtedly include the best of quantum theory and of relativity ( Einstein’s / P.G. Bergman)
F. Capra :If atomic H is made as big as the biggest
couple in the world , Istiqlal’s ,the proton is as big as a slice of sugar staying in the middle - the electron is only
a dust circling about the couple; all of the entire couple, atom (QM), is empty
space ; Our universe is made of atoms - so the universe (GR) is nearly empty
space too; They are all coming out from the Vacuum; Note that the “ Vacuum” / empty space is involved with the dimension of space & time ; While the Vacuum (V) - from where every thing come from - is without the dimension of space time - which
is covariant with respect to general coordinate transformations; In small scale, (V) and empty space are united - but in large/ whole scale they are apart The Creator and the creation/ universe — And God
is not unseen !! The domain of God = (V) & (Singularity-S); Man must realize that in there — there is no language,
no subject & object, there is no here & there , there is no (ULPs) , (UIC) .... Wofond Mann kan sprache nicht - daruber Mann musz zweigen = If one
can not speak that is why they must silent!
There are some 20 simultaneous equations with 10 unknown quantities. The equations are almost impossible
to solve except in situation where symmetry of energy considerations reduce them to simpler forms. If we ignore the cosmological
constant lambda (which doesn't belong there anyway) and consider free space where the mass tensor is zero, the equations can
be written very simply .... Rik = 0 this is called the vacuum
solution Schwarzschild
used elegant mathematical analysis to produce an exact solution to the equations for an arbitrary spherical body, like a star.
The solution intrigued Einstein greatly because he himself had only been able to arrive at an approximate solution to his
own equations and thought that an exact solution of the equations would never be found. Look at Figure of Horn with the universe
is at the top.
Inflation – It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just
this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us. Then we define ; Inflation is a paradigm, not
law, a description that shared between scientists.
can physics predict the beginning of the universe if all the laws break down at the big bang? → Quantum theory must
be used!
The Facts depend on the Mind
# Just the formulae or Mathematical Model of Schrodinger is some thing that none comparable to
it; If our mind involve in it, the boundary condition -1 would produce Fact-1 , material world; If involving the boundary -2 would produce Fact-2 , the wave.
# The same thing to the construction of the universe: The Boundary condition -1
= MM of Einstein's
General Relativity ;
The Boundary Condition -2 = Quantum Cosmology - No Boundary Proposal (The Willingness of GOD) Producing
the Universe and the Here After = imaginary world = "akhirat"(Arabic Lang.)
Schrodinger - Karlina ; Interwoven of Mind (M){ Software (SW)- Laws (L) - 4Forces/ G,EM, strong,
weak N (4F) - Boundary Condition (BC) - Initial Condition (IC)- Big Mind (BM)} and “Analogy World”(AW) {Hardware
(HW) - Mathematical Model (MM) - Simulation World - Similitude World (SW) - “alam
mitsal” (Arabic lang.)= AW - “Reality outside there”(ROT) -
MM of AW (MMAW) - Simulator (S) - (AEHC) - Equivalent Circuit (EC)} could result
in fact / world.
(HW) |
(SW) |
Analogous Equivalent Human Circuit(AEHC) .. |
. LAWS (L)
4FORCES [=G,EM, strong, weak N](4F)
Boundary Condition (BC)
Initial Condition (IC)
Universal Law of Physics (ULPs)
Universal Initial Conditions (UICs)
True Free Will (TFW) |
= Intellect/ higher abstract, Mind / in human- animal, Spirit/ Roh , Soul/ in material |
(HW)↔ |
(F) |
Cogito ergo Sum I think therefore I am |
←---------→ |
(M) -----------------→ |
= I am |
a Switch |
Algebra (BA)(L)(M) |
Computer |
(HDA) Human |
(AW)=(AEHC) R-C-L series; nθEH
/ QM ; tR = t/n due to BrainMechanisms |
of RCL circuit Also present (BM) eH = ....... {V) |
- Human behavior objectives |
Electrical |
= (EC)
# e, R, C, L loop circuit |
of R-C-L circuit .eE = ..... (I) |
Electrical apparatus |
Mechanical |
# f, RM, CM, MM loop connection |
of Newtonian, Hooke’s, etc
f = .... Eq (II) |
Mechanical apparatus |
Accoustical |
# p, CA, MA, RA |
of physics P
= ...... Eq. (III) |
Sound eqpt. |
Reel Universe |
(SW) |
(L) = Einstein’s 20 eq. With 10 unknown var
= (ULPs) (UIC1) Classics - GN |
our universe |
Imaginary Universe |
(AW)(S) |
= Hawking’s/ “HH” QM Cosmological eq. Quantum; (ULPs) (UIC2) |
Imaginary World in Rosary mode |
God |
; GOD Form= Nothingness(N)=Vacum (V),Energy=
∞;Singularity(S) = Mathematical point, 0 Energy |
God’s Mind (GM) |
The Creator of all |
♦♦♦♦ Formula I,
`e~=~L_E~ di over dt~+~1 over C_E int i`dt~+~R_M~i
f~=~~M_M~dv over dt ~+~ 1 over C_M`int v``dt~+~R_M~i
(II) `p~=~M_A~ dU over
dt~+~1 over C_A int U`dt~+~R_A~U
(III) ~a~
= ~l~ db over dt~+~1 over c ~int b`dt~+~ r~b
(IV) `e_H~=~L_H~ {di_H} over
dt~+~1 over C_H int i_H`dt~+~R_H~i_H (V)
Schrodinger ; “If the force and barriers encountered by each particle are known in the classical
sense for a particular system, my equation can immediately be written down. The
Solution then gives information about the system at all points in space and all times. Wunderbar, ya!” These
are the Schrodinger formulae ; we can introduce its two boundary conditions ;
{8`pi^2`m}over {h^2}~(`E~-~k`{x^2}over{2}``)`u~=~0~~for~linear~oscltr
By the first , BC1 , v = .5 kx2
, resulting in wave E = nhν; and by the second BC2 , v =
Z e2 / (4πε0 r) , results in particles like p = h
/ λ
Infinite small objects; Distribution is only in quanta. (Planck, 1900). In quantum level everything
is complementary pairs. The most general physical properties of any system must
be expressed in complementary pairs of variables, each of which can be better defined only at the expense of the corresponding
loss of the other definition. If the definition is not complete, then they are compatible (Bohr)
The uncertainty principle & Virtual particles; Heisenberg's uncertainty principles states that
there are limits on how accurately we can observe certain physical quantities, such as position, momentum, energy and even
time. This is not a limit on our measuring instrument but inherent characteristic of the universe, which does not reveal any
quantity with absolute precision. 9) (pps.136)
Particle and antiparticle ; one of each pair will have positive energy; the other will have negative
energy; normally the two partners have find each other and when they do, they annihilate one another; Near the event horizon
of a black hole, there will be many pairs of virtual particles. The uncertainty principles in fact predicts that energy can
continuously appear on a scale determined by Planck's constant (which is very small). But by Einstein's equation E=mc2,
this energy can turn into particles and anti-particles, popping in and out of existence. These are called virtual particles
flickering everywhere just below the threshold of observable reality. 9).
Schrὄdinger: The most elegant
form of this language was an equation due to Schrὄdinger, the solution of which - the wave function - determines the behavior of a system particles.10)
In other words, in its application of the mathematical model (MM), the result fact would depend on the boundary condition
(=initial conditions = self desire) applied on those Schrὄdinger's MM:
I. First boundary condition (self desire 1) "certainty" result in matter (p=h/λ)
II. Second boundary condition (self desire 2) "certainty" result in wave (E=nhν);
We have understood that MM itself is "certainty", but would result in either particle or wave is
indefinite ; So, MM with boundary condition 1 result in fact of matter is certainty.
In general and short; MM (=REALITY = certainty) →
the Mind → the Fact; Descartez' "Cogito ergo sum" = I think then I am,
is also a certainty; I → Mind → exist, the fact of our appearance;
In context with the universe: I. MM of the universe → Mind/ classics → real world
II. MM of the universe → Mind/ quantum - No Boundary Proposal → Imaginary world
Scientist , Paul Davies oriented about the Nature’s Law;
asking , where did they come from, who created it ? But , certainly we could list their properties , those are, 1. Universal, exist in where and whence ; 2. Absolute, do not refer to something else;
3. Eternity, having no dimension of space and time , and 4. Authority , all is involved - even God must bow. (L) is UAEA
David Bohm: “ That thinking process is a matter of which we are composed - these are quantum aspect of
= those of the position of particle is analogous to a detailed description of what we are thinking about ∞ x =v.t ∞ q =i.t = CV → From HDA , C is
a power / intellectuals we have & V is problem to be solved therefore CV is analogous to asking for a detailed description
of what we are thinking about; While (2) = particle impulse is analogous to reflection/sharing on some definite objects ∞ p =m.v ∞ impulsive V.δ(t) = l.i → l is differentiated, shared power/ intellectuals & i is problems current, therefore l.i is analogous to reflection/sharing on some definite objects
we are thinking about We write down the equation in MM of Mechanical - Electrical / HDA
△x.△p ≅ h is analogous to HDA △q(=C.V).△Vδ(t)(=l.i) ≅ h
David Bohm confuse about the formula of classical Newton
f = ma & p = mv ( which is the same with p = ∫fdt or = f.δ(t)
) ; But these concepts were wrong in detail, because they suggested that the velocity , rather than the acceleration , was
proportional to the force..
And Imam Ali , 14 century ago had confirmed of “ Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle” with his utterance ; “ When one is asking for
a detailed description of what he is thinking about that ‘s why he will not know whence and where it will be shared
Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. 1)What is it that
breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? . R;
It is the equations = MM= (L)(4F) & (BC1)= Einstein GR & (P) interwoven
with (AW) (SW) resulting in our universe ! 2) The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions
of why there should be a universe for the model to describe....... R: According the above, interwoven of Mind & (AW)
exist (F) = our universe – these existence is due to that God ,the (V) &(BM) wanted its existence to be known that
is why exist interwoven of Mind & (AW) exist (F) creature knowing the existence
of God – ITS Form is (V) ! 3)
Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing? ....... R; Look
at R of 2) ! 4) Is the
unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence? ...... R:
Because those TOE is the only Power for humanity could solve producing development of Life & to live (God desire) , welfare for all , justice , Universal Standard of Humanity / Insan Kamil . 5) Or does it need a creator, and, if so,
does he have any other effect on the universe? And who created him? ....
R: It need ! Interwoven of (Sing)(B)(N)(V) ;GOD Form= Nothingness(N)=Vacum
(V),Energy= ∞;Singularity(S) = Mathematical point, 0 Energy ↔ (BM)=
God’s Mind (GM), resulting (F) The Creator of all ! Who created the (V) ? Of course none !!! 6) Why does the Universe always expanding that would confusing all thing ? R: it is the consequence of the (P) of inflation !! 7) Why does there something either Nothingness? ... R; Because E = mc2 -
quantum fluctuation exist there !
R of Einstein : The answer of those question probably belong to a “DOMAIN” (D) which lies
far away outside the horizon of physical science with their MM ; What we must realize is that those MM probably do not involve
into those such a (D) domain. 8)
Why does the universe obey the Laws ? R: Interwoven of (AW) (SW) with (M)(BC1) (L) = Einstein’s 20 eq. With 10 unknown var = (ULPs) (UIC1) Classics - GN - resulting in our universe ; it means that universe is construction of (L)(M)
that’s why its behavior is obey the Laws (L)
Ų If It exists, God is Omniscient AND Omnipotent ....... Response / R ; OK !
o This implies
uniqueness; thus God, not god(s) ........ R; OK !
Ų Omniscient = Knowledge of "All" ......... R; According to Paul Davies , that Laws (L) having the properties of (UAEA)
; means that (L) are construction/ structure of (M)& (4F); Laws that UAEA
are = Knowledge of "All"
Ų Omnipotent = Control of "All" ....... R; (M) =(L) which is UAEA based on (4F) are Control of "All"
Ų "All" is defined in physics as:
o Universal Laws of Physics (ULPs) ....... R; ULPs = (L) of (4F) & Paradigm (P) of Inflation (Infl) & that which are marginal
o Universal Initial Conditions (UICs) ....... R; (UICs) = UIC1 = (L) of (GR) & UIC2 = (L) of HH - Imaginary
World / Rosary of our Universe
§ Infinite Detail of All Particles’ Information ........ R; (L) of UAEA & (P) = (ULPs) are construction
of (M) & (BM) that is why control of these § !
· Position
· Momentum
o Velocity
o Mass / Energy
Ų If it exists, True Free Will (TFW) is defined such that human decisions actually select and determine possible alternate realities.
For TFW to exist, consciousness and human decisions can’t be pre-determined. ......
R ; For the Universe ; Bohr Situation & Condition 1 (Sicon 1) , for our Universe with (BC1) = Einstein ‘s (GR)
; (TFW) of God (BC2) (HH) , due to God invariant wrt space time , in condition of experiencing it, so God can predict it ! On the problem of “ The second coming of those 2 prophet “ the coming
of Imam Mahdi , King of Justice ; In the XX th century - sicon 1- TFW of the
second coming of King of Justice can’t be predicted either the time & the place; But after we experiencing it, we
witness the “critically stressed” , TOE is complete then capable of explaining
Religions mathematically; It means we get into sicon 2, or we can familiar - know the time also the place.
o Cognitive Neurology combined with Quantum Mechanics (QM) identifies a mechanism (micro-tubules) for randomness to
be linked with consciousness and possibly TFW (Penrose). ....... R; (1) = those of the position of particle is analogous
to a detailed description of what we are thinking about ∞ x =v.t ∞
q =i.t = CV → From HDA , C is a power / intellectuals we have & V is
problem to be solved therefore CV is analogous to asking for a detailed description of what we are thinking about; While (2)
= particle impulse is analogous
to reflection/sharing on some definite objects
∞ p =m.v ∞ impulsive V.δ(t) = l.i → l is differentiated, shared
power/ intellectuals & i is problems current, therefore l.i is
analogous to reflection/sharing on some definite objects we are thinking about
We write down the equation in MM of Mechanical - Electrical / HDA △x.△p
≅ h is analogous to HDA △q(=C.V).△Vδ(t)(=l.i)
≅ h ; Micro - tubules
= synapses cleft of the Neuron of the brain where nero transmitter , ions, going
up & down in the tubules = electrical current !
In a deterministic Universe, when humans derive a Theory of Everything (TOE) and possibly
learn to control the ULPs, the perception of TFW can exist (ie. we can’t predict the
future) because it is, in principle, impossible to know the UICs. ...... R; We can’t predict the future because we
are at sicon 1 (BC1) that is why sicon 2 (BC2) is a blank thing ; Otherwise if we get into or experiencing it , means changing
into the sicon 2 , coming into the contemporary world of Welfare for All ; And
World Islah Enterprise are combat ready - having the competency to solve those problem; UICs of BC2 , we human being impossible
to know it , but after TOE are complete as
: The laws of science contain many fundamental numbers (standard measures) , the remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely
adjusted to make possible the development of life. .. One can take these
either as evidence of a devine purpose in Creation and the choice
of the laws of science or as
support for the strong anthropic principle; All of these means that we
are experiencing God domain = so we could determine it (BC2) !
R: (MMAW) ↔ IC1 →F/Deteiministic (MMAW) ↔ IC2 →F/Deterministic .
“Copenhagen QM” (Random - TFW Possible)
MMAW ↔ BC1,2 → Real & Imaginary World
God’s no dimension of space -time , means, experiencing those two BC, that is why Random TFW is possible !
(Not personal,
(1) OK – Self Consistent
R: OK !
§ A purely natural, scientifically self consistent physical Universe where “God
=ULPs + UICs”
§ QM must be in principle ‘knowable’ at some level of physical law (GRW, Bohm’s
pilot-wave, or hidden-variable theories)
§ Could
be consistent with Tao, Hindu-Buddhist Theology w/o single God mandate
(2) Paradox – Is
God not God ? R:
God - (V) ‘s Energy = ∞
God - (S)’s Energy = 0
Paradox !
A. God can control QM randomness from within UICs and ULPs – see (1)
B. God can control QM randomness from outside UICs and ULPs – see (4)
Implies God must exist apart from the Universe (Exogenous)
If God is not Personal (Life, Consciousness, or Human Centered Purpose)
§ To what end and for what purpose would control be applied?
§ Argument used in support of Atheism
C. God is emergent from within the Universe AND Mankind’s cognitive processes
If cognition is driven by UICs and ULPs – see (1)
If not…
Is QM consciousness and/or emergence of God mediated through micro-tubules?
If so…this is an endogenous verion of (4)
D. QM is purely random – God is neither Omniscient nor Omnipotent – Paradoxical
Argument used in support of Atheism
(Uniquely individual, purposeful God-Man interaction, Benevolent- Exogenous)
(3) Paradox
– What’s the point?
§ God can and does control all human decisions and already knows the outcome(s), so what’s the point? – Paradoxical
§ Argument used in support of Atheism or Naturalism – see
§ God creates ULPs and establishes
§ Implies God sets up the Universe and lets it run for a purpose (ie. a computer program, Wolfram
- NKS)
(4) Questionable
– What’s the price of TFW?
A. God can choose to selectively control human decisions via manipulation of QM and possibly a QM linked consiousness
Creating alternate realities where God (presumably) already knows the
Selectively eliminating TFW –
see (3)
B. Same as
A, except God also chooses not to ‘know the outcome(s)’
Making TFW ‘interesting’ to It/Him/Her (and humans)
God selectively and voluntarily losing some
Omniscience and consequently Omnipotence
Logical for Judeo-Christian or Islamic Theology
Could be consistent with Tao, Hindu-Buddhist Theology w/o single God
As always TOE/ HDA making “Life & to live “ true - good and valid
must be simple & comprehensible to everyone; Therefore we define those three underneath :
True 0 False ; A description which is rational
& empirical is a true description, and the contrary
Good 0 Bad/ charam (Arabic Lang.) : All achievement approaching to the universal unit standard (U0M) or its standard measure ,
it is good , and the contrary
Valid/ Sah (Ina. Lang.) 0 Invalid
/ Batal (Ina. Lang.) ; All praxis, achievement , behavioral objectives which
is False, Bad / Charam must be cancelled because invalid
True science (Classic) & (Quantum) is dealing with Fact (F)
True Fact if it is rational & empirical
(AW) ↔ (BC1) → Fact1 (F1)
(AW) ↔ (BC2) → Fact2 (F2)
It means that there are 2 true facts -
of course in according to their sicon
Such as ; # The Real World & The Imaginary World # Facts that happened now & TFW # Particle & Wave !
Corresponding Principle:
We are familiar with Bohr’s - If the definition of variables are not complete then they are compatible ; Heisenberg’s ▵p x ▵x = h ..... is the same with
Bohr’s , if ▵p & ▵x is not so big - they are compatible; Correspondence
of Classic/ Deterministic & Quantum/ Statistically trend, as always we can
use A = L x W and A ± △A = (L ± △L)x(W ± △W)
Corresponding Principle is the Guidance to Truth:
Example: Schrodinger Cat Description
↔ (M)(BC1) → (F1) Dead Cat
(AW) ↔ (M)(BC2) → (F2) Live Cat
We must show the empirical fact of these description
These are the determination of the first day of a month / Ramadhan ; There are
two facts of the appearance of the small-thin moon → Present & Absent – That is why those two facts are true !!
Taufik Rusdi - the inventer/ discoverer of The HDA Theory;
The response was sponsored by the
World Islah Enterprise. (Islah = upgrade resulting in Peace); September 12 , 2007. Jl. Slamet Riyadi 91 - 93 Solo
HP ; 081802524857
1[*] Measuring synchronous time variation of
multiple fundamental constants is problematic due to the principle of covariance. Time variation per t unit is 1 in α - 8 = 1,2435904532 1017
2[**] Procedural note: in terms of the traditional
dimensionality of L, T, M, Q, the extra time dimensions found are associated with the complex plane.
3[x***] This is an explicit acceleration in terms of dimension and does not
rely on the modified relationship between L and T.
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